Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What if?

What if the government knows that this flu is in fact a hell of a lot more dangerous than they are making it out to be? Why would they not take immediate action?

The answer is relatively simple: politics. If we, the United States, were to take the actions that would seems prudent in a potentially highly contagious and deadly flu, it would include shutting borders, enforcing quarantines, shutting schools, etc. All actions which would serve to poke the economy in the eye -- squash any chance at a politically necessary recovery. If the recovery does not happen this year, Obama and the Democratic Party is dead in 2010.

So rather than taking the prudent steps to reign in any pandemic, Napolitano (she will be the designated "fall guy" -- the Obama administration is VERY good at insulating Barry from any blame), the Government decides to "let it ride" and hope that this does not turn out to be the repeat of 1918. Better to risk a few civilian deaths than the political future of the Party -- a very Liberal view and one that would find favor with V.I. Lenin. Make no mistake, it is the Party that they wish to protect and they could not give a rat's ass about the economy or your savings. It is about power, pure and simple. Isn't it far easier to just claim that its too late or difficult to contain?

Obama may get away with this -- the virulence seems to be less in the United States than Mexico -- but the rest of the world is taking this far more seriously than we are. So there are two options: either we are right and the rest of the world is wrong, or we are hiding something. Further to that idea: the CDC has simulated every possible breakout, pandemic and viral/bateriological assault on the United States. They have to know with some certainty what the odds are. The CDC is controlled by Barry Obama's government. Why hasn't he told us what the CDC knows? Rather than mumbling through Napolitano's crap at news conferences, why not let us know what they know? If the news is good, then that is a great re-assurance. If it is bad, they why the hell are you not taking precautions (maybe release of 25% of our Tamiflu stockpile is that) -- unless you are "protecting" the economy and your political ass?

Would Obama risk lives to save his own political heine? If you even question this, you have not been paying attention.



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