Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What's wrong here?

What on Earth is up with Austria?

"Clever" Austrians have engineered sex slave dungeons ... twice in the past few years. This one, involving a man raping his daughter for 24 years, siring 7 children by her ... all the while living with his wife upstairs.... And the "found" three of their kids, dutifully adopted them with his wife and raised them, while 3 more were downstairs in the dungeon. One died in infancy.

A few questions, then: how did the wife and mother of the sex slave not know? It is one thing to say that the dungeon was well engineered and sound proofed, it is another, however, to ignore the food and other supplies that must have been funneled into the basement? Did the wife never go down there in 24 years? How could Mr. Fritzl have fed and cared for those captives for so long without detection? Is she a functional idiot? 70 IQ? .... An accomplice? Could a mother watch that happen to her daughter? What relationship does she have, exactly, with the children sired by her daughter and husband -- is there a word for this? AAAAaccckkkkK!

Natasha Kampusch was held for 8 years by another Austrian, Wolfgang Priklopl, in his cellar in Vienna. He made an error of attention and she escaped. Within hours of her escape, he threw himself in front of a train to commit suicide. What is remarkable, is that in her final bid for freedom she appealed to numerous people to call the police and that she had been kidnapped and was running for her life. Nobody did. Only when she knocked at the window of a 71 year old neighbor did that person actually call the police.

Easy enough, then, to write Austria off as a land of perverts and such. Mr. Hitler came from Austria. Arlbert Heim -- now top of the list of the Simon Wiesenthal Center -- a Mathhausen concentration camp doctor -- was/is Austrian. Joerg Haider -- present day far right whacko.

But Austrian law protects privacy in ways that reflect the secrecy of the people. You can't just look up who applied for a building permit. You can't find out who placed a want ad "for whites only." You mostly don't know the first names of your neighbors. Various Africans caught working illegally have died during the deportation process -- no officials have been prosecuted for these deaths, or as far as we know, even investigated for them.

Priklopl had been identified within weeks as a primary suspect -- the van in which she was abducted was searched but they "bought" he statement that he used the van to transport rubble from a project at his house. Yeah, building a dungeon under his garage! Priklopl had also been known as a figure in an S&M scene in Vienna. Strangely the now-deceased Interior Minister of Austria appears to have suppressed the evidence and reason why the investigation tailed off. New investigations have revealed that the initial investigation was botched so they simply shut the case rather than reveal the extent of incompetence which might lead to scandal.

Ever been to an Austrian town or village past 7pm? Every, and I do mean EVERY house has steel shutters firmly shut over any window exposed to the public. Ghost town. Post-apocalyptic. Strange. And a place where awful things can happen. Screw the cuckoo clock, this is demented. Fritzl was a convicted rapist prior to the events leading to his daughter's servitude. Yet, with his daughter missing, they let him "adopt" three children that magically appeared on his doorstep from his wayward daughter? And his wife? Huh? Can't go into those things officially, because of the data protection laws.

Reminds me of Belgium -- remember Dutroux? And how the police bungled and rebungled that one?

Which brings me to thinking about various parts of AMERICA. Instead, we have some patriarchs who OPENLY run slave internment camps and screw 12 and 13 year olds. Which reminds me, another of the teenagers gave birth to a baby boy yesterday. FLDS .... And how many whacko sects may we have lurking out there or similar slave-owners. They just busted a family of them in Florida which ran work camps for latinos.


Monday, April 28, 2008

The Assassin

Jeremiah Wright ... assassin. Starting with PBS on Friday, followed by an appearance at an NAACP function over the weekend capped by a freak show at the National Press Club today ... Wright has taken the role of agent provocateur ... agent orange ... Agent Maxwell Smart. Dick Dastardly, Ernst Stavro Blofeld.

Single-handedly, he is helping every white racist in the United States look good. It does not matter that a great deal of what he is protesting is true, it is the inflammatory way that he says it: he cannot resist embellishing an historically accurate statement with something that can only be held as racist. Two wrongs don't make a "Wright." He is every little bit as racist as David Duke -- because the past is precisely that ... the past. IS every German a Nazi? Is every Cambodian a Khymer Rouge? Are all Russians, KGB agents, Chinese Red Guards? Hell, most of the United States has as ancestors folks who were the scum of their countries of origin, indentured servants ... and emigrated to this country post 1865. Speaking of which, a date that marks the end of a war that had as a cause, among many others, the abolition of slavery and in which scores, nay legions, of white folk died to ensure that the vile abomination of that condition could no longer on American soil thrive.

But Wright poses a grave problem for Obama ... he is successfully alienating the fearful white vote. He is making the case for Hil-liar that she is more electable. He is ensuring that She will stab the black support in the back ... why? Is it to "prove" that all white people are dishonest and shifty, to back up his racist claims that the white man will, in the end, always take advantage of the poor black person? He is setting the stage for Hil-liar to take the superdelegates, run (thereby dispossessing or nullifying the black vote) and ultimately lose against McCooter in November. You can't claim that Gore's election was stolen and stand by and watch Hil-liar become the nominee!

And Wright retreats behind the usual crap uttered by the pseudo-religious -- "if God wants Obama to be President, then He will not let a bunch of White racists get in the way of his nomination." What about black racists ...? Perhaps he might let that happen? News flash for Wright: it's not God that is gettin' in the way of Barack's nomination ... its you.

