Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Lots of things

Are happening in this fine world of ours.

Tiger Woods has won 5 straight. And you know, Tiger just finds a way to do it. This has got to be a major drag for the rest of the field: as opposed to the 2000 streak, if Tiger even brings his "B" game to the tourney, you are playing for second. And he has Elin.

Ahmadinejad urged students Tuesday to push for a purge of liberal and secular university teachers ... say what? He called on students to do the deed ... isn't that the same as giving them a free ride to threaten and murder? Those pargons of sense and sensibility, Iranian students (remember 1979, Mr. Carter)? Bunches of testosterone-laden 18-20 something morons running around with the authority to point the finger and purge academics? Now get me straight here, I am no friend of university academics -- I find them to be singularly feckless, opinionated (without realistic base), biased and bigoted ... but to give Pol Pot power to young fanatics to single out those destined for purging? This sounds like the worst elements of the Cultural Revolution ... hang on a moment ... I am on to something there. A-jad (like A-Rod) is trying to forment his own CR, isn't he? Hmmm. Maybe (or probably) something more than that is in the works, but starting at home, he is cleaning his office out.

What else? Steve Irwin managed to get himself stabbed in the heart by a stingray .... How freaking ironic is that? I mean, he spent his life with some of the meanest and nastiest animals on the planet and gets "offed" by a stingray ... not particularly aggressive or deadly, unless of course, you get unlucky enough to get stabbed in the heart. Oz is mourning and I have heard people all over the US sounding in disbelief. As opposed to many other wildlife stuntment -- who seem to be hunting glory and a large paycheck, Steve gave his money to his foundation and environmental charities. And it has recently emerged that he had bought over 90,000 acres of virgin habitat of Koalas in Queensland -- so that developers could never get their hands on it. Go with God, Steve.

The new season of House has started. Good show. Watch it. Better yet, get the first two seasons on DVD.

The EU members once again prove that their craniums reside in their rectums in more or less confirming that Bulgaria and Romania can join in January. On what economic or financial basis is this decision made? Huh? Oh, yes, that's right ... this is a POLITICAL decision made by leftist-useful-idiots in the Commission.

In no way, shape, manner or form is either of these two ex-stalinist states ready to merge with Germany, the UK and Spain (France deserves them). Unless, of course, the decision was made to ensure that enough local/national voters vote for more socialist drivel in whatever upcoming elections might be on the cards: because the populations of these countries will leave their hovels for your commodious council dwellings in droves.

And did I mention crime? The Romanian and Bulgarian versions of the Russian mafia may be even more bloodthirsty than their mentors and role models. Insanity. And you can't send them "home" because they will be EU citizens and "at home" camping in your frikkin back yard!!! Ask any UK constable about the local crime rate when certain itinerant persons of Romanian background come to stay a while in your neighborhood. Now invite the entire nation to camp out in your neck of the woods (slight exaggeration, but take the point) and you have a nightmare.

Let's consider this nightmare for just a moment: the problem faced by the more civilized western nations dealing with it, is just the same as dealing with Islamo-fascism. We expect them to play by our rules and they don't (the E3 still doesn't get it that Iran has absolutely no intention to do anything but equip themselves with a "device"). And so long as we insist on hopping around on one foot with our hands tied behinds our backs (oooh, profiling is soooo evil), we will be at their mercy. You see, it does mean that we need to move the goal posts closer, change the rules, stoop to their level. And it means that society will get meaner and drabber and less pleasing to live in .. all because we insist on extending the presumption of grace, goodwill and kindness to others without first making any form of intellectual analysis to see whether that night be warranted. That is, if you extend the presumption of civility to a gorilla, you should not be surprised when the gorilla decides to beat you to a pulp. And the gorilla does not care if you are hurt ... he might find it amusing. And it is just as smart as you, maybe smarter in that the gorilla "gets it."

I am sure that A-jad is laughing his nuts off at the idiocy of the EU and the stupid position that his only true threat, the US, finds itself in. He must choke on his frikkin pistachios in mirth.

But back to more traditional criminals; the Italian mafia for years had a code of keeping women and children beyond their day-to-day violence and killings. Only in recent years with the rise of the global heroin trade did that fall apart somewhat -- but the Russian mafia always used the threat of the extermination of your entire family as an everyday threat. And might start with a little rape or kidnapping to make sure the victim got the point ... just like the Stalinist state in which it was created: Stalin obliterated entire bloodlines just because he considered one member to be of questionable loyalty. No different. And now the EU wants to let some of the best students of this type of power politics join the EU.

Actually, another aspect of the schadenfreude here is particularly juicy: everyone knows how spectacularly corrupt the Commission and various subsidiary organizations are. But what they only vaguely appreciate is how completely the Bulgarians will pick their pockets: they will make Bechtel in the Big Dig look like boyscouts, or Mother Theresa. Nothing but nothing happens in the former Soviet Bloc without the liberal application of grease. And even the Germans and French will blush and the demands that will be made, not to mention rage at the sink hole for aid that will develop there. And because their birth rate is higher than that of the French and Germans, it won't take too long before they control the purse strings absolutely.

Just say "no." It makes me wonder if there won't come a point when some states do say "no." What then? Does the EU fall apart? Does it set the stage for another war in which the 5th column is everywhere? A massive, horrible civil war? Will Enlgand come to its senses and pull up the drawbridge? At least we in the US are talking about the issue and there is a movement under way to address the problem one way or another and encourage assimilation on terms favorable to the current majority. From my point of view it is pretty simple: learn English, obey the laws and pay your taxes -- I don't really even care if I have to learn Spanish, but it would be a waste in terms of cost and absurd to have 80% learn the language of 20%. It doesn't matter about what that might be in the future, either, we are considering the present. And if EVERYONE learns English now, then it will be 100% of those here who speak English, making it even more absurd that this should be an issue at all. The language is the tissue of our country, the glue and bond which makes this place work. Through the language the culture is spead and modified too. It is the critical flaw in the EU and we do not have it as of yet and nor should we have to face it.

Even then, we are relatively well off -- the bulk of our immigration flood are at least pretty/very similar to ourselves, the assimilated Americans in comparison to say a Brit and a Romanian, or an average Frenchman and an Alergian 2d gen immigrant. But this also makes the Oz and NZ policies of need seem sensible. There are a few (what used to seem outlandish and racist) Sci-Fi books out there postulating that is the future OZ and NZ will be the last habitable and civilized countries on Earth, all due to geographic isolation, and their decision to militarize to keep it that way. Dunno about that one, inasmuch as American developed with massive multicultural mixing (with English dominant) but ....


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