Thursday, April 23, 2009

Napolitano -- Cosa Nada

How on Earth did this moron ascend the rungs of the ladder of power? Surely she is too stupid to know how? Is there some sort of vast left-wing joke being foisted upon the unsuspecting ... some sort of plot to ridicule our great nation in front of the world?

Remember Enid Blighton's character, Noddy? The moronic boy-man with a bell on the end of his hat? Noddy would be better qualified to run Homeland than Janet Napo. The Napster was being interviewed on CBC ... the Canadian state-run propaganda network ... then she asserted that the 9/11 hijackers came into the U.S. through Canada. The idea being to support her call for strengthening our Northern borderot emulate the barricade to the South. Apart from the fact that we know that the 9/11 terrorist basically flew in directly from Saudi Arabia, when informed of that, Napster responded that she "I can't talk to that, I can talk to the future. And that future is that we have borders." Really.

Hey Noddy, a few weeks ago in another interview you stated that the risks to the North were just as great as the risks to the South and should therefore get the same build-out. Hello? Earth to Noddy ... come in ... are you aware of near civil war in Canada to control the vast Canadian drug smuggling problem, with Canadians shooting each other by the thousands and kidnapping each other hourly? And those Canadians are obviously a threat to our unemployment lines in the U.S. with those nasty Canadians willing to work for pennies, lined up at Taco Bell waiting for day jobs.... Sending that money back home, avoiding paying Canadian or U.S. taxes.... AND holy crap, they may import that nasty hockey game that is polluting the minds of innocent American children, or worse, some Quebecers may try and teach us French!!!

Noddy, you are an idiot. And it scares me to death that someone as ignorant as you controls the vital security of our country. Cheney, hell. I'd rather see that lunatic watching our shores than you.


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