So what should Obama do? If you cave, the Hil-liar media circus will jump up and down pointing that he doesn't really stand for anything (as though Hil-liar does). McCooter smiles and waves. If he gets angry, the fearful whites will tremble and point: "see, he's and angry black man!!" If he tries to intellectually shoot this down, he will: (a) probably lose most Americans in that they won't be able to follow the semantics -- not that it would be hard, just that it would get in the way of Wheel of Fortune; (b) alienate the rabid liberal vote; (c) provide Hil-liar ample fodder for misquoting and misdirecting -- that she will lie, cheat and steal is, by now, well established; and (d) confuse his core constituency.

Wright has pretty much screwed Obama -- ironic that the first shoo-in black President of the United States should be undone by a bombastic, moronic, self-promoting, racist, black windbag. And how much damage is this doing to the perception of bhite people willing to to jump the race divide, move to the future and elect the best candidate ... a black man. And Wright ... maybe he just wants to grab some of Sharpton's notoriety.

One last possibility ... has anyone checked to see if Wright might be accepting checks from some back conduit leading to ... the Great Unindicted, Hil-liar? I would not put this past either of them. Seriously.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Hillary lies ... as if you didn't know

Last night at dinner a very good friend posed a question for the table: "how do we know ... how do we really know about Obama." The gist of this was, "are we in the dark about some of his real beliefs, leanings, past ... is he a Muslim under the covers, an anti-semite, a terrorist plant ... a Manchurian Candidate?"

The person asking this is a PhD-level thinker and a businesswoman ... not an intellectual lightweight. But clearly, as she admitted, she has been reading e-mails, listening to NPR, reading newspaper editorials ... keeping her mind open and ear to the ground. "Clearly" because there is an immense amount of subtle (and-not-so-subtle) mis-and-disinformation circulating about Obama. All of which is designed to make us choose the evil that we know -- Hil-liar -- and reject the Black Panther under the bed that we don't. She was legitimately disturbed and questioning her support for Obama. Exactly as the Clinton campaign designed it to work.

The trouble with this approach -- for the American people, if not the world -- is that it misdirects our attention from where it should be, in at least part: Hil-liar and her suitability for the highest office in the free world. And this is bewildering. How can we just ignore the catalog of misdeeds and outright lies that ought to disqualify her from ANY elected office.

Just a few then, just to recap (a limited list, and in no particular order):

1. The Billing records:

The issue here is partially the fraudulent hiding of records subject to a subpoena, but more importantly the fact that the records, when "discovered" show that Hil-liar was counsel on fraudulent real estate deals that cost the taxpayer and sent cronies of hers (Susan McDougal) to prison. In other words, she knew and participated. The records were "found" after the statute of limitation had run.

But even better than the cover-up of fraud is this -- and why don't we read this in the New York Times -- the copies of the records that were found were Vince Foster's. His handwriting is all over them. They were not in his office when, after he "died," the investigators were allowed in -- remember that Hil-liar's staff had exclusive control and domain over that office for critical hours before they let the investigators in and members of Hil-liar's staff were seen removing boxes and boxes of records. Two sets of fingerprints were found on the billing records ... Foster's and Hil-liar's. The Whitewater Committee's official view on the records? Hil-liar had them moved to her bookroom herself. Remember, no-one else had access to both places and certainly not some right-wing conspiracy members seeking to "frame" her. They'd have made sure that the records had been spirited out of the Whitehouse into the hands of investigators: they are smoking guns as against Hil-liar.

And Vince? Well we know that he "shot himself." Who erased his pager data? The first Secret Service report stated that he capped himself in his car? We know that Foster had been planning to resign, told his friends so ... he even had an appointment with the President the next day. Grabbing a handful of M&Ms he told his secretary that he was just stepping out and would be right back.

While we are on fall-people ... Susan McDougal received a power of attorney from each of the Clintons to execute, deeds, checks, etc. for the purposes of the Whitewater land dealings. This much is clear on the evidence. But it also flat-out contradicts Clinton assertions that they were mere passive investors. Also on the record. And Hil-liar was the director of Clinton finances and investments ... also on the record. Did I mention that Foster had been a partner of Hil-liar's at the Rose law firm? Or that a torn-up draft resignation letter was in his briefcase ... with a hand scribble to the effect "I am just not cut out for this ...." Don't you think that he could have drafted a better effort at a suicide note? And the gun was not there when he was discovered, but subsequently ... it was found there. But the discoverer is absolutely sure that there was no gun when he found Foster.

More on the billing records, even though it is all tied together: Hil-liar made history as the only First Lady to be forced to testify (remember the attempts to extend immunity to her?) to a Grand Jury -- about the discovery of the lost records. She couldn't recall or remember anything. A faulty memory. But certainly not for people that cross her. Right, Vince?

2. Campaign Finance:

More recently, Hil-liar was involved in (nailed for) $1.6 million in illegal financing from Peter F. Paul for her Senatorial Campaign -- remember this was in 2000, so Bill had not yet hit the speaking circuit and they needed the money. She offered a classic example of selective memory: in a sworn declaration before the Superior Court of California, she spoke of her meeting with Paul at a lunch at Spago, in Los Angeles, at Barbra Streisand's house and at a fund raiser -- she could not "recall" five times and "did not believe" four times, and "do not remember" three times in a page and a half ... double spaced. She has no clue as to what she said, if business opportunities for Bill were discussed, or if she offered to do anything in return for contributions. Nada. President? Where's that darn "football" ... I don't recall.... I don't remember. Who's Ahmadinejad?

