Monday, August 09, 2010


Is it purest idiocy that on the cusp of a deflationary spiral -- yes even the Fed is starting to sound that alarm -- Enviro-weenies want to find a way to tax $100 billion a year (for starters) to help finance the battle against global warming?  According to the U.N. and country panels set up to find precisely this need, we need to replace the Kyoto Protocols with something new. Remember Kyoto ... where we never managed to follow-through? Something that could have been rammed down our throats in the past 2 years (actually since the GOP lost the house) but hasn't been?

Kyoto was especially pernicious in its exemption for rapidly developing countries -- which produce many times the pollution of Western industrialized countries: but it is politically incorrect to want to reign in their growth, so we "accept" as truth their real waste output.  China, is a toxic factory and so in India. On an almost daily basis some new hidden spill or dumping is discovered. BUT, we are meant to make amends to allow their growth to pull their huddled and teeming masses out of poverty. 

Gag. Poverty is the result of too many people for the infrastructure and resource base of a country or area. China is buying up the world's spare resources for itself, only followed by India as a long term player for raw materials. Our playing nice has enabled their continued economic warfare on our country, beggaring the U.S. for the sake of "fair play" and equitable development.  The trouble is, nobody on their side gives a damn about fair play or equity. Their idea is enrichment at any cost, and especially to our detriment. 

So Obamunists will want to further hamper U.S. prospect for growth and recovery by throwing yet more shackles on the economy -- neither caring nor even recognizing the idiocy of wholesale transfer of resources to those countries. Morons.


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