Thursday, April 09, 2009

Foreign Blunders

Mr. Obama came back from the G-20 having achieved nothing. Absolutely nothing. He tried to get commitments from our "allies" to support the Afghanistan effort. Nothing there either. So, in effect out President was shown the door by everyone, except Turkey. Turkey was only too pleased to have Obama come and kiss their Turkish, claiming that there is no war on Islam, than the "War on Terror" doesn't exist -- or won't be called that anymore.

Obama, then, proved to be the doormat that everyone had hoped -- in stark contrast to Boosh, whom everyone called an idiot. Much better for business to have a weak President in the White House.

Weak? Yes. North Korea thumbed their noses at us. The Pakistanis thumbed their noses at us and ... Somali pirates seized or attempted to seize a U.S. flagged vessel on the high seas. Sure, you may say, lots of countries have had vessels seized ... but that is a reflection of the fact that most of those countries are surrender monkeys or didn't have the means with which to fight back. Even the Russians paid the ransom for their tanks and stuff (how embarrassing to get caught shipping weapons to people that clearly don't need or should have those things).

The last time U.S. ships were seized by pirates, the U.S. Navy was created. And the U.S. Navy proceeded to kick ass ever since. U.S. able bodied seamen fought off the pirates on the Maersk Alabama, resulting in only their Captain hostage to pirates. That by itself is unique. But the affront shows that raggies in speedboats no longer have respect for the U.S. flag hanging from the stern of a ship. That is, they know that the U.S.. President is a surrender monkey. Could be French, for all I know.

There is only one possible acceptable result to this attempted hijacking: Somalis swinging from the yardarm of a U.S. naval vessel. Or at least its equivalent. But knowing Obama, he'd probably send the pirates to Kenya (as others have done -- and it is his "hometown" anyway or Chicago, depending on whom you listen to Alan Keyes, anyone?), and in Kenya, the "poor pirates, driven by greedy factory ships from their fishing grounds" will be set free.

They are pirates not because their fish are gone (if indeed that is so), it is because, cowardly Western nations pay them millions of dollars in ransom on a regular basis. THAT is a powerful incentive. Liberals are always looking for the excuse for the poor and the violence they are surrounded by: look, when is the last time you saw poor Budhist pirates? Or Budhist gang-bangers on the streets of L.A.? It is not poverty that is the genesis of violence, it is the culture. The two most pirate-prone societies on Earth (at least currently) are the peoples of East Africa and Indonesia. They are also overwhelmingly Muslim. Are all the Muslims pirates? Of course not. Are all the pirates Muslim?

And to that end, we seem to be as revoltingly weak as the Europeans that paid tribute to the Algerian Corsairs 200 years ago. It was the fledgling democracy of the United States that stopped it. Maybe the demise of democracy in the United States is consistent with the demise of moral fortitude and why Obama could even get elected. Did you know his next piece of socialism is the blanket grant of amnesty to illegals ... so that they can vote? Do you not imagine that 11 million illegals would, if they could, vote for Obama and his socialist policies, thereby perpetuating this disaster?

Before a reader wets his or her pants wondering how we could stop this piracy anyway, and its not our fault ... know this: the U.S. Navy can track a school of shrimp in the ocean at a remove of many miles. Our subs can sit 100 yards from the stern of Russian "boomers" for weeks without being detected. We can track every pirate mother ship leaving the coast of East Africa, and when proven hostile, we can blow them out of the water. If we made an example or two, I'd imagine they'd go back to fishing, suddenly having found hidden resources.


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