3. "Filegate". Not really much, but when you hire an unqualified head of White House Security, Craig Livingstone, and then have him request several hundred (yes, hundred) background FBI files including ones on White House personnel from former Republican administrations ... it raises a few eyebrows. Of course, Hil-liar denies making the request -- can Livingstone remember? -- but that is just so that her fingerprints are not on it. He was "her" man. What on Earth could she have had on her mind to legitimately request those files?

4. Remember Webster Hubbell? I do. A former partner of Hil-liar at the Rose Law Firm, convicted of tax evasion and fraud and the man Bill once described as his best friend. Bill appointed him Associate Attorney General after the election. But he defrauded his law firm of $480,ooo. After his resignation, Friends of Bill awarded Hubbell $450,000 worth of consulting contracts ... he failed to mention all of these on his taxes. He also received $100,000 from Riady and Mochtar, the guys from Lippo Group who brought you CHINAGATE, the attempt by the People's Republic of China to buy influence in the 1996 election and in the Clinton Whitehouse. Why is Hil-liar involved? Web Hubbell handled the Castle Grande and Whitewater work (which Hil-liar has her paw prints on) before passing it to Vince. He called Hil-liar to set up the 70 odd times that John Huang (more Chinagate) visited the Whitehouse (after taking a $700K golden parachute from Lippo Group to work for the Commerce Dept.) and Huangs Security Clearance. Not to mention coordinated the Riady and Mochtar finance scandals.

Seriously, have we forgotten these sordid scandals? And we are looking at Barack as some "psycho under the bed?" Huang was sentenced for campaign finance violations. He also received 37 CIA briefings, 500 U.S. intelligence reports and funneled all that info to the Lippo Bank. Remember? McFly, are you listening? Hil-liar arranged these.

5. Barbara Feinman -- more of Hil-liar's personal, petty cheating -- maybe not so petty. Hil-liar did not write her book "It Takes a Village." It was ghost written by Barbara Feinman. She was paid $120,000 and it took her seven months. Yet, nowhere in the book is there an acknowledgment of Feinman's work. Hil-liar merely states that lots of people helped her on the book and won't list them all for fear of leaving someone out. Yeah. How about the person that actually wrote it? The "Living History" memoirs of 2003 was similarly ghost written -- by three authors this time and while they received credit for "helping" Hil-liar, they did not receive authorship credit. Another day, another lie. And she refuses to give it.

6. Just to refresh your recollection: a catalog of petty and other lies

(a) Chelsea Clinton was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11 and was in peril -- Chelsea debunked her mom stating that she was still in bed and only switched on the TV when a friend called;

(b) Hil-liar was under sniper fire in Bosnia -- a girl presented her with flowers at the jet ramp;

(c) She made $100,000 from a $1,000 investment in cattle futures by reading the Wall Street Journal -- the WSJ didn't cover those at the time, Refco was fined for allowing her to trade in excess of margin, "Red" Bone placed her trades in with his winners -- itself a CFTC violation called allocating;

(d) Hil-liar was named after Sir Edmund Hillary -- five years before he scaled Everest;

(e) Travelgate -- honestly, Hil-liar doesn't know how the White House travel office was fired and her friends from Little Rock hired ... and the allegations of corruption planted and found to be entirely without merit, but only after reputations and careers were ruined (and the investigation cost taxpayers in excess of $250,000);

(f) She didn't know about Bill's last minute pardons for the FALN terrorists, sure to appease the Puerto Ricans in New York where she was shortly to run for office;

(g) She didn't know that her brothers were paid for the pardons that her husband Bill granted to various assorted felons and fraudsters;

(h) She opposed NAFTA at the time it was signed -- she claims to have always supported it.

(i) Actually, she opposed the invasion of Iraq, but she voted for it;

(j) She has always been a Yankees fan ... really?;

(k) She was convinced the Bill was innocent when the Lewinsky scandal broke -- notwithstanding her directing ...

(l) the PR assault on Gennifer Flowers,

(m) the PR assault on Paula Jones and a host of other women that Bill has poked, groped and assaulted through the years (much of which is now documented and admitted by Bill);

(n) She was not involved with the pardons for the New Square Hassdim in New York -- also like the FALN, in her soon-to-be home state;

(o) She counseled Bill to go into Rwanda to stop the Genocide there -- he didn't;

(p) She was a major force in the Irish peace process;

(q) She was a major force in the Bosnian peace process;

(r) She did not rent out the Lincoln Bedroom;

(s) She thinks that it was a clerical error that sent two loaded semis from the White House to Bedford, New York when the Clintons moved out -- the contents of the semis had to be returned as they were owned by the People of the United States, and not the Clintons ... people this is theft, pure and simple;

(t) oh, heck, why go on with this ... I will run out of letters again. As I did in a previous posting listing some of the lamest crap ever seen by someone who aspires to be President.

Get the point? If this is about character, suitability and integrity ... as between Hil-liar and Obama, you HAVE to go with Obama.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Superdelegate Tango

Hil-liar "scored" big in PA ... or did she? If you have been away in Kathmandu you might have missed the second "comeback kid" staging her revival in Pennsylvania, at least if believe the media. But the fact is this: to get back in the race for delegates, Hil-liar needed to beat Obama by 25% not just under 10% (notice she claims a double digit victory, but she missed that and is rounding up and the media accepts this spin).

So what gives? Is it the media that is actually pro-Hil-liar, notwithstanding the shrill claims by her campaign that Obama was getting a free ride? I have always thought that this was the case -- how can the media not jump all over Hil-liar's constant stream of lies if they didn't not desperately want Hil-liar? And a brief review of the various owners and editors of the left wing media show a veritable gaggle of friends of Bill 'n' Hill. The Lincoln Bedroom should be wallpapered with editorial mastheads of the 1990's -- and things have not changed.

