Saturday, January 27, 2007

Kill Iranians

There now seems to be some big brouhaha about US troops killing Iranian agents in Iraq. And I really get the impression that certain leftists are up in arms about this. Let me tell you something: I am up in arms about this too ... WHY THE HELL DIDN'T WE START KILLING THE IRANIANS THREE YEARS AGO? I mean kill all of them. If you find an Iranian in Iraq, it is rather simple -- he (unlikely it would be "she") shouldn't be there. In fact, it is SO unlikely that Parvis Iranian is there for anything but evil, he should be summarily executed. Bang.

Because that is about all the decency being shown to US troops by Shia militias who are financed and armed by Iran. Stoop/Drop to their level? Do not mistake this as "stooping" to their level, it can't be done. It is rather like finally deciding to delouse yourself.

But ANY asshole in the State Department / US Armed Forces or other branch of Federal Government that has let any frikkin Iranians walk the streets of Baghdad unmolested for ANY period of time since we invaded should be imprisoned, subject to a court martial, fired, or simply shot. Why? Because US servicemen have DIED for your vanity. Died for your unwillingness to face reality and instead live in a political never-never land. It has been clear since 1979 that NOTHING that comes out of Iran has in any way been for the benefit of civilized society. Nothing.

SEGOLENE update:

Now some French comedian who specialized in impersonations called up Sego's campaign office, put on a Quebec accent and managed to convince staffers to get through to Sego. Then he "chatted with her" for about 11 minutes bringing up the question of Corsican independence, etc. before it went wrong. “The French people wouldn’t be opposed to the idea, by the way,” Ms Royal was heard to say on an extract of the conversation broadcast on French radio. Still laughing, she added: “Don’t repeat that, though — it would cause another incident in France. It’s a secret.” (Times of London).

And that is priceless.


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