Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Royal screw up

Sego Royal, the socialist candidate for the French presidency managed to put her foot in her mouth again. Right up to her knee.

So the head of the Parti Quebecoiswas in Paris doing the rounds with his French mentors and he met with Sego, the darling of the liberal left. During this meeting, Sego spoke of “common values, namely the freedom and sovereignty of Quebec”. Parse that, if you will. I get " Quebec needs its freedom from anglophone Canada and France backs that position.

So once again, Sego has let slip the true agenda of the French left and her own imperial aspirations. Or royal ones....

In case you forgot, she is not only a super europhile, advocating a French-led core group of assimilation nations. She is also rabidly anti-American: "thank you for being so frank. I agree with a lot of the things you have said, notably your analysis of the US” (in reply to a Hezbollah MP who had denounced “unlimited American insanity” and compared Israel to Nazi Germany).

Not even the French deserve that. Though if they vote for her, I will rank that miscue above even the adventures of Dubbya Bush. Imagine if you are one of her supporters -- a daily dose of humiliation.


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