Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ACORN -- the tip of the iceberg.

PLEASE -- at least read the information contained at the link at the bottom of this blog!!!
The media refuse to acknowledge that ACORN might just be a vast criminal organization -- think something like RICO. CBS / NBC / ABC won't even dignify the fact that three urban ACORN offices have been caught on tape helping out a pimp and a ho to set up a nice local business -- tax free and with government-guaranteed bank loans (performance art).

On many levels this disturbs me.

1. ACORN is apparently organized to provide information to encourage its constituency to evade taxes. As in "felony tax evasion." The clear implication is that non-ACORN folks are the ones who need / should pay taxes to provide government services to the country as a whole. But if you are with "us," then not.

2. ACORN clearly advocates violation of local laws (prostitution within the States outside of Federal territory is not a Federal offense -- at least not that I know of) -- contributing to the sense of lawlessness in the communities that ACORN serves. How can a society clean up its act when its leaders allow women to sell themselves within the heart of the community?

3. ACORN has consistency through its offices: voter registration fraud by ACORN has been heavily documented throughout the United States, and now pimp/ho tax evasion and fraud -- don't forget they were trying to secure government sponsored loans (to import underage girls from abroad) by misrepresentation and outright lies.

4. While prostitution perhaps should be regulated for health reasons -- though by no means could ACORN be viewed as assisting in this -- the importation of underage girls from abroad -- teen or younger sex slaves -- is so beyond the pale that it is hard to conceive that this is not a national scandal. And yet ACORN employees did not blink at the concept. And not just in one office, either.

5. ACORN is set to receive billions of dollars -- our tax dollars -- from Obama / Pelosi / Reid. If Obama can step into the conflict between a Cambridge police officer and a Harvard blow-bag, perhaps he could ensure that voter fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy to defraud the government doesn't occur in the organization his administration supports. In organizations where he claims his political roots. Can you imagine if this were some Republican-leaning religious group? Would ABC/NBC/CBS be all over this? Would it not be front page news in the New York Times?

6. Obama calls Kanye West a "jackass" because he crashed some stupid award ceremony ... but he is silent about this? Sure mass media is in the Obama-bag ... they are looking to the White House for guidance as to what propaganda to broadcast. So why don't we hear anything?

7. The Census Bureau just cut its ties with ACORN. Today. What in hell was a government agency doing with them in the first place given their documented fraudulent conduct in voter registration?

And we would all be complete idiots if we did not recognize that ACORN is probably just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these "grass roots" organizations. Obama wants us all to give to community service -- our time and money. Obama wants to set up a civil army (oxymoron?) where all youth are passed through these community service set-ups ... why? I don't buy the argument "for the national good," since there is no evidence that anything from Obama is for the national good. Rather everything seems to be for the good of the Democrat electorate, for those who receive taxes and do not pay them. To indoctrinate and brainwash an admittedly ignorant American youth.

What follows is critical:

Do yourself a favor. Google "Saul Alinsky." Read the usual leftist-edited Wiki on him. Read between the lines. Then read some other stuff, particularly the Tom Hayden article at

Don't stop there if you doubt who Alinsky was and what he represented -- there's lots to read.

Then understand that Obama is an acolyte of Alinksy. The Washington Post and Newsweek have both documented this: Obama learned and taught the Alinsky method of community organizing in Chicago. Alinksy. NPR has tape on it ... they are proud of their President's radical / Marxist roots. If you learn about Alinksy, understand that Obama is a disciple ... and the rest of the mess we are in as a country will suddenly make sense.

Oh shit.


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