Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Press Continues to Cover for Barry-O

Can you imagine if some Principal in some rural Texas school had organized a sing-along so that she could showcase songs of praise for Dubbya Bush? Imagine the outrage? The cries of brainwashing? It would be first page news for weeks. Yet, little more than a few days past the actual outrage of our little ones singing songs of praise for Obama ... not a peep. The major news outlets simply ignored it.

Stop and think about this a moment: this is the creation of a cult of personality. Just like Chavez (who admires this sort of thing). Like Kim Jong-il. Like Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, Castro (another O-bot lover) and our media, the guardians of free speech (ostensible) say nothing.

Barney Frikkin Frank asks for an investigation of the ACORN whistleblowers, and a determination as to whether defunding is a bill of attainder (it is not). Any news play? Nope.

How about caskets for the homefront? When Bush was President, ever single casket that rolled down a C-141 was filmed along with the grieving families. Now, only AP shows and sells whatever to anyone that wants it. Nobody does. YET, yet ... this year is the single bloodiest of the Afghan conflict, and more bloody than 2001-2004 combined. Any news play. Anyone interested?

I think that the American public is interested or would be if anyone had an honest bone in their ostensible "journalist" asses/brains and did their duty and disclosed what is really going on.


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