Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Chinese ... more like Trojans (not that kind!).

To anyone out there that is not:(a) Chinese; or (b) an idiot-reflexive anti-American, it is clear that the Chinese have engaged in industrial-strength military espionage. Of the "cyber-variety". To hear the Chinese deny that agents under their control have targeted the United States is insulting. To think that there are those out there that believe the Chinese is even more than insulting ... it makes my head shake in wonderment at their sub-human stupidity.

Of course the Chinese are trying to steal everything they can that Americans are stupid enough to leave accessible to the internet. Duh. My beef is with this Administration (and the last one and the one before that) in that they are negligent enough to permit this to continue. To permit sensitive data of ANY form to exist with internet access. It is like putting an ATM in a maximum security prison: these folk are dedicated to the voodoo, that they do ... so well. Frikking idiots! Dolts! So we, the taxpayers, spend billions upon billions to advance our technology ahead of the Chinese, Russians, French (and every other species of techno-thief), only to provide them with annotated manuals once we do all the work? It is like manufacturing anything in China: within months Chinese competitors will have mushroomed into existence building your product to your specs ... and 1/2 of the cost, subsidized by Beijing ... to put you out of business.

Torture. Is evil. And so are the Al Qaeda cretins on which we have practiced it. I hope I never know anything so important to someone that they would be willing to torture me for it -- but in the case of Sheik Mohammed, anyone that puts his human rights ahead of the need to empty his mind of any and all data, just does not remember 9/11. Or the chaos of genocidal Iraq. He was not "in it" for understanding. He was "in it" to kill Americans. Given that simple truth, I could care less what happens to him. Sorry.

Obama went to the "Company" to re-assure them that he values what our intelligence community does for our country. And there are also people who will try to convince you that a sigmoidoscope won't hurt. The reason Bush had to resort to torture of any Arab-type he could put his hands on was that on 9/12 we -- Americans -- had no intelligence network to speak of after 8 years of Clinton. Clinton was a man who believed that we could solve all of the world's problems by negotiating with them, showing them what nice and decent people we are. In this regard, Clinton was an idiot.

When people swear oaths to their Gods that they will not stop until the enemy is dead ... the enemy had better take this seriously. There is no substitute for humint (human, on the ground, paid-for, spies). Always was. Always will be. And Clinton/Obama didn't and don't understand this. Bush didn't, but tried very hard to catch up.

The intelligence community knows that Obama is a Clintonian idiot. And they fear for America and American lives. So do I.



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