Monday, July 16, 2007

Not Earth Shattering, but.... High Court Idiots.

The UK High Court has once again showed that it is populated with persons that could not find their butt-holes in broad daylight with both hands....

So there is this 16 year old girl, see? She went to the US of A and came home with a ring, right? A silly little silver ring with the inscription: "Thes 4:3". Now, some of us that might have read the Bible might recognize this, but others may not. At any rate, this ring is called a "Purity Ring." It signifies the desire of the wearer to remain "pure" until marriage -- not have sex until then. Abstinence. In this age of nasty STDs, I'd have thought that this might be a laudable (however boring) goal. It is also emphatically a CHRISTIAN thing, hence the inscription.

The High Court has upheld the ban by the girl's school from allowing her to wear this ring. OK, if that was it, I'd say that your High Court has decided that religious expression was inappropriate in school. Fine. But that is NOT the case.

The High Court are being consistent with the hypocritical, cowering, Islamophilic, toadying leftist scum suckers that pass for left wing politicians throughout Europe. You see, "the school had allowed Muslim and Sikh pupils to wear headscarfs and religious bracelets."(London Times).

The High Court's rationale was that the ring was "not a proper religious symbol." Are they serious? 1 Thessalonians 4:3 reads, "[f]or this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality." The last part has alternatively been translated as "abstain from": (1) fornication; (2) lewdness; (3) desires of he flesh; and (4) whoredom. It is widely interpreted as a ban from sexual congress before marriage -- this is one of the key passages in the Bible supporting the Christian chastity.Lydia Playfoot: Teenage girl loses chastity ring court fight

So how does this differ as a religious expression from a Hijab, or Sikh turban? Or other relgious crap that is allowed? Clearly, the school is full of fucking idiots (appropriate, don't you think?) that they even banned the ring in the first place, but the High Court has exposed itself as a bunch of leftist, Islamo-apologist wankers. "Not a proper religious symbol" ... indeed. You morons wouldn't know a "proper religious symbol" even when the Muslim terrorist detonates their religious symbol under your miserable, hypocritical asses and blows you to wherever you reckon you may be headed for (if you are Church of England, Rat-man has told you where you are going).

Worse yet, is this: where is the outrage? Where is the common man or woman in the UK who would have not stood against this sort of idiocy in the past? Is this a sign of the moral decline, the base indifference that Britain has descended to? You may laugh at the US with all of the fundamental Christian loonies here, but that would not happen here. Don't you Brits realize that this is chipping away at your heritage? Your rights as John Bull? If you don't see this and act on this, then you are no better than the surrender monkeys across the Channel. Or should I say La Manche?

And what should we learn from this in the US? If Hillary gets into office, this sort of crap will become common place. The "secular-progressive" camp are exactly in this sort of game. Every possible weirdness from fringe groups will be allowed their expression (just so long as they are perceived as being potential Democrat voters) and Red State Christians? Well, expect the end of "In God We Trust."

That being said, you Christian loonies would do well from abstaining from the teaching of "Creation Science," etc. You are only inviting the wrath of anyone that might not be dentally challenged, under 200 lbs. and more than room temperature intelligence.


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