OR, if you are gullible, you might consider that the media want to "make a go of it" and promote a contest so that they actually have something interesting to report.... But that is horseshit: Obama cannot reasonably be dethroned from his lead in "elected delegates." And for his lead to be cut, Hil-liar had to STOMP Obama in PA ... and she did not. In fact, she lost a commanding 25--30 point lead in the PA polls in less than 6 weeks. Hardly a resounding victory -- I'll bet there were some sweaty armpits awaiting the first exit polls.

More damning is that Hil-liar failed to keep a larger lead among what should be her staunchest core support: fat, white people of extremely limited education, sitting eating Doritos on their couch waiting for the steel mills to open again (or the hand-out check in the mail). Obama was entirely correct: guns and religion, the last bastion of hope for the hopeless. You see, Hil-liar cannot defeat Obama where the population is educated -- and this is in contradistinction to the general election where even educated people will vote for Hil-liar in the knee-jerk reflex to vote Democrat (think Massachusetts). So her failure to hold onto even the dimmest constituency is actually quite shocking.

And most disturbing of all -- at least for Democrats -- is that Hil-liar's continued participation in the primary (when considered in the light of an unconvincing PA performance), means that she will make a play for the Superdelegates: the Superdelegate Tango. This confirms the notion that she will attempt to circumvent the "will of the people" for her own benefit. Even assuming it is true that she has a better chance of winning against McCoot in the Fall, democracy is NOT about who the party apparatchiks might think is the better bet, it is about the people who make up the party. This is NOT the Soviet Union of Brezhnev's time.

So let us consider what might happen at the convention: lots of arm twisting, back room dealing, lies, bargains, promises ... the very antithesis of what we have come to demand in our electoral process. Few of us know that the Electoral College could overturn the will of the people and simply install whomever they wish as President ... but they could. And the result would be the death knell of our nation. Similarly, the same result in the Democratic Party would and will be the death knell of that assembly. And the longer that Hil-liar persists, the worse it is going to be for Democrats in November. How can you stand up to the American people and claim to represent them when you can't even represent the members and voters in your own party?

And consider too, the riots that will inevitably result from a Hil-liar "victory." With all the moral indignation / right in the world, the Blacks of this country will rise up to smite the oppressor. And they would be correct. They would have (and are being) disenfranchised by the very Party the presumes to represent and speak for them. This is entirely consistent with Bill in South Carolina this time around and every other time a Clinton has run for election: they can afford to ignore the Blacks because they won't vote Republican ... "we Clintons can diss you because you know we love you." This time the lie has been exposed. The Clintons will do anything, sacrifice any ethic or moral they may claim to have in order to once again sully and debase the corridors of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Think of the monumental audacity of it: "I am better for the Party, so I will convince the Superdelegates to vote for me." It is Leona Helmsley of the "little people" all over again. It is telling the majority of democratic voters that she knows better and can force them to accept that. Do as I say, don't do as I do. Believe in the process, even though I clearly don't believe in the voice of the people. Ironically, the Superdelegate system was put in place to protect the voice of minorities, to assist the Jesse Jacksons of the world. And here comes a genuine electable Black U.S. Senator (no less!!) and he gets screwed by the same system ... Democrats hoisted on their own petard?

Pure porn for Republicans. Porn. But a very sad chapter in our democracy.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Holocaust Survivor weighs in ...

For my second blog entry of the day -- the first was reserved for the monumental stupidity of Jimmy "Peanuts" Cooter and who nows turns out to have been warned by Condi Rice to keep his frikkin nose out the Hamas issue -- we have Emanuel Tanay, MD a forensic shrink and Holocaust survivor.

I cut and paste his letter: why even tinker with it?

Subject: A German's View on Islam

This is by far the best explanation of the Muslim terrorist situation I have ever read. His references to past history are accurate and clear. Not long, easy to understand, and well worth the read. The author of this email is said to be Dr. Emanuel Tanay, a well known and well respected psychiatrist.
A German's View on Islam
A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II, owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism. "Very few people were true Nazis," he said, "but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories."
We are told again and again by "experts" and "talking heads" that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the spectra of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.
The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder, or honor-kill. It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. It is the fanatics who teach their young to kill and to bcome suicide bombers.
The hard quantifiable fact is that the peaceful majority, the "silent majority," is cowed and extraneous.
Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about
20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant.
China's huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people.
The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across South East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians; most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet.
And, who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were "peace loving"?
History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because like my friend from Germany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.
Peace-loving Germans,Japanese,Chinese,Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.
As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts; the fanatics who threaten our way of life.
Lastly, anyone who doubts that the issue is serious and just deletes this email without sending it on, is contributing to the passiveness that allows the problems to expand. So, extend yourself a bit and send this on and on and on! Let us hope that thousands, world wide, read this and think about it, and send it on - before it's too late.

Emanuel Tanay, M.D.

I don't know about you, but we all need to heed this lesson.


Jimmy -- does the shame never end?

Peter Brookes cartoonYou know, we all cringe at the past eight years of Boosh ... well at least the last four years, anyway. After all, he did manage to win again last time. But there was a one-term President a while back who hails from Plains, Georgia. He was "down-home" with a silly Southern accent and always seemed a few cans short of a six ... just like the current resident of 1700 Pennsylvania Ave.

