Monday, November 26, 2007

Random thoughts

You know, I have just been re-reading Lord Monckton's response to the Fourth and final (hahahah) IPCC report on Global Warming. See for yourself (and I mean READ it, you lazy surface skimming web-louse):

OR download the pdf -- you can google to get the correct URL.

What "gets" me is that Monckton is so clear and concise, his writing is so devoid of any "froofrah" surplusage, that I am (naively) astounded that this has not received more press coverage. But then this proves -- given the clarity of the analysis by Monckton -- that the press is entirely corrupt and politically motivated ... morally bankrupt.

You see, it is pellucidly clear that we are being taken for a load of idiots in the framework of the political crisis that is "global warming." Lenin's useful idiots. It is only too easy to state the horrors of Algore's fantasies as fact, widely accepted by Blue Staters everywhere as the inevitable future. Trouble is that Red Staters are too ignorant of the truth to refute the pap fed to them by the news media. Ugh.

If we suddenly (however improbable) see 5 years of declining temperatures and devastating snows across the Northern Hemisphere, we will see two groups of people: those who "never really believed it (global warming) in the first place" and those who will be pointing to this period as an anomaly that proves their truth. The sanctimonious who currently assert to me that the fact of global warming is incontrovertible -- they will likely fall into the first group and point to my professed environmental activism as proof that I, not they, were part of the panic stricken idiots. I want everyone to have to take a census-like vote, to go down on their permanent records of how they come out on this issue -- right now.

There is every reason to want to protect our environment. It is a good thing. We do need to cut out our oil habit. We need to find alternative sources of energy -- to grow as a society. To leave our children and their children a clean Earth to enjoy. Not because central Georgia will shortly become the seafront property in Algore's vision. It simply makes sense. I'd rather have a wind turbine in my yard and solar panels on my roof that see Ahmad drive around in a Bentley paid for by my oil dollars. Ahmad ... plant your lips on my nether eye.

Hil-liar: according to Drudge, she's a dyke. So what? I really could not care less, at least with regard to her sexuality, although it does make Bill's position all the more pitiful. Imagine being the "most powerful man on Earth" and have to resort having some little strumpet clean your whistle as your ersatz relationship. Pathetic, really.

But if true, this allegation also points out a duplicity that is simply breathtaking: how could this play out un-commented, hidden, unseen for so long? And have the Liar parade her family as her support network, her means to remain in touch with the common citizen? And, not only does this speak ill of her character to become President, it speaks extraordinarily ill of the media. They have to know. They do know. Something like this could be the straw that breaks the camel's back of media credibility, the something that causes de-facto revolution in the United States. A social revolution. And it would not be pretty -- because the VAST overwhelming majority of Americans would not like this one bit.

Mr Union-man, life-long Democrat, would look at this and be disgusted. He is not diverse, nor does he care to become diverse -- or tolerant for that matter. Mrs Church-goer ... she cheats on her husband ... with a woman. 'Nuff said. Soccer-mom, ditto. And unfairly, the whole Democratic Party would be tarred with the same brush. Actually, I'd love to see Nancy Pelosi tarred in any which way it could be arranged, feathers optional.

For me, personally, if the allegation is true, I just wish that she had come "out" after Bill embarrassed her for the umpteeth time and run her Senate campaign as what she might be and onwards. I could more easily vote for her wearing true colors than the farce she currently represents. Which reminds me, what does she represent? Anyone? Bueller?



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