Thursday, April 23, 2009

What is it about the left?

What the hell is it about the Left that feels the need to prosecute, to take revenge? There is something so mean spirited about them: they shout down anyone with different views, they arrest journalists, they fire university presidents who are insufficiently Liberal (or dare to question politically correct orthodoxy), they seek to prosecute those tasked with protecting our country -- those who sacrifice has permitted the Left to be small-minded. And yet conservatives are the ones painted with that brush ... by the Liberal media. Ironic.

But in going after the Dept. of Justice lawyers who strangulated our Constitution in seeking a legalistic justification for "torture," they may be stepping too far. It may set a precedent that the Left may live to regret. So far, the Right has not sought to pick scabs and pull apart the misdeeds of the left ... left the entire Clinton morass alone, ignored the excesses of LBJ, the negligence of the Carter years. So far the Right has left the massively corrupt Democratic party machine alone (think of Chicago, my friends, or Boston, Providence, Philadelphia, Detroit, New York, Seattle, Sacramento) ... but you start shooting for staff of the previous administration, then you have picked a fight you cannot win. For in two years, after the inevitable mid-term sweep for the other party comes into effect, you could find yourself with a raft of investigations and prosecutions that will make your head spin. Just think of how many Obama nominees have been forced to withdraw or have been forgiven their little "errors." How about the fact that in many cases the statutes of limitations have not run on these peccadillos? And Obama cannot pardon them in advance of indictment.

You want to pick a fight? Maybe Americans have had enough of the sleaze. And that is the gravitational black hole that Barry's men have opened up. You don't want to do this Barry. Really.


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