Thursday, February 14, 2008

HIllary -- "Experience"

Yes, indeed ... think about her experience closely:

1. Health Care Reform -- her failed efforts cost the tax payer millions (maybe as high as $15 million) with zero result. In drafting and back room bargaining, she threatened to "demonize" anyone that opposed it (not a rumor -- affirmed by Bill Bradley and Pat Moynahan). Congress refused to even bring it to a vote. It so irritated the voting public that in the first election thereafter, the Democrats lost both the House and the Senate ... remember Newt?

2. Hillary launched the crusade for the first female US Attorney General. Her first selection was Kimba Wood (S.D.N.Y. Federal District Court judge and hell to be in front of, although a good jurist). Kimba (who was also "hot"), had the unfortunate habit of hiring illegal nannies. Zoe Baird, the second choice and another Federal District Court judge, went down to more or less the same problem: a habit of violating Federal Law. Then Hillary "hit" upon Janet Reno. Bill has described her as "his worst mistake." Reno ... remember Waco? Remember selective enforcement of tax and other laws against Republican enemies of Bill 'n' Hill? Janet rent-an-investigation Reno? Bravo, Hillary ... if this is the quality and caliber of candidate we can expect out of your White House -- leave me alone.

3. More on her staff: remember her former law partners? Webster Hubbell, Vince Foster, and Bill Kennedy? They went to Justice, the White House and the Treasury. Kennedy was forced out for ethical questions, Hubbell went to prison (cute, given that he was in the "Justice Department") and Foster ... supposedly committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head (although the official autopsy stated that he stuck a gun in his mouth). There were also inconsistencies in the way the body was found -- it must have been moved, but by whom -- and most importantly, Foster's files and personal papers were first subject to the Clinton's evidence laundromat before responsible (or neutral) law enforcement personnel could take charge to try and determine motive or cause. What may have been shredded there, one wonders? Thanks, Hill.

4. Gads, what about Lani Guanier for Civil Rights Commission? Radcliffe and Yale (not too dissimilar to Wellesley and Yale), NAACP, Carter Admin Civil Rights Div. (that should probably have disqualified her on the spot). Sounds good, right? Not really: you see, Guano supports pure racial quotas -- not affirmative action -- quotas. No matter how inappropriate, you gotta have so many black, so many hispanics, so many women, etc. for practically everything. That stand really goes against the idea of "one (wo)man, one vote." But this seemed in contradiction to her published material on "fair play," but on closer examination, the fair play was qualified by "fair play so long as the rules are fair." And she wanted to determine what the rules are. Even hyper-liberal Ted Kennedy went to Bill and said she had to go. Notably, the only African-American serving in the Senate at that time (Carol Moseley-Braun) also recommended against Lani Guanier. Contrary to Hil-liar's posturing about the great Conservative Conspiracy, the Liberals were against her too: far too left for them, even.

5. More personnel scandal ... Hil-liar initiated what became known as "Travelgate." Most Democrats call this an invented scandal, but are equally unfamiliar with the facts: Hil-liar fired the entire White House Travel Office to make slots for her friends the Thomasons from ... Little Rock, operating essentially as subcontractors. And to who millions in travel contracts could be awarded. Further, just to seal the deal and deflect any smell of favoritism, Hil-liar reported the fired personnel to the FBI for gross mismanagement. See? She had a reason to clean house. But in reality, after an investigation lasting two years (and costing how much?), only one of the people summarily sacked was chargeable with a crime: comingling personal and White House revenues through cashing checks. A jury acquitted him in under two hours. So let's see, favoritism (check), ruining people's lives (check), lying about cause (check), trying to pay back political favors (check). Par for Hil-liar.

6. Filegate: or how do 900 FBI files of the Clinton's enemies wind up being perused by Bill and Hill for bedtime reading? Do you suppose that they might have "gotten off" reading secret and confidential information assembled by the United State's own internal KGB on their enemies? I have already chronicled how the Clintons treat their foes. Turn out that Craig Livingstone, the Director of White House Security was hired by Hil-liar had requested the files. Ken Starr's organization found insufficient evidence that Hil-liar had requested the files ... nobody said that Hil-liar would send a memo requesting them!! And Livingstone wasn't going to talk, who wanted to end up like Ron Brown or Vince Foster? Better to go to Club Fed like some of Hil-liar's other confederates. The FBI shut down its White House liason office shortly thereafter, some 30 years after opening said office. It might have been that they perceived it as too great a risk to the Bureau.

7. Whitewater. A failed real estate sweetheart deal. Also costing over $80 million in taxpayer money to investigate, and which ultimately led to a stained blue dress. It also led to the spectacle of the President of the United State lying to a Grand Jury and the American Public: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Uh, huh. And the stain? Not your DNA or planted there by the Great Right Wing conspiracy. But Hil-liar was in charge of the cover-up: she refused to hand over the Whitewater documents. She handled all of Bill's other women and their claims (and which he ultimately perjured himself as per Paula Jones), publicly calling them liars and gold diggers ... remember Jen Flowers?

8. Faulty Memory redux: how did Hil-liar avoid indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice when she claimed "I don't recall", "I have no memory", "I have no recollection" 56 times under oath? She has a famously good memory -- or is she admitting to early-onset Alzheimer's which would tend to exclude her from consideration in the Primary? Anyone else would have been sent to trial to let a jury of her peers decide whether she could or could not recollect. And just how DID those Rose law firm billing records teleport themselves to Hil-liar's coffee table the very day after the statute of limitations ran with regards to potential crimes connected to those records?

9. Buy-a-pardon. Before you lefties start in with "everyone did that" ... not they did not. At no point in the last 100 years were pardons for crimes so available as in the Clinton White House. And no President, ever, signed pardons with 7 minutes to go before the new President was sworn in. Marc Rich, anyone? Famous tax exile and contributor to Clinton financial enterpises? Or, how about the long term plans for Hil-liar's ascent to the Presidency ... gotta get to the Senate first, so we need to move to New York. The Hispanic vote is available for FALN pardons, and let's see what we can do for the Hassidim too?

10. The move to Chatttaqua ... or Bekins-gate: when you are the President and First Lady, all those trinkets given to you are not really yours. They are the property of the American People and you get to use them while you are in office. Bill and Hill decided to make off with over $200,000 worth of trinkets and gifts amassed in their White House days. All the better to feather your nest with before you start ....

11. Carpetbagging. Let's move to a State we have never lived in, buy some Yankees hats and run for office. Because the Liberal Manhattan loonies are about the only people (thoroughly brainwashed by the in-house Clinton news rag, the New York Times) who might conceivably elect you.

12. Shed a tear in '02. Rick Lazio "bullied" Hil-liar, by picking on her during debates and in the press. A poor, wronged woman trying to carry on her "work" by representing the people of the Empire State. But it looks to me that she was more than competent to defend herself, given her previous 8 years as Bill's hatchet-person.

And today we cannot even get at the internal White House records of the Clinton years from the National Archive -- Bill asked that they be sealed before leaving office. It would be interesting to read some of those memos. But if Hil-liar gets to be President, do you think that we will EVER see those papers? Hmmm? How about a fire that ravages them?


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