Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Auntie Should Go Home

As we all know by know, Obama's Auntie Zeituni was granted asylum. The White House says that they had nothing to do with it. I say ... bullshit.

Let's consider a Federal Judge, busily engaged in letting crimigrants stay and kicking Aussies, Kiwis and Europeans (like my mother) -- taxpayers and not on welfare or public assistance housing -- out of the country for overstaying their visas.   Then along comes this case.... A woman from Kenya with absolutely nothing going for her to help our society, and receiving public assistance ... she has already ignored one deportation order from 2004.  What do you do? What do you do when that woman is also the President's illegal, crminigrant relative?

That depends ... do you want your next posting to be the ICE office in Thule Greenland, or perhaps the newly-formed-special-for-you office and hearing chambers on Diego Garcia? 

Of course Obama did not "interfere" ... he didn't have to. But had he decided to do the right thing and enforce our laws, he would have told the relevant powers to send her home.

Let's look at a statistic. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts estimates that there is about 220,000 illegal immigrants living in the state. Of that, we are sure that 25% are receiving welfare and housing assistance ... we know, because we pay the direct bills for that.  That means at least 55,000 receive direct aid, not to mention screwing up our emergency rooms and stuffing our schools with kids that no tax dollars from parents have supported.  Each of those 55,000 receives at least $1,000 per month ... that is an absolute baseline, reflecting artificially low housing costs, food stamps and other welfare benefits.  That is a cool $55,000,000 per month, or $660,000,000 per year and that is only for the crimigrants "on the books."  In no way shape or form can these people be said to be a "benefit" to the people of Massachusetts. And we are a small state. Consider what the real number is, when you look at the costs of food, schooling and medical care for the whole "enchillada".... Just that 25% would eliminate a majority of our budget gap. No need for new taxes.

In fact, I don't understand why I should pay taxes for Auntie Zeituni at all. Let Obama cover her costs.


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