The notable difference between the two is that you might like to have a beer with Boosh, but the thought of spending more than few moments with Peanut is frankly, nauseating.

Peanut has been active in his role as Ambassador without Portfolio since ... his rehab by leftists during the '90's. During the Reagan years Peanut mostly hid in shame as a real President got the job done. But something has been percolating all along. Jimmy has always been a friend of the Arabs. By itself that is not really an issue (for me) at all -- I like Egyptians and have spent some really unusual days in the Middle East. The trouble starts with Jimmy Peanut's clear position with regards to Palestinians -- the unwelcome guests of every Arab nation, unwelcome for more than 60 years.

You see, Jimmy is a friend of Hamas ... best known for being the popularly elected government of the Gaza mob. Hamas, as you know, has repeatedly called for the extermination of Israel -- the death of its citizens and the razing of all Jewish dwellings. Shoah. Again. This is the official party politics of this elected body -- the platform of their election. Why is Jimmy No-brains going over there to "mediate?" Mediation requires, as a preliminary matter, two willing parties, voluntariness and informed consent: last time I checked, Israel did not ask Cooter to mediate between Hamas and the Knesset. In fact, Israel has repeatedly suggested that Cooter piss off and stop interfering in its relationship with the Palestinians.

Peanut Cooter's only rationally defensible position on his actions is that he is getting paid by the Arabs -- the Saudis or whichever groups of socio-political assassins with a few Dinars to rub together and a desire to focus attention on Palestinians and Israel and away from their own domestic messes. Sure sounds like the Saudis, but equally their arch-enemies of the Shiite faith headquartered in Tehran could also have the role of pay-master.

But seeing as Cooter made his break-through announcement in Damascus, Syria, a country known to facilitate Hebollah, which is Iranian financed, and also funnel Jihadis from Saudi ... it is difficult to guess who greased Cooter's palm this time. The gist of Coots meeting with Hamas is this: if Israel returns to pre-1967 borders, AND if the Palestinian people vote on it, then they would leave Israel in peace. For this Cooter was jubilant.

Butthead. Spectacular butthead.

You see, there are more than a few West Bank settlements built on land that would have to be given back to the Palestinians under Cooter's vision. And lots of Israeli voters might have a problem with that. Any soldier would tell you that the idea of giving away to the Arabs the small buffer that the West Bank presents is ... insanity. On a pure economic basis, the example of the returned Gaza Strip shows Israel what to expect ... utter ruin and a stage from which to shoot more missiles at Jews.

But the Western news media continues to give Cooter a stage on which to parade his blatantly anti-semitic view, thereby exposing the current leftist slant against Israel. Curiously, American Jews continue to vote Democrat ... what's up with that? There must be some form of ingrained self-loathing to support a party, which has as as platform, policies sure to lead to a clear and present danger to Israel. Passover started Saturday night ... a story of survival. But the same participants seriously contemplate electing a Democrat (withdraw the troops now)? Obama wants to meet with them too, just as soon as he is President. Hil-liar, of course, is in the bag for the Saudis (remember the funding for the William Jefferson Clinton library?), so there is no way that she can be seen to be a friend of Israel, at least not rationally.

Cooter, Obugger, Hil-liar ... shades of the same. McCain should sleep well at night.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Barack -- O Buggered?

Obama was hammered last night. They chipped away at him from all sides. This was a concerted pro-Hil-liar event. But will it really have any effect on the primary?

I don't think so. In PA, maybe, given the older rust-belt population and small minority groups present. Face it: in primaries Blacks and Hispanics don't really turn out to vote in the numbers that it would take to upset the White vote. The White vote might be the geriatric vote, but it is still Hil-liar's. The students and the liberal elite that were going to vote for Obama will vote continue to vote for Obama and the codgers with a union pension for Hil-liar. Small swing if any.

So, assuming that not enough damage was done to Obama -- and why should it have been -- the race is still very damn close. Anywhere nearer than a 10% victory by Hil-liar, an Obama pretty much seals his majority of the voted delegates. I say "why should it have been" because for the committed Obama liberal the allegations of patriotism are irrelevant -- those voters would fail that test too. Jeremiah Wright ... well the ultra liberals fairly applauded the God Damn America notion. They agree with him. They hate us and themselves, so Wright may have a point. And the Liberal Elite agree that STA hang on to guns and religion. That Obama said it is just Blue State America finally making their manifesto clear. Hil-liar agrees with Obama, but won't say it. Democrats do not get more Elite than Hil-liar: the ultimate insider. But there will be a price to pay.

So ... Obama it will be, most likely. And precisely those points that Hil-liar hammered away at will be the ones that sink Obama come the General Election. You see, only a small percentage of eligible voters participate in primaries -- the politically motivated. That is, the people who consider that political distinctions matter a damn. The reality is that the vast unwashed American people don't really give a damn about politics as politics.

Instead, they care about American values, national pride, baseball and footbal, money in their pockets and their own security. Fundamentally, they could care less about what German Green Party politicians think about them. They don't like poverty in the U.S., but hate the idea of someone in Washington picking their pockets even more: they want responsibility to be the watchword for social programs, not larger government encouraging more illegal immigrants, more welfare, more waste. And they WILL vote on those issues come November. And the Democrats come out on the wrong side of that equation, by any measure and any poll. Tell me that Joe-six-pack blue collar union worker wants illegal immigration. He'd chip in for the fence and if an ex-military aviator, volunteer to fly the plane to bring them back home.

