Monday, October 05, 2009

Jsut a quick note....

Obama is a fool. There, I've said it. What a berk (U.K. lingo for idiot) to be manipulated to embark on the fool's errand to the IOC to beg Chicago's chances. Think of all the O-bots that stood to make out like George Soros on their investments in now-worthless Chicago real estate. A grand pay-back for the faithful of the most corrupt major city in the US ... even worse than Boston and New Orleans.

So now he looks like a complete and utter panty-waist ... did he honestly think that he could waltz in there and say, "I'm here! Vote for my people! See? I am such a good guy, and exactly what y'all wanted!!! I de-missiled Eastern Europe!! I played nice with Putin (who still has his pants at the cleaners because he watched the IOC vote). Heck, Putin should buy a dry cleaners given all the times that I am reliably informed that he has pissed his pants laughing at our "First Moron."

And he thinks that he can twist the arms of some Republicans to go along with another version of health care. He must be crazy, unless, of course, he has negatives/2GB memory chips showing beastiality performed by the GOP'ers. Otherwise, I'd think the GOP would rather side with Pol Pot in terms of their next election prospects.

So, while Barry-O meanders around the world pimping for his friends and making half-hearted attempts to "fix" our economy (yeah, the other meaning of "fix" is probably in), China, Japan, Russia and the Gulf Arabs are planning to ditch the dollar as an oil currency. The final stamp on the demise of America as a power. Believe me ... this is coming.

Oh, yes, I forget: Barry-O decided that he would ditch the Dalai Lama to show China what a good guy he is. Sounds like one of his patented tail-between-the-legs-mongrel-cur I wanna be loved moves. (And Putin calls for another pair of pants).

Two things strike me about this: (1) if Obama thinks that the Chinese will "like us" more because of this, he is so out of touch that my head starts to spin -- it is a sign of weakness, not a sign of cooperation rising to a new level; and (2) where are all the lefties in this country and why are they not totally berserk about the abandonment of one of their most sacred causes? How come the New York Times / CNN / MSNBC etc., are not wailing and rending their shirts in anguish? This is Tibet, folks!! Free Tibet!!! Free the Gerbils!! Uh ... oh yeah, that guy only likes Gerbils and Gerbs are from Ulan Bator, not Lhasa, anyway.

Tibet is a serious thorn in the Chinese side and by caving in to Chinese bullying, we have just sent the message world-wide that we will stand by while repressive regimes engage in a little genocide, a little cultural extermination. Of course, Obama likes Chavez and Castro. He admires the Chinese (apparently), tolerates Russian imperialism and seems content to let Iran rid the world of Israel -- no need to mention the pesky truth that Russians have been helping the Iranians get their nuclear treasure chest in order. If you remove your bargaining chips unilaterally, you make the world less safe.

And this is the defender of the free?


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