Thursday, August 10, 2006

Whooo - weee

I dont even know where to start. Or even if to start. Some observations:

President Kennedy (the greatest left-icon of all) said, " Americans are steadfast, we will NEVER run away from freedom." Saw that on the History Channel last night and even though I regard the guy as a vote rigging cheat, adulterer and hypocrite, I imagine that he is positively turning in his grave in shame at what the American Democratic Party has become -- remember, it was the GOP who were the isolationists, the cowardly party without morals or spine, only concerned about fame and domestic power. How things change. What would FDR think, or Truman? They'd be ashamed and furious that a bunch of terrorist weenies could so humiliate the US and embarrassed that Americans would turn from the good fight, to assent to the rule of dictators and totalitarians.

Back to the observations ....

1. The people who voted for Ned Lamont in Connecticut are idiots. Useful idiots. Barely has Lieberman taken it on the chin, and we bring down an apocalyptic plot. Precisely the sort of thing that Lamont would minimize, refute, pooh-pooh as being a paranoid fantasy of Lieberman.

AND (this is sooooo tasty) Hills The Great Unindicted has come out and stated that she will, "of course", being supporting the party's candidate in the Connecticut election -- or more precisely she said that she would before it became certain that Lamont would win, and then had to follow through. AND that means, ladies and gents, that this represents the Democratic party (and Hillary) embracing Lamont's views and politics: universal disengagement and "run home and stick our heads in the sand" and surrender-monkeyism. It means negotiate with the Hizboweenies and concede their right to conduct terrorist operations, the legitmacy of the Iran-shia inspired insurgency, and the wholesale murder of Israelis ... make no mistake about this, it means casting your lot with the true anti-semites!!!

So where does this leave the liberal Jewish voter in this country? A simple decision, really: vote Democrat to support the extinction of Eretz Israel or vote for a Republican. Vote Democract to make the greatest self-hating and nihilistic statement possible. Because that is what this has become.

2. The nay-sayers and civil libertarians (bleeding heart PC pinkos) have taken one to the kisser. Of course, they are going to blame the administration, blame the support for Israel (anti-semitic beliefs are, apparently, PC -- and make no mistake, Israel is a JEWISH state, so to accept its demise is inherently anti-semitic) -- blame everyone but their own wishy-washy response and refusal to acknowledge that there might be some people out there that they tacitly support who want to kill them. Who want to demolish their way of life, to deprive them of their very ability to voice PC insanities.

3. If not for the enhanced abilities of the UK anti-terrorist services to monitor, surveil, snoop and spy, we'd have 5 or more airliners in the drink with thousands of deaths. Or put another way, the US would most likely have bungled it: not because we are idiots, but because our hands are tied by the niceties of the Constitution and the restrictions placed on the Executive Branch by Congress and the Judicial Branch. Our greatest strength in terms of a democracy is also our greatest weakness is terms of defending our borders. And remember the brou-haha stirred up by the NY Times, Washington Post and Democrats concerning the NSA/US monitoring of domestic terror suspects? The Brits can do that without the usual red tape forced in the US -- red tape and leaks from various committees being all the better for blue state politicians to grandstand and scare people into what might happen if those dastardly Republicans get to watch over your shoulder. You see, while Republicans scare voters about terror -- at least according to the DNC party line -- the DNC and its minions scare voters about Big Brother and loss of civil liberties (after all we don't want the Feds to bust our little pot farm in the back shed, or search our houses for stolen goods do we?).

4. People are NOT going to get the message from this: it would have taken a few thousand more deaths for the great American population to really get it (in the words of the President today): we are at war with Islamic Fascists. Instead, they will minimize this, return to partisan politics, return to sniping at the current administration in any way possible, irrespective of how damaging some of those policies may be. Count on it. And the NY Times will find a way of criticizing the handling of this and why it was our fault in the first place.

5. This is fantastic news for those of us who are tired of butt-heads who insist in packing for a two week vacation in their carry-on luggage! And those people who place their carry-ons over your head in the front when they sit in the back. Those people who carry bricks in the satchels. From now on, we all have to wait at baggage claim, so stop pushing, stop whining and take your time ... you are going nowhere anyway.

Might this not also hasten the return of the ocean liner? And trains? Sure those are potential terrorist targets, but far harder to do serious damage to with just a wee bit of nitro. And wouldn't you rather take the train and relax than face airport screening to come?

6. Europe should be even more concerned than the US. We know that the Islamo-fascists want to kill us. But this is yet another example of home grown psychos on the loose. France and England ... be very afraid. And France, this is NOT a reason to suddenly side with Hizbollah or Iran or Hamas: they cannot be bought except with your demise. They do not want your friendship, they want you dead. Yes you, Frenchy, ... dead.


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