Monday, August 07, 2006

Honestly, no bias!!!

Hmmm ... the UN fiddles. You will note that it is Condi Rice that is depicted as "the UN". Since when has the US of A had any sway at the frikkin UN? That hotbed of anti-American thugs, dictators, wanna-be superpowers and moochers. Since when has the UN done anything worthy of note, at least in the positive sense. Of course, the UN sat by and watched genocide in Darfur, Rwanda, Serbia etc. They are good at that.

But the message here is that it is all the Americans' fault. Then go on to read the Fisk story
about how Israel is driving US policy and how "[a] close analysis of the American-French draft - the fingerprints of John Bolton, the US ambassador to the UN, were almost smudging the paragraphs - showed just who is running Washington's Middle East policy: Israel. And one wondered how even Tony Blair would want to associate himself with this nonsense. It made no reference to the obscenely disproportionate violence employed by Israel...." Notice how it is the American-French draft ... since when did the term Franco-American fall into disuse? Anyway, it was the FRENCH who proposed this "solution", Fisk, don't try to insinuate that this was an American driven proposal! Seriously, this guy is an Asshole (caps intended).

Why get so excited about a bigoted, anti-semitic hack? It is because of what this reflects: a coordinated campaign of misinformation designed to make the US look like the global villains. And if people around the world only read this slanted garbage, who can blame them if they start to believe it? Propaganda IS effective. Too many times throughout history has this been proven to be true. Not once in this piece of biased crap did Fisk mention that his pet terrorists continue to rain death on Israel, that the Hizballoonies were the ones that started the mess by kidnapping two soldiers, and that blame for civilian casualties and destruction MUST be laid at Hizb's door for hiding amongst the very civilians they are complaining are being killed.

"There were more Israeli air attacks on Beirut's southern suburbs yesterday - though heaven knows what is left there to destroy - ensuring that even more Shia Muslim civilians will remain refugees. Fearful that the Israelis will bomb their trucks and claim they were carrying missiles, the garbage collectors of this city have abandoned their vehicles and the familiar 1982 stench of burning rubbish now drifts through the evening streets. Petrol is now so scarce that a tank-full yesterday cost £250." TOO DAMN BAD. Cough up your weapons and go home, and Israel will NOT bomb you anymore, won't invade, and will leave you to mind your own business: just don't meddle in Israel's.

Israel has a problem with the Palestinians -- not that anyone alive and sentient over the last, ooooh 50 years, could have missed that. Various times over that 50 years Arab nations have done their best to eliminate Israel. Since most Israelis don't want to die, they fought back. Israel exists and will do its best to continue to do so, no matter what the Fisks of this world would like to tell us. When third parties interfere for their Palestinian brothers -- for the benefit of Islam, the Middle East or your Momma, this is not really productive for anyone. Israel does not want to own Lebanon. At all. It just wants to be free from threat from psychos based there. It wants Gaza to go away -- it gave Gaza back, then in the shortest possible period of time the locals demolished it in local power squabbles. Then, out of the rubble, the locals re-commenced shooting ordnance into Israel, and kidnapped another soldier.

I am not going to say that all the imperialism/colonization etc., of the West Bank is OK. It is not. Where 10% of the population owns 90% of the water -- in a desert, you are going to have a problem. A humanist problem outside of mere politics. And without doubt Israel is chock full of loonies who are as rabidly anti-arab/Palestinian as are the Hizbies and Hamas anti-Israeli. The difference is that Israel, as a state, wants to figure out a way to have everyone have their own space and get on with life. Israel's opponents want only to kill every Israeli.

Say for the moment that it were possible to lift all the Israelis off to some nice piece of land in say ... oh ... Argentina (remember the Argies killed of all the locals right off of the bat when they came over). "New Israel" would, without any reasonable doubt, almost instantly flourish into a productive country. What would happen in the vacated Israel? If Gaza is anything to go by, it would instantly descend into a state of violent anarchy and destruction. Various sects and power groups would launch into full-scale civil war (which our press would tell us is the Jew's fault for not having left this sooner and failing to provide for the future inhabitants etc.) and we'd have Hamas fighting the Hizbies with Syria making a dash for the goodies in Tel Aviv. Egypt would probably scoop some nice Red Sea sea front hotels and take a short holiday.


Blogger Zaphod said...

Then it turns out that the Reuters pix were photoshop enhanced: there was no smoke, but they needed some to support the thesis of the story. So the whole of the cover was bullshit.

Thursday, August 10, 2006 9:24:00 PM  

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