Thursday, September 17, 2009

Putin Peed in his Pants

At least I think he did. After he could catch his breath from laughing so hard.

Let me give you a bit of rocket/missile science. In order, the best time to stop a neighbor's missile from messing up your back yard is:

1. When the missile is still in the backyard of the neighbor who intends to mess yours up;

2. When the missile is on the launch pad;

3. When the missile is in the boost phase, already having been launched;

4. When the missile is post-boost, but pre-entry, still under guidance systems; and lastly,

5. When the warhead is headed to your backyard at hypersonic speeds, possibly post-guidance.

The last, #5 option, is really very poor indeed: the likelihood of conducting a successful intercept, is very small and even then you will spread whatever the intended warhead was to deliver over a large area ... your backyard.

The best option is blowing the bastard up before he shoots ... but then they can always claim that you "started it," assuming that hostilities had not commenced. So the next best option is to shoot it down in early boost: the gunk falls across your enemy's turf. It is also vastly easier to hit something before it gets to space and goes hypersonic.

So here's Barry-O telling us today that we are going to be safer by using seaborne anti-missile systems and theater defense systems. By definition, these try to shoot terminal phase warheads ... "incoming." Remember the Patriot missiles in the Gulf War? When they did manage to hit the incoming SCUD, the debris still rained down all over our troops / parts of Israel. Had those warheads contained bio-warfare gunk, we'd have been screwed. Yet, Barry-O insists that this will make it safer.

Barry-O is lying to us. That is not politics, that is science.

And what may make the whole world a lot less safe is that he has just rolled over to the Russians. This craven surrender must have made Putin choke on his morning coffee: Obama is stupider, more naive than they had hoped. This is letting them off the hook without costing a lousy rouble! This greenhorn thinks that by being nice the Russians will suddenly play nice too: perhaps get tough with Ahmadinejad -- as opposed to U.N. sanctions and similar navel-contemplation. "Dmitry! I think that Western Europe needs to pay a little more for heating gas this Winter, don't you? And the frikkin Ukraine can freeze."

In fact, I have it on good authority that when Putin finished peeing and laughing, he did call in Medvedev and told him what Barry-O brought them for Christmas. Dmitry coughed his coffee through his nose too, causing Putin to pee his pants again.

And our allies in Eastern Europe -- who have shown real friendship sending troops to Iraq and Afghanistan where Sarko-slime was disdainful -- are left holding an empty bag which was meant to provide security and cover against a hungry imperialist Bear. The Czechs and Poles must be loving us just now, as should every German with a smattering of physics and some knowledge of history. Because we have just stabbed them all in the back. Thanks, Barry. Should we expect another apology-tour, for the latest failing?

But how does that affect us, over here in Pelosi-land? If you can't see it, you do not deserve to vote, but if you voted for Barry-O, you probably should be disqualified anyway. Every shit-heel, tin pot dictator now knows that without question Obama really is a wimp. All you have to do is stare him down and he will blink.

In October 1962 someone blinked. That person was Russian (Soviet variety). In September 2009, another socialist blinked. That person was Barrack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America. I forecast that Barry will "get something in his eye" and start blinking a lot in the next year or two. Manchurian, indeed.

I hope I am around to see the dawn of a new age.


Anonymous DL in SC said...

Always/still great to read your thoughts. Your insite remains the sharpest I know of, has been since the days of the AGSIM rebellion in '82. Keep writin', I'll keep readin' - thanks
DL in SC

Thursday, September 24, 2009 1:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo, fine sir, although I do beg to differ, primarily about Obama being so "naive". I think the real, and ugly truth is that he knows just what he is doing. There is a certain purpose in what he is doing, and it aint good! The best interests of the American people are obviously not his primary concern. Which begs the question: exactly whose interests is he serving?
SLM in NY!

Thursday, September 24, 2009 5:23:00 PM  
Blogger Zaphod said...

Sadly ... you are correct: Barry O'Liar DOES know what he is doing. And that makes it much worse.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 3:50:00 PM  

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