Thursday, December 03, 2009

The "FREE" cheeseburger

A dear friend just wrote me that he has a sliver of hope. I cannot share that bright and optimistic view because ... it is hard to get excited about anything because of the threat posed by that Leninist in the White House.

I never though I would say this about a sitting U.S. President (although Liberals said this sort of thing about Bush constantly), but I almost wish that some jihadist takes him out. But it has to be a jihadist, not some wild eyed white supremacist, or Mark Hinckley, Sqeaky Frohm - type because of the inevitable deification that would result. That and the fact I don't want anyone to be able to knock of the Head of State, no matter how repugnant to me. But the attempt (as it unfolds in my almost-wish) has to be by someone Obama stupidly tried to make friends with -- like keeping a pet cobra with a bad attitude. Pelosi in a coup attempt, maybe.

I digress .... In his speech he talked about reforming our bonds with the Arab world .... What? Those guys actually hate him more than Bush because: (1) he is perceived to be a traitor; (2) he is considered to be Muslim but denies it; (3) it is just about the worst thing in Arab culture to speak ill of one's family -- as President, speaking ill of America is the same thing. It is NEVER done, even when your sister is Lizzie Borden. Bush they hated and feared, Obama they despise and that only comes when you have no respect, only contempt.

I am just at a loss to understand how the American people can continue to support this piece of narcissistic dog crap in the White House: except for the fact that apart from Fox and the WSJ, there is almost no chance that anyone is educating the masses. If the ghetto dwellers (of all races and backgrounds) understood that far from being their saviour, he is going to ensure health, education and financial rationing, they'd revolt. Sure there will be more entitlement programs ... and mom-of-five-on-welfare will be on a program ... but also in line with millions of others waiting for a handout from a system that historically can't find its own a@@hole in broad daylight with both hands, with illegal Hondurans and Guatemalans and THEIR whole families in front of them. Instead of going to the emergency room for LaKeisha's (or Billi-jo-Bob's) fever, she is going to have to go to some O-CareClinic and wait for ever for ... aspirin, 'cause due to rationing, that's all they're going to be handing out.

I have got to believe that if people knew that they are not going to get that job because the employer simply cannot afford to hire anyone because of the costs involved, they'd say that they would rather just have the job without the benefits (for those that would rather work). But this will be denied to them because a multi-millionairess called Nancy Pelosi thinks that all employers should be forced to run their private businesses the way she thinks they should be run (and ruined). And if the model doesn't work, then it is the fault of the entrepreneur, the guy who is trying to make something happen in his life -- he or she must be some form of economic hoarder, an oppressor of the masses.

And that is only how it is going to affect the 30% of our population on the lowest economic level -- Obama's constituency. For the rest of us life will be made considerably more difficult, with paperwork, tighter budgets due to higher taxes and payments made under the table to get things done --- just as it is in Canada and Europe. You want a painter? "It is a 6 month wait if you are paying with a check. We can be there next Tuesday if you pay in cash." And having lived in Europe for at least 1/3 of my life, I can tell you that that is the way things are done. The underground economy may equal or exceed the legal economy in many places. That's how Europeans manage to make ends meet given their confiscatory system... THEY CHEAT. Even large corporations run funny books -- doing M&A work in France I discovered semi-state owned companies doing it -- the government stealing from itself! Honestly.

The great irony is that the inevitable cheating will only increase the taxation shortfall caused by rampant spending -- as it has in every socialist state, ever. To cover ... we ARE going to see a government VAT, just like in Europe of between 10% and 15% -- and this will affect everyone, particularly the poor. VAT is regressive by its very nature. Isn't there anyone on Capitol Hill who can read a basic primer on economics and socialism? Is that the result Obama and Co. are shooting for? A gradual slide in corruption and graft as a way of life? Isn't the relative absence of this sort of thing the genesis of American greatness? I don't want to live in Italy without the food: this sounds more like a plan to recreate the Nigerian success model.

The whole schtick of Obam-enomics is sort of similar to the situation where walking down the street you are offered "free" burgers ... want cheese with that? ... and find that in the fine print ("sign this, its only a formality, sir") you agreed to take out a car loan at 18%, and the government gets to pick which car you are going to buy. And don't even think about prepayment of principal, that'd cost you a penalty. Think that this far fetched? If you do, then you have not been watching close enough.



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