Friday, November 05, 2010

Spin ... right off the road

Obama's spin meisters are trying to characterize the election drubbing suffered by Democrats across the country (the worst since 1938 ... coincidentally where their socio-commie legislation failed to revive the country from the Great Depression) as purely about jobs and (as in 1938) about the pace of recovery.

In 1938, FDR's plans for a great socialist nation essentially came to a grinding halt: there was no money to pay for the social reform plans and infrastructure programs didn't produce long-lasting jobs. Business was loathe to hire when the risks were too great that further government legislation would scupper their strategic planning.

Also, less well reported, was a general feeling among the nation that these guys (meaning FDR's minions) hadn't the faintest clue of what they were doing and were basically ripping apart the fabric of America.

In 2010, we had another wanna-be Democrat emperor, Democrat controlled House and Senate, ineffectual "stimulus" which turns out to be nothing more than transfer payments, a Fed determined to re-inflate our way out of financial stagnation (and pay off the loans with debased dollars), businesses unwilling to hire or recapitalize out of sheer fear of more economic insanity propagated in Washington --- and we are being told that the American people are just upset at the pace of recovery.

Mr. Obama ... and Democrats everywhere ... you are either being extremely dishonest or extremely stupid (for many of the faithful, I suspect the later and for the [p]resident, I suspect the former): the reason you were handed a "shellacking" is that you not representing the people of this country. You are pushing through legislation that the VAST majority (like over 70%) do not want, and are ignoring your promises.

Obama (in his speech to the Nation "the day after") stated that Democrats and Republicans needed to start to work together. "We were so busy doing things that we didn't focus on how to do them." Translated: when we got those absolute majorities, we didn't need you to push through our progressive agenda, so we cut you out of the process. You lying two faced schmuck! You PROMISED that you would work with the opposition. You PROMISED that you would be bi-partisan. You PROMISED that "this time things would be different." You campaigned on hope and CHANGE. NONE OF THIS HAPPENED. In fact, you made the Bush administration look positively cooperative. Pelosi stated (for the cameras) "we won the election, so we can do what we want."  But we expected more from you Mr. [p]resident ... we expected even a modicum of honesty. We didn't get it. You lied like a rug and got hammered for it.

Why was OBAMA (this election was a referendum on Obama, make no mistake about it) so badly mauled -- note that this is not about the jobs only? What created the Tea Party?

1. Transparency --
(a) The Obama Administration is the least transparent in modern history. It makes Richard Nixon look like an information tele-prompter.
(b) Congress did their deals in the dead of night with no meaningful (and often completely none) consultation with the opposition -- committees met behind closed doors, the GOP was barred from entering at any level.
(c) Legislation was passed without ANY legislator having actually read the text, and not just any legislation, but matters involving TRILLIONS of dollars, Pelosi told the Nation: we just have to pass it so that you can see what's in it. Such a thing is simply unheard of except in places like North Korea, China, the former German Reich and the former Soviet Union. Does that ring any alarm bells for anyone? Huh? We were PROMISED that legislation would be posted on the internet for 72 hours before a vote was taken.
(d) Obama promised deliberations on CSPAN ... PROMISED MANY TIMES ... and we have yet to seen any of it.
(e) Who are you Mr. O? Release your transcripts, your school applications, a real birth certificate. Release information to show where you were able to afford college at all? A foreign student?
(f) Czars. NEVER has there been so many un-elected officials directing the actions of the Executive Branch. Unaccountable, powerful and taking their orders from you, Obama. Sounds like the NKVD, FSA, Stasi and KGB.

