Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Baggers

This is a derisive term normally used to describe someone "without a clue" or someone of terminal dweebish tendencies. It has also suddenly become a term to denigrate people who attend "Tea Parties." "Tea" as is Taxed Enough Already. Those Tea fans are both Democrats and Republicans, as well as a broad spectrum of independent and people who are sick of government by the elite.

Keith Olberman and Anderson Cooper think it is funny to describe protesters -- Americans of all stripes and political persuasions as Teabaggers. "It is hard to talk when you are teabagging", that on national television. He meant the "other" meaning: that of dipping one's scrotum in someone else's mouth. MSNBC / CNBC / CNN are the terrain of these characters. All committed to leftist ideology -- all propagandists for the current adminstration: certainly NOT journalists, by any stretch of the meaning of that word.

It is the elite liberal media writ large: immune to statements that, had they been uttered by a conservative or Republican, would have resulted in the immediate termination of that individual. But it OK to insult and denigrate conservatives. It is yet another example of how the liberal elite are even greater hypocrites than ANY conservatives before them. It is also simply disgusting.

These men should be terminated by their employers. But that is unlikely: leftists can say anything in the cause of the "good fight." All other need not apply. Reminds me of 1936, again.


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