Friday, February 12, 2010

Iraq Obama's Greatest Triumph

If you listen to Joe Biden, that is.
"I am very optimistic about -- about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government. 
I spent -- I've been there 17 times now. I go about every two months -- three months. I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society. It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences."
 And that is the Spin from the West Wing.  The only trouble is GPAT Obama has a rather lengthy record of saying that the Boosh surge was all wrong.

Note that here -- before becoming POTUS, he manages to look at the camera, though the message seems like a recital.

Which sort of brings us to his next greatest triumph ... a nuclear Iran. Let's talk with them! Let's meet with them!  Let's show them we are decent people!  Let's get the Russians involved. Let's get the Chinese involved. Let's apply sanctions!

Barry, you are so wet behind the ears, its embarrassing. It is Jimmy Carter all over again, except the stakes are higher. Ahmadinejad is a pathological liar, a member of the Al Quds branch of the fanatical Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.  These are crazies who assembled human minefield clearance squads, the ones responsible for arming Hamas and Hezbollah. You think that he gives even a rat's fart for what GPAT Barry-O thinks?

Russians sell them gasoline. That make money, and lots of it. Nothing in the Russian makeup gives rise to the belief that various politicians in Moscow and the territories are adverse to making a few rubles. A nuclear Iran does not bother them. Nor does it bother the Chinese ... nuke a city or two and you provide a jobs program for a few hundred million.  Furthermore, the Chinese have their greasy paws on long term Iranian oil contracts.

The U.N.? Since when have U.N. sanctions worked anywhere? North Korea? The most heavily sanctioned country on Earth? They have a fine nuclear program, thank you.

So what are you going to do Barry, now that the gig is up? You have told us that the concept of a nuclear Iran is "intolerable." Really? "It will not stand." Really? And if the truth be told, there is not a hell of a lot you can do.  It is time to lead, Barry ... so put up or shut up.



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