Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Boston Globe -- Dog Poop

Seriously, its just a left-wing political rag. Garbage. Too skanked to wipe my butt with. Which leads to the obvious question ... why? Why this particular rant?

Nicolas Sarkozy -- the sitting French President decided to take his annual holiday -- in New Hampshire!! Lake Winnipesaukee to be exact. And why not? But this action is causing near riots in political circles in France and throughout Europe. The Head of State of France, long the thorn in the side of the US, has chosen to take his precious (and in France, holidays are next to sacred) time off in the US of A. Not even in some lefty-haven like Martha's Vineyard, or California ... or scenic like Wyoming ... or even exotic like Hawaii, but in some lake area 2 hours North of Boston. And about 2 hours from Kennebunkport, Dubbya's summer retreat. This is starkly unbelievable -- remember that Chirac walked out of high level diplomatic meetings merely because one of his ministers decided to speak English so that everyone could understand him. Remember that France invariably votes against what ever initiative that the US proposes. That France sold exocet missiles to the Argentines when they were at war with Britain. Than France was involved to the tune of $20 billion in contracts with Saddam's government at the time of suposed sanctions. Force de Frappe. The European way. The center of the cultural universe.

Yet, Sarko decided that a nice lakefront house, with jet skis, clean water, decent restaurants (by non-NYC US standards), great weather was just the ticket. Lead by example: the Americans and America is not the Great Satan it cracked up to be. And don't forget, he can go shopping at the New Hampshire outlets in North Conway, or Tilton where his Euros will be able to fill his suitcases with Ralph Lauren, Tommy, Levis etc. for chump change. The jeans that cost north of $120 in France will set him back $30.

But the real point is this: our lefty news media has completely ignored this simple story that is shaking the political balance in Europe to its roots. It is not some simple holiday in their eyes. It something far, far more important. Sarko is telling France (and hence all the other lefties in Europe) that the American model of hard work, long hours, and flexibility is where he intends lead France -- and if he gets the chance, the EU. Does the Globe -- which is only interested in denigrating the US and by extension its Administration (and vice-versa) -- choose to cover this? Look at their website and hunt away. If Bill Clinton was taking his bride to Winni, there would be front page, non-stop coverage. Yet, when one of the three most powerful men in Europe visit, it is a footnote? Just because they fear that in some way his visit might reflect positively on Boosh? Have we totally lost our reason and perspective?

Start a trend: cancel your subscription to the Globe. Buy the English language Figaro of Paris instead.


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