Whereas some Democrats might swing-vote Republican, Republicans will NOT vote for either democrat in this race, particularly after the debates that are to come. Obama's continued support of his racist minister will NOT fly in Des Moines. His surrender-monkey (French) attitude towards Iraq will not work either. Obama's Elite attitude about STA (small town America) will ensure a heavy Republican turnout/participation as voters, and a Red State resurgence.

Obama may have sunk his ship ... had he moved away from this radical stances, his support of racism, his support for illegal immigration, his dogged insistence on getting out of Iraq, irrespective of consequences, meeting with terrorist leaders ... then he might have had a chance. A good chance. Probably have won. But the tape is out there ... the smoking elitist gun. Howard Dean's shriek revisited. You have got to believe that those comments will provoke the blue collar Democrat-unionist faithful to vote for McCain -- because McCain IS a patriot, a hero and represents what those union rust-belt men and women want in their President.

But what if Hil-liar gets the nod, squeaks by, dealing in the back room for delegates? The Republican faithful hate her in a way that will again ensure near 100% voter participation. And the bitter Obama supporters may just be unable to pull the lever for Hil-liar. "She should have pulled out a month ago." They will not forget this. They will not forget the attempted political lynching of Obama by Hil-liar and her media stooges. I would have said that Hil-liar had a better chance against McCain after Obama's blunders -- but her dowfall might just have been her handling of Obama: she is just so desperate to do anything to win. Anything. And Americans don't like that: there is a limit, an unseen and unwritten code ... and Hil-liar will never be able to see or appreciate it. She is too elitist, ambitious and self absorbed.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bitter -- guns, religion

Obugger's comments at a San Francisco fundraiser on April 6 stated that small town Americans' economic struggle leads them to feel “bitter” and “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment.”

Hil-liar was "taken aback" by Obugger's comments ... he was "elitist and out of touch." And she is running ads all over PA approving that message. Obugger retorted that she should "know better." But she doesn't.

And Hil-liar is doubtless unaware of what a flaming hypocrite she is in making such a statement. After all ... when has she EVER had anything to do with small town America? Small Town America ("STA") is red state territory. And they are gun owners. And they go to church .. just like Obugger (but maybe a different brand...) and NOT like Hil-liar, a confirmed secularist who goes only to show that "she is like us." Bullshit.

Hil-liar is just as anti-gun as Barack. Maybe more so -- and she has certainly spent more years decrying the NRA and the "fascist gun lobby" than Barack. And when has she EVER had anything to do with small town America? Or the people on the streets -- Leona Helmsley's "little people?" NEVER. Barack Obugger started on the streets as a community activist. Hil-liar went from suburban Chicago doctor's daughter to Wellesley (and the feminist-lesbian movement there -- try that in STA) to Yale Law School. From Yale, she was moved onto Washington where she attempted to infringe constitutional rights under Doar in the Watergate witch hunt -- don't care to get the plumbers on the stand? Might they tell stories about the Holy Kennedy that would make Tricky Dicky look like a frikkin boyscout? She went onwards to a succession of political appointments and then, eventually, Bill and the Governor's Mansion in Little Rock. WHAT THE HELL DOES SHE KNOW ABOUT STA? ELITIST? You cannot get more elitist in the American experience unless she had been born an Astor or Carnegie.

Hil-liar, you cannot hold a candle to Obugger's background and deeds ... at least with regards to the "little people." Obugger, might say what you think, but there is NOBODY (with more than two brain cells, that is) who doesn't understand that you make him look like a Citoyen Barack during the French Revolution ... while Hil-liar eats cake.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

If we did that...

"A sermon last Friday by a prominent Muslim cleric and Hamas member of the Palestinian parliament openly declared that "the capital of the Catholics, or the Crusader capital," would soon be conquered by Islam.

The fiery sermon, delivered by Yunis al-Astal and aired on Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV, predicted that Rome would become "an advanced post for the Islamic conquests, which will spread though Europe in its entirety, and then will turn to the two Americas, even Eastern Europe."

"Allah has chosen you for Himself and for His religion," al-Astal preached, "so that you will serve as the engine pulling this nation to the phase of succession, security and consolidation of power, and even to conquests through da'wa and military conquests of the capitals of the entire world.

"Very soon, Allah willing, Rome will be conquered, just like Constantinople was, as was prophesized by our prophet Muhammad," he added.

Al-Astal last June preached how it was the duty of Palestinian women to martyr themselves by becoming homicide bombers.

"The most exalted form of jihad is fighting for the sake of Allah, which means sacrificing one's soul by fighting the enemies head-on, even if it leads to martyrdom," he said in a June 23, 2007 interview."

And just imagine if some Western theologian or politician said those words as against Islam ... there would be protests in the streets, crowds of people baying for blood, threats against all infidels. Chaos. "Crusader speech!" "Imperialist venom!" And yet we let these turkeys carry on like this with impunity. We should martyr his ass with a laser guided maverick missile. Assist his miserable tribal butt onwards.

These scum-mullahs actually represent the thought of the people ... this cat is from Hamas. The liberals in this country and EU would have us appease Hamas and engage them in "negotiation," "listen to their point of views, respect them." What are we? Idiots? Would Barack Obugger engage in meaningful dialog with these hate mongers? Of course, a liberal would say I am the hate-monger, and the Muslim cleric is responding to the oppression by me and my ancestors. Bullshit.

