Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Starting to smell like 1936 ....

Janet Napolitano (hereinafter "Napster" or "Idiot"), feels that it is wise to leak to the press the security assessment that returning veterans pose a risk to the country as "right wing extremists" or "terrorists." This is right after the Obama adminstration outlaws the official use of the word terrorism to describe the 9/11 bombings and similar endeavors ... calling them "man-made disasters" (or some similar crap) instead.

So Mulsim Terrorists do no warrant being called terrorists and their deeds are man-made disasters, but returning veterans ... American citizens having fought for the United States CAN be called terrorists. Or prone to terrorism ... following such right wing extremist philosophies as being anti-tax, anti-immigration and anti-abortion.

"Let me be very clear: We monitor the risks of violent extremism taking root here in the United States. We don't have the luxury of focusing our efforts on one group; we must protect the country from terrorism whether foreign or homegrown, and regardless of the ideology that motivates its violence," Ms. Napolitano said.

Ms. Idiot is a direct pick of Barry O'Tool -- and the Arizona governor who mandated that her state troopers and other law enforcement in Arizona stop enforcing illegal immigration laws. Result? Phoenix, Arizona is the kidnapping capital OF THE WORLD. That's right folks. More of that happening in Pheonix than anywhere else on the planet. Largely, Mexican on Mexican, but you can be sure that the sun rises and Somali pirates see shipping as easy pickings, kidnapping in Phoenix will spread.

And this MORON, this putrid excrescence of a woman has the gall to cite our returning veterans as a risk? If they are a risk, it is only because they could be so nauseated by what the Obama administration (her included) are doing to our country that they might feel the need to defend the Constitution of the United States. Something that clearly is being violated in letter and spirit by one sworn to defend it. The Ultimate Manchurian Candidate.

So how does this smell like 1936? Well, if you disagreed with the government, you became a suspect of treason and subversion -- here in 2009, to disagree with taxation without representation, to disagree with placing our nation is irretrievable debt is racist and worthy of having Homeland Security taking an interest in you. Remember how our nation got started? Something about a Tea Party.

Acorn, Barry's equivalent of the Sturmabteilung of 1936 have sworn to disrupt and infiltrate Tea Parties that are springing up around the nation. The media, too, are doing their part to supress the real and righteous anger of the people -- nothing but "right wing whack jobs."

As this blog surmised months ago, the real risk here is that certain states that don't want to lead life as the Eastern Liberal Elites would have them do so ... just pick up their marbles and tell Barry to shove it up his socialist ass. Which National Guard unit will fight Texas? Which Army unit will you find to do Obama's bidding ... or Janet Napster's? If I were them, I'd be far more worried about having too many of those units stationed too close to Washington....


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