Thursday, February 08, 2007

Bella flies at night

Bella Pelosi -- Mistress of Darkness

She flies at night. Well, maybe not, but currently she is unhappy about her congressional wings. As(S) Speaker of the House, and third in line should she manage to figure out a way to "off" Boosh and Cheney, she is entitled to a government aircraft to commute back and forth to her home district in California.

The previous SoH, Dennis Hastert, had a rather inappropriately large Air Force 3 -- it was a small commuter jet to run back and forth from Chicago and Washington and it rightly attracted some flak from the House Minority. Mistress Pelosi wants something quite different: a C-32. A C-32, you say? What is that? Is that unreasonable? Didn't Hastert have an Air Force jet? Yes, since 9/11 he was accorded secure transport as a result of place in line for the Oval Office is the unthinkable should happen. Before that, it was subject to availability, and for up to only 10 people. The jet he did use was able to seat no more than 15.

Friends, a C-32 is a bland way of describing what we know as a Boeing 757, a transcontinental (indeed certified for trans-oceanic flight) passenger jet. "No," says Pelosi, it is not about the size, it is about the range. I need to be able to fly non-stop to San Francisco, so I need a jet that can do that.

And what, carry your 100 person entourage with you? Perhaps ferry some influential donors to the DNC or your campaign for some fun on the East Coast? Mistress Nancy, come clean: you have delusions of grandeur and are milking the system you intended to reform. In short you are a frikkin' hypocrite!!! A BOEING 757!!! For your guide, you could use any number of exceedingly comfortable business jets, seating up to 15 persons to accomplish the same goal: trans-continental jet travel.

But this is different on another level too: Mistress Pelosi is flying a hugely expensive jet to run, consuming up massive amounts of fuel to accomplish her goal of "getting home to her family." A small business jet would cost $12,000 to run (ignoring the cost of the crew) to SF from DC. What would the 757 cost? Worse is Pelosi's environmental platform and views are diametrically opposite to the stated need to visit her family: California is home to the most active green whackos in the US. How does this play with them? Or are their views contingent only on applying to those who are politically opposed to them? So much for Toyota Priuses, I fly a 757!!

Get a grip on it. It is business as usual on capitol hill -- and the Democrats are the same wolves as the GOP and the sheep's clothing is starting to fall off.


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