Islam has practiced this form of foreign policy since its inception. They got as far as Vienna and rural France in their first attempt. They were not then responding to anything but their internal need for aggression. And nothing has changed much in 1200 years. As I have written before, the U.S. Navy was created in response to ... Islamic warlords preying on American merchant shipping. True. Look it up. Fact is much stranger than fiction. And as Mark Steyn writes in "America Alone," it is demographics and stupid European appeasement that is going to allow Islam to do precisely what this Ham-moron threatens.

Get with the plan: there can be no peace with these people. There can be no accommodation, They do not want to discuss our differences, they want to kill us. For the Greater Glory of Allah -- at least the brands of Islam financed by Saudi Arabia and Tehran do. And from their point of view it makes sense. Their great weapon is not learning, it is breeding -- as in large numbers of cannon fodder. When the oil runs out, and it will, they will need to be in possession of the resources to carry on their form of "civilization" and to do that, they need to get on with pretty darn quickly.

As an aside, you don't see any Mullahs or Clerics strapping explosives to their chests for Allah, do you? Sort of like the kommisars of the GRU behind the Great Red Army in WW2 ... they shot deserters and anyone thought not brave enough in the face of the enemy. But there are no reliable records of companies of "heroic political kommisars" leading the charge into the face of the hated Nazis... Rather, it was "Ivan the steelworker" who led the charge: get shot in the face by a German or shot in the back by the Party. Hell of a choice.

And we get to vote for M(an)c(hurian)Cain, Hil-liar or Obugger.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

A success!!!

China declared the "San Francisco Running of the Torch" a success....

"During the torch relay there we have seen lots of patriotic overseas Chinese and local people who warmly welcomed the torch relay, which left many moving moments in our hearts," China's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said Thursday. "The torch will go ahead in spite of all the difficulties and spread the Olympic spirit and the concept of peace, friendship and progress. And this can not be stopped by any forces."

Yeah. And they changed the route, shortened it, and ended the measly affair at San Francisco International Airport where the flame was not displayed with any closing ceremony, merely hustled onto a plane and whoooosh! Gone!

So the Chinese ... CHEATED. They didn't follow the route, they didn't give people who had stood hours waiting for a chance to glimpse the flame any chance whatsoever, no warning, nada. And they didn't give the thousands of protesters a chance to snuff the frikkin thing in the Bay!! How is that sportsman-like? Huh?

"I think it was very strange that the torch seemed to be running away from the people, but it was a good day because attention was focused on some very important issues," said Jerry Fowler, president of the Save Darfur Coalition. BS, Jerry! You got ripped off.

"There were signs of tension even before the torch relay began. Pro-Tibet and pro-China groups had side-by-side permits to demonstrate, and representatives from both sides spilled from their sanctioned sites across a major street and shouted at each other nose to nose, with no visible police presence to separate them. The police knew that there would be no Torch coming along the Waterfront ... tip off number one!

Farther along the planned route, about 200 Chinese college students mobbed a car carrying two people waving Tibetan flags in front of the city's Pier 39 tourist destination. The students, who arrived by bus from the University of California, Davis, banged drums and chanted "Go Olympics" in Chinese. And who do you suppose paid for those buses? Local, pro-Chinese rioters-in-training?

"I'm proud to be Chinese and I'm outraged because there are so many people who are so ignorant they don't know Tibet is part of China," Yi Che said. "It was and is and will forever be part of China."" (Washington Post). Sez who? I think Homeland should have another look at your Visa, buddy.

You just can't make this up. Ahhhh. The Chinese are going to have a wonderful Summer....

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Third World Nation

Russia, or the ex-Soviet Union, always seemed like a Third World Nation to me. Sure it was/is a superpower, but with all the trimmings of a Banana-Republic-on-the-Tundra: a dictator, corruption, violence inflicted on the populace, lousy plumbing ... Mugabe could have been an excellent First Secretary of the Party. All he would have to do is the Michael Jackson thing with his skin and ... Presto! Putin's brother. Of course in Mugabe's particular case it should be more like Rasputin, but let's not split hairs.

But lately (over the past 8 years or so), the Land of Milk and Honey, the United States, has more closely resembled that Banana Republic paradigm: lies from the commander-in-chief, excess stupidity from the Central Bank, pointless foreign wars, widespread corruption, descending standard of living, debased currency, ludicrous political opposition ... we are only missing babushkas in line for commodities and basic living necessities. Geddit? No? Well someone in Venice, Italy does.

Americans can drink their subprime blues away for less at Harry's How humiliating! But thanks for the discount, anyway, we could use it. Reminds me of East Bloc tourists in the West circa 1989, smoky Ladas, Skodas and Trabants, shabby clothes, 14 to a car, baulking at the price of a burger at Mickey D's in Frankfurt or Geneva. Do you remember how much crap they could tie to the tops of their cars when headed back into the abyss of the East?

And a large percentage of the U.S. population is willing to place their trust Hil-liar, Borat Oboohoo, or the Manchurian Candidate. Romney is out of it ... 'coz his homies tithe to his particular brand of religious demagogy and folks are scared that it might stick or something. Mormonism as a subspecies of cooties.

"Let's all be real afraid, cause they do weird things to kids in their weirdo church." Yup. Like sending them on missions where they learn to sell, save and work hard. Kids that don't smoke, drink or do drugs. Kids that want to start families and have lots of other kids ... wait ... is this starting to sound a lot like Islam?? Maybe the Huckaboobs and Liberals DO have a point. But on the other hand, I can't really think of an Islamic Nation where the "sell, save and work hard" is part of the national creed. More like pump oil, bemoan their fates on the Great Satan, get their women to work, drink tea and smoke shisha. Bomb a few innocents too.