2. A fabric-rending Socialist Agenda
(a) Obama has stated for the cameras that "a little wealth distribution is a good thing." Only he didn't mean a little, he meant a lot.
(b) ObamaCare -- more than any single piece of legislation, this one really sticks in our national craw: this is income redistribution writ large and for the benefit of the uninvited. NOWHERE ON EARTH does a government provide cradle to grave medical care for persons who are not citizens of that country. Nowhere. Except, perhaps, now the United States does. We cannot afford it. None of the European countries can afford it even for their own citizens, really -- and they don't have 30 million illegals draining the system without return.  Yet, $500 billion is going to be drained from "waste" and from excess/needless care for our seniors (elimination of the one program that works MediCare Advantage). The long-delayed cuts reimbursement rates for doctors, so conveniently delayed at every session of Congress will take effect ... probably in 2013, by which time either these crooks have another 4 years, or it becomes someone else's problem.  ALL OF OUR RATES WILL GO UP. Massachusetts has experience a 30% increase in rates since Romney care (that alone will cost him a Presidential election unless he just fesses up and says that he was wrong) -- and Massachusetts is the model for Obamacare. This will kill us.
(c) Cap and Trade. So if you cannot get it through the House the way you want -- too many legislators saw that this was political death for them -- you do an end-run through Federal Agencies arbitrarily making new standards and procedures that has the same effect as legislation ... but without any scrutiny by the public or even legislators.
(d) Refusal to enforce federal laws: our borders are meant to protect our country. They are not meant to be porous. Illegal immigrants are by the nature of the concept  ILLEGAL. We normal American citizens are forced to obey the laws by threat of incarceration -- but this HUGE 30 million segment of the population can drive around without insurance, use our hospitals as free medical care, get free housing, food stamps, education for their children, dishonor our flag, spend billions of dollars on English as a second language, billions more on bilingual signs, posters, pamphlets, medical requirements, translators in courts ... lost productivity. Billions ever year, flushed down the toilet needlessly.  Massachusetts could close its budget gap simply by eliminating spending on illegals -- just the ones that admit they are here, let along the undocumented illegals.... That even sounds like a contradiction in terms, but its not.
(e) A morally corrupt application of the laws that are enforced. How about indicting the Black Panthers for election fraud and interference with people's rights to vote? Or is it because the people losing their vote are white? There is film footage and dozens of witnesses ... but your flunky Eric Holder won't prosecute. Why? But he WILL file suite against Arizona which only sought to enforce the Federal Borders -- this NPR story about the private prison system is a red herring and completely ignores the reality of Arizona-- you are more likely to be kidnapped in Phoenix than just about anywhere in the the Western Hemisphere.

3. Hatred of America
(a) You hate America when you disrespect the Nation and your Office. You cannot do any more world apology tours. Stop it right now. We could not bear you going around kissing the ass of just about every despot on the face of the Globe. We couldn't believe you dissing our troops at every given point. We despised you bowing to the Saudi King and Chinese Chairman. You should not apologize for America having kept the world largely free of oppressive dictatorships over the last 60 years.
(b) The Boy Scouts of America represent a large segment of what is good about our country. You repudiated this and what they stand for by doing a campaign fund raiser instead of attending the BSA 100th jamboree. You disrespected every Boy or Girl Scout there ever was or will be. That includes me.
(c) Your wife clearly hates America -- that's the first time I was ever proud to be an American.  Fine. Go live somewhere else -- if they would have you.

4. The Race Card
(a) Black Liberation Theology.  Obama, you cannot just get away with attending a church that espouses hatred of races, hatred of America.  The church you attended for 20 years and in which faith you baptized your children, on whose roles and ledgers you signed up is a hate institution. If it was a "white church" giving those sermons, we'd call it the KKK. And you would perforce be a member. But since it is an African-American church and its minister the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr. is African-American somehow you get a pass? 
(b) Back to Eric Holder .... how does this clown determine what and where to prosecute? Mr. Obama, you are his boss.
(c) Aunty Zaituny --- Do you suppose that the Federal Judge valued not having their next posting somewhere like Fargo?

4. Other Broken Promises
(a) How about DOMA -- the Defense of Marriage Act? A truly disgusting piece of legislation if there ever was one. But with absolute majorities in the Congress you failed to do anything about this in the 18 months you could have absolutely rammed it through?
(b) Don't ask, don't tell. As with 4(a) above, you had all the opportunity in the world.
(c) Cut taxes -- just maybe on its face ... although since just under 50% of the nation pays not federal income taxes anyway, who cares? Who is the middle class anyway? BUT, when you look at all the back-door matters -- increased health care, increased energy costs, bailouts across the board will have to be paid for by taxpayers -- and your backdoor cap and trade WILL increase energy costs directly, and it WILL be regressive ... and failure to make permanent the Bush tax cuts: when you add the whole shebang up, we all owe a lot more each year than we did prior to 2008. And it will only get worse.
(d) Katrina ... what? Oh, I meant the absolute fiasco in the Gulf. George Bush must have been laughing his ass off. Your pathetic visits to the Gulf, dragging your family along for 8 hours to vacation.... Are you on drugs? Do you not see that the American Public understands this for what it is? You have an imperial Presidency -- you are not part of the "Common Man", you are a classic ivory tower  liberal who believes in "do as I say, and don't do as I do."
(e) Going to run a "green Presidency." So that is why you take Air Force One for a night out in New York City? Why you have played more golf during your presidency than Bush and Clinton combined -- in only 18 months. Where Michelle takes convoys of cars to go to the Farmer's Markets? Why you take Air Force One to Copenhagen to bid for Chicago for the Olympics? Why you are taking 34 warships, 50 cars and 10 747-loads of personnel to India for a 3 day trip?

The list could go on. All of these are reasons that count for the election drubbing. You are so out of touch that it is truly remarkable. And this is why WE THE PEOPLE want you and your kind (both Democrat and Republican) gone. For good. Electoral dust. The Tea Party is not about right-wing nut jobs. It is not about vote the Democrats out and Republicans in. It is about being a good American - law-abiding, family-oriented and hard working. Not lying or cheating. Gender and color neutral. Honest. Americans.


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