Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hezbollah threatens Blair

Speaking in an interview at Hezbollah headquarters in the southern suburbs of Beirut, he (a senior member of Hezbollah’s politburo) said: “Blair is not welcome in Lebanon. I am not speaking on behalf of Hezbollah but all the Lebanese people. They do not want someone who cried crocodile tears to visit their country.

“He is up to his ears in the blood of Lebanese women and children. He is not welcome here. He is a killer. He killed a whole nation, not just individuals,” he said. “What you see around you (the destruction of the southern suburbs) is the result of Blair’s policy. We do not want to see him.”

Hmmm. Sounds like to me that Mr. Hezbeeweenie is trying to impose Hezbooha politics on behalf of all Lebanese. I cannot believe that all Lebanese: (1) are so stupid as to attribute their ills to the UK; (2) believe those responsible for igniting this miserable conflict are anybody but the idiots that kidnapped the Israelis (hence Iran by extension); (3) that Blair's policies had ANYTHING to do with the destruction of the southern Beirut infrastucture; and (4) that the actions of the terrorists are be extension the liability of all Lebanese.

Instead, what we are seeing is a leader of a politically extremist, terrorist organization threatening a leader of a democratically elected western government.

The Lebanese are by and large a pragmatic lot: they want to live well, do a little business to support their lifestyle, trade a little here and there, drink coffee, swim at the seaside.... What they do NOT want to do, the REAL LEBANESE that is, is root around in bunkers shooting off missiles at the Israelis. To great of a risk in having all you have worked for getting blown up, you see. THAT is the way of life of the real Lebanese. What we have here is a bunch of mutants who are inspired to religious fervor and acts of terrorism -- they are most emphatically NOT "Lebanese" in the traditional sense.

This broaches the difficult subject of class warfare -- the Lebanese that I refer to that built the Monte Carlo of the Eastern Med are the educated residents of Beirut of old. They are Marronite Christian, Sunni and Druse. Some Sufis thrown in. The idiots now worshipping Hezboohaa are the Shia group -- largely those who did not have much say in local affairs, until people (shit-stirring agents of Syria and Iran) put weapons in their hands. Also the Palestinians in their camps in the South. The underclass, in short. This underclass is responsible for the civil war that tore Lebanon apart, and are now responsible for dragging the Lebanese people back to the brink of the stone age.

Do you seriously think that the people who struggled to re-create the new Lebanon, the oasis of civilization in that part of the Middle East wanted to bring down the wrath of Israel on themselves. I think not. What they really wanted was to bring Israeli, Arab and western tourists into Lebanon, sell them stuff, induce them to make deposits in Lebanese banks and generally live the good life. That "good life" is strikingly similar to what we of the west perceive as the good life. Not at all what the Shia clerics perceive as the good life ... motive: create a new civil war and rebuild Lebanon in the Islamic Republic mode. Iran wins either way.

Nasty stuff this.


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