I digress. The one sect, group, set of loonies -- whatever -- that basically still holds onto the qualities that made America a military superpower and global economic engine, is excluded from political consideration because they are weird? But the rest of us are not decadent? Is this what it felt like to be Roman in the year 300 A.D.? Mixing my dates at little -- is Nero currently in the White House or are we about to elect her?

Et tu, Brute?

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Pass the torch

The Chinese have shown that they really don't "get" the Western world ... again. They don't understand that we really would rather that they stop funding the Sudanese, thereby permitting genocide in Darfur. They don't understand that we believe Tibet should be a sovereign nation and that their occupation is precisely ... an occupation ... of someone else's historic land.

Before you start, the critical difference between Iraq (and the U.S.) and Tibet (and China) is that we don't claim it as part of the United States. And the majority of us would rather let the Sunnis and Shiites just kill each other until they stopped, whereas the people of Tibet today are generally Buddhist peace-niks. Rather unlike the Iraqis of today (or at any time in the past), then.

Actually Iraq as a nation or concept is more of a Western confection to start with. Prior to Western (British) meddling there, borders were ... indistinct, but the notion of a local culture centered on the rivers and Baghdad is ancient -- all the way back to Mesopotamia. The word "Iraq" may be descended from the Sumerian city of Uruk. Tibetans, too, can point into antiquity as one culture and nation/kingdom/territory -- albeit invaded from time to time by Ghurkas, Mongols, Chinese, British, etc. Sort of like Iraq. I am digressing ... if you want to get confused, try a brief bit of research into Tibetan history.

China wants the Beijing Olympics to showcase their modern society. It just doesn't look good, even with their best foot forwards. Athletes are scared to compete in the air of Beijing because the environment is simply too polluted. High jump in a gas mask? And the usual protests are unlikely because the potential protesters are afraid of being "disappeared" in the Argentine sense, remember Tiananmen Square? Also, apart from some excellent duck, I advise the athletes to be careful of some of the food there ... woof, woof.

China can't even get the propaganda-torch relay off ... (pro) Tibetan protesters across Europe keep snuffing out the flame of brotherhood, cooperation and peace. So China, in its typical "I just don't get it" manner have started employing "minders" to protect the flame. Actually, probably the same sort of person that would "disappear" you, if you tried this in China itself. Europeans have taken to calling these minders "thugs." They certainly look the part.Olympic guards surround the Olympic torchbearer And remember, they are doing this in someone else's sovereign nation! Who is meant to be holding the torch, anyway? Like the standard-issue sunglasses from the Matrix?

We are going to get the flame of peace and brotherhood through to Beijing, even if we have to kill you in the process. Great. The Aussies have said "sod off." Your minders will not be doing anything near the flame while in Oz. Maybe I need to move there.

An interesting question would be,"what would the People's Republic of Cambridge do if faced with the torch dilemma?" You see, the knee-jerk pinkos in Cambridge would have a powerful urge to support the last Communist (quasi) dictatorship. They would also have need to be pro-Tibet ... after all, Richard Geer is Buddhist and Buddhists are Vegetarians/Vegans, just like us. And we LOVE the Dalai Lama. No doubt Bush would be to blame.

And Hil-liar is calling for Bush to boycott the Olympics, or at least calling for him not to go. What BS is that? She'd be all over the royal treatment the Chinese would give her, and probably pocket a few trinkets to decorate with back at home. McCain would probably report back to his Chinese control -- you know the one that he has reported to since meeting him in the Hanoi Hilton -- but secretly (or is that double secretly?), he'd be dreaming of nuking the bastards. Obama ... I just don't know? I think that he'd be pretty pissed-off at the Chinese, and in a very different way than Hil-Liar, McCain or Boosh.

But nobody is going to boycott the Chinese ... because they hold too much of our sovereign debt. Should the Chinese really wish to screw us, they only need to start selling Treasury Bonds. Drive interest rates up -- and nuke our economy more efficiently than any bombs. Heck, if they started selling in a meaningful way, UBS and Bear Stearns would be pocket change and the 1930's would be golden years. And for you Europeans too.

So be nice to the Panda, even though the sucker has claws, fangs, venom and a mean disposition. Coz he's made his list and he's checking it twice.

Friday, April 04, 2008

TSA -- security or power-crazed morons?

I have had my share of interesting "interludes" with the TSA and similar agencies around the world. In Paris, I had a particularly zealous chimpanzee with a badge confiscate my carabiner (a nice screw lock D-Petzl) that I always hang from the back of my rucksack for carrying other bags. This particular device is made from aluminum, was about 4 inches long, 1/2 inch thick and about 3 inches wide.
Am'DBut Mr. Gallic-Surrender-Monkey determined that this was dangerous and took it. About $15 worth of power-display. I asked why -- in French, using the polite "vous" form. He brandished it as a pair of knuckle-dusters. I guess I should have seen that coming, but I'd be more afraid of a pair of stiletto heels, well employed in a tight spot ... if you know what I mean. In the far-from-polite rebuke I gave him for this piece of fantasy, I suggested that he might need a dose of reality. Even more ironically, Air France once again provides all classes on its planes with metal cutlery. Yes, knives too.

That Petzl is probably hanging on the gear-loop of his (or his buddy's) climbing harness.

But this is "small beer" compared to what a Dallas resident encountered in trying to catch a plane back home from Lubbock last week. You see, she has/had a pair