Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Weasel in Chief

You know, it makes me sick to watch this staged charade. A dead American soldier is shipped home through Dover AFB and Barry is there to salute his casket. The hypocrisy is breathtaking. This stukach who all through his primary and election race dissed and demeaned the military as war-mongers, imperialists, racists, etc. is now trying to make good by paying homage to someone who died for American ideals. And yet, he is all for prosecuting the SEALs that captured one on the al Qaeda biggies because they roughed the bastard up a little. This disgusting klingon of a President has the balls to salute the dead and prosecute those who keep us safe because of a bloody lip? I'd give the guys a frikking medal, but Obama wants their careers in tatters, their reputations destroyed their units discredited because the enemy might have suffered more than mere capture. I hereby volunteer to take Black and Decker to that Al Qaeda cretin's knees to find out what he knows, let alone smack him around the chops a bit. Salute? Respect?

And Obama made his "surge" speech at West Point. His media-goon / flunky Chris Matthews at MSNBC called it make a speech at the "enemy camp." WHAT THE F**K IS HAPPENING? Since when should anyone aligned with our President identify our Army Military Academy as the "enemy camp?" AND WHY DID THE WHITE HOUSE AND PRESIDENT NOT SHIT DOWN HIS NECK FOR SAYING SO? Hello? Anyone awake out there?

Obama did not mention: (1) victory; (2) win; (3) triumph or any other word of conquest or success in his speech. He is sending 30,000 brave Americans to a miserable poophole to do what? Provide a fig-leaf for his failed policies? He is going to try to blame this on Bush, but he also guaranteed his own failure by telling the f22king ragheads when we plan to leave. So all they have to do is wait: tell the villagers "the President said he is leaving by 2012. We know where you live and will be back the day the Americans leave to kill you if you cooperate." Obama is stupider than I thought. NOBODY, NOWHERE ever succeeded in warfare by telling the enemy when you plan to split.

NEWSFLASH: the Kremlin orders a container full of Depends for the entire staff. There are rivers of urine washing the corridors of the Kremlin as Putin and his cabinet pee themselves, once again.

I am embarrassed to be an American. Thanks Barry.


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