A chill descending
Descending ... onto the ex-Soviet vassal states. Poland has signed the missile defense treaty with the U.S. for a reason: to try an cozy as close as they can in the face of the Bear. Make no mistake, the Russians are rattling the sabers rather vigorously and the threats from Moscow are not a joke. Ras-Putin is determined to make a show of it; having calculated that Russia is in the driver's seat with respect to energy, Russia is now going to try to being its previous satellite/vassal states once more under its wing. Who is really going to go to war to protect Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, etc.? The Germans? The thought makes me laugh so hard, I could puke. N-obama? Har, har.
The Poles were secure behind a treaty in 1939 ... and nobody lifted a finger to help them. If France and Britain had invaded Germany in 1939, the war would have been short and over quickly. Instead, they chose to wait for the Germans to prepare ... and they they laid back with their legs in the air. Crushed by German military might and their own incompetence. Poland fought heroically and then .. then they were stabbed in the back by the Russians, courtesy of Von Ribbentrop and a Russian ruler that is starting to appear not that dissimilar to Ras-Putin.
History repeats itself. Endlessly. And appeasers never learn. The parties may change, but the lesson forgotten remains the same. Of course, in 1939 there were no nuclear weapons -- but that only serves to make the tendency to appease even greater, better serving the aggressor. No, there will be no European action ... certainly not for Ukraine which will be the first to go. And Poland better start arming itself tomorrow, or even better, start buying Leopard II and M2A2 tanks today.
The Russian army is decrepit, but large. It is not well trained and not well motivated -- in contrast to the Red Army of the Komissars ... but there are a lot of them. With their houses cold, you will not be able to count on Europeans for anything: for over 50 years they have spit upon the United States, all the while counting on the U.S. for protection, for their very ability to scorn us. Soon, when the Bear comes calling, I can't help but think that out zeal to protect and die for the liberty of others might not be diminished.
Of course, this could all be short-circuited with a little bit of chutzpah: seize Russian assets abroad, freeze their bank accounts, their yachts, their swiss chalets, their jewels ... refuse to honor any U.S. treasuries held as of record by Russian interests. Above all, the new Soviets are excellent capitalists ... the oligarchies and FSB officers would be up in arms and Ras-Putin, inspite of all his power in Russia, might find it to be a very dangerous place to live.
Peace out.
The Poles were secure behind a treaty in 1939 ... and nobody lifted a finger to help them. If France and Britain had invaded Germany in 1939, the war would have been short and over quickly. Instead, they chose to wait for the Germans to prepare ... and they they laid back with their legs in the air. Crushed by German military might and their own incompetence. Poland fought heroically and then .. then they were stabbed in the back by the Russians, courtesy of Von Ribbentrop and a Russian ruler that is starting to appear not that dissimilar to Ras-Putin.
History repeats itself. Endlessly. And appeasers never learn. The parties may change, but the lesson forgotten remains the same. Of course, in 1939 there were no nuclear weapons -- but that only serves to make the tendency to appease even greater, better serving the aggressor. No, there will be no European action ... certainly not for Ukraine which will be the first to go. And Poland better start arming itself tomorrow, or even better, start buying Leopard II and M2A2 tanks today.
The Russian army is decrepit, but large. It is not well trained and not well motivated -- in contrast to the Red Army of the Komissars ... but there are a lot of them. With their houses cold, you will not be able to count on Europeans for anything: for over 50 years they have spit upon the United States, all the while counting on the U.S. for protection, for their very ability to scorn us. Soon, when the Bear comes calling, I can't help but think that out zeal to protect and die for the liberty of others might not be diminished.
Of course, this could all be short-circuited with a little bit of chutzpah: seize Russian assets abroad, freeze their bank accounts, their yachts, their swiss chalets, their jewels ... refuse to honor any U.S. treasuries held as of record by Russian interests. Above all, the new Soviets are excellent capitalists ... the oligarchies and FSB officers would be up in arms and Ras-Putin, inspite of all his power in Russia, might find it to be a very dangerous place to live.
Peace out.