Friday, January 19, 2007

Barack HUSSEIN Obama

Latest news out is the the Clinton campaign has done some "interesting" due diligence on Mr. Obama. You see, Barack spent a considerable protion of his youth abroad in Indonesia -- from ages 6 through 10. Not a big deal, his first book told us that. But did you know that he was educated at a Mulsim madrassa? For those that do not know, a madrassa is a RELIGIOUS school, not very different from a parochial school, you know with Penguins walking around, etc.

So what, you may ask? Isn't Barack a Christian? Doesn't he go to church every now and then? Yes, he does. But he has not exactly been very honest with us, has he? He did not exactly highlight the fact that his father and step father were both practicing Muslims and that he was a practicing Muslim for at least the first 10 years of his life too.

It would not be PC of me to go to religion per se, instead it would be better to focus on the dishonesty factor. OK. Hmmm. Ahhhh. So I did that. Now back to the religious factor. This is very probably not relevant at all to Obama, but friends, it IS true that there is about 1.1 billion Muslims in this world. And it is also true that not all Muslims are bent on the annihilation of us Western Christians and Jews, etc.... But in the last 20 years, 99% of all terrorist actions against us have been committed by Muslims. By "us" I mean primarily the US -- although the UK has had a VERY few IRA incidents, and ETA has been pretty quiet until last week against Spain.

That is, as far as "we" are concerned, not all Muslims are terrorists, but all the terrorists have been Muslim. Consider, if but 10% of those 1.1 billion Muslims are radicalized, that means there are 110 million people walking about this planet that would like to kill you and me because we exist. And they are out-breeding us by many multiples, creating yet more that want to kill us. Worse, the ones that are the most fecund are those that are the most fundamental, that is, radicalized.

And Saudi Arabia continues to fund the radical Wahabi version of Sunni Islam, which the primary generator of terrorists with regards to the West. Billions of dollars per year in funding a particularly virulent brand of Islam. Some of it right to CAIR the Council on American-Islamic Relations. By virtue of the very fact that it is funded by Wahabi Saudis, we can be SURE that they mean us no good and they are the spokespeople for Islamic concerns in the US -- or at least they try to be. CAIR has long term goals of Islam as the dominant religion in the US ... a US ruled by Shari'a. Not too great a goal for women's rights, I'd say. But we'd empty the prisons fast!!

Notice that I am not including within the great global terrorism stakes the assholes prancing around in the bush in South America ... sorry to say, but they still believe in Mao and stuff like that -- sort of the tooth fairy sydrome. Though the notion that they have oil and can use the money to screw with us is very real: look at Chavez in Venezuela.

Where was I? Oh, yes ... Obama. Is he nuts? Does he think that when this gets out that he stands a snowball's hope in hell of getting elected? Hillary must be perplexed at how to use this information. Too much pushing and she looks shrill and a dirt digger (exactly), but she can afford to call him on it -- using the honesty ploy, because she would NEVER bring up religion ... would she?

AND WHAT IF THIS IS ALL JUST A DIRTY TRICK??? A trick to smear Obama from inside the Clinton campaign? Or a down-and-dirty ploy by Obama's campaign to smear Hillary's campaign? An invention of blogsphere?


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