Monday, July 23, 2007


Latest polls out show that Borok Obummer is falling behind the great unindicted, Hillary. Should be interesting tonight during the debate as John Edwards attempts to show that he is more of a man than Hills. John, ... sorry to inform you but your wife is right: Hills has a bigger pair than yours. And those are not boobs.

Interesting thought posited to me last night by the proprietor/purveyor of "Lou's House of Pain": if Borok is defeated by Hills, will there be some racial tension? Let's think about this: the Dems are the party of the blacks, hispanics, and various other assorted minorities, or at least that is what they are telling those groups. Women cannot be regarded as a minority group -- but perhaps a "protected class" in Constitutional terms. So is the Democratic party the party of protected classes, or a part of diversity? 'Cause, if Barak Hussein fails to get the nomination, it sort of shows that "we just want your votes, not to actually have blacks participate in the highest level of government."

Is it the "trust us with your votes, but don't apply for the position" party? Is it the "blacks, hispanics and women, they are all the same ... so vote for Hillary" party? It it the "by the way, ignore the fact that she is a Washington insider, and for all intents and purposes is just another white, male politico" party?

The thought of Bill walking into the White House, jumping up on the bed, kicking off his shoes, proclaiming, "it's good to be home" make me positively retch in alarm and disgust. Perhaps Bill and Hillary will bring back all the stuff they purloined from the 'House in 2000 when they left. Or is it another trip to the furniture store for the Clintons?

You know, I have heard that Hillary is incredibly hard working, an adept political animal who knows how to work the seams to get things done. That she is capable, earnest and tough. For those who have told me this ... so the f@@k what? I am meant to feel warm and fuzzy that she will work hard and diligently to pick my pockets clean? That she will get things done in Congress -- the bulk of which will only serve to make my lot worse with no measurable benefit to the people this pillaging is being done in the name of?

Does she have the testicular fortitude to send in the bombers and troops? Whoa, isn't that a Democrat problem with Boosh -- the AWOL chap who never fought himself? And what exactly has Hillary done to justify her authority to preside over the most powerful military on Earth? Does she have any idea as to the meaning of "projection of power" ... in the military sense? Or is her skill in padding the billable hour at the Rose Law Firm ad qualification? Or her undoubted prowess is trading futures by reading the WSJ? This starts to sound like Kim Jong-il's list of accomplishments. Sure she was elected Senator for ... NEW YORK, probably the only place outside of Massachusetts that such a carpet bagger could get elected. Now we just forget that inconvenient fact and focus on her "admirable" Senate record?

Is she smart? Yes. Is she capable? Yes. Is she very scary to anyone who can think beyond their emotional instincts? Very. Hillary talks about the Great Right-Wing Conspiracy ... funny, that. All I can see is a Great Left Wing Smoke and Mirrors Show. It is Hillary that is behind the curtain, folks. Remember that. Remember what she has stood for in the past. Remember.


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