Thursday, June 07, 2007

Strange ....

Strange that the anti-globalization activists took to the seas outside of Rostock (actually a place called Heiligendamm), Germany today. Why strange? Well, the activitst were on "RIBs", that is, rigid inflatable boats. Hypocrites.
Greenpeace activisits ride on rubber boats and its flagship Rainbow Warrior hanging a huge banner calling for stoppage of the Group of Eight's illegal logging during their protest in the water off Nago City on the southwestern Japanese island of Okinawa where G-8 summit is being held on Friday. Four activists were arrested in the day when they entered Nago harbor aboard Rainbow Warrior and tried to deliver a statement to world leaders
So lemme see, the fuel came from (probably) the Middle East, provided by some multinational energy company, or maybe from Russia, that bastion of regional "mind your own business." The lubricants from Yamaha or some other outboard maker. The outboards from Japan or the United States (the only two outboard making nations -- though I believe the Chinese make some, if you'd trust your life offshore with Chinese outboards, the Chinese navy appear to use Yamahas). The RIB came from some European maker, but the raw materials are chiefly oil-based resins and other compounds. Rubber, as we know, is controlled by large multinationals who probably had some lackey tapping trees in Malaysia for pennies an hour. The clothing worn by the activists ... polar fleece and such ... maybe from Patagonia (the company) which is itself a multinational, although it tries to cloak itself in organic and natural practices.

Essentially, a multinational, capitalist enabled protest against precisely those people. If the activists had gone out there in Viking-inspired longboats, using oar-power or the wind, dressed in virgin wool and raw cotton -- then they might have had my attention. As it is, they are a bunch of whining hypocrites. No doubt after a hard day's protesting, they retired to a small sushi bar in Rostock to plan tomorrow's activities. And we know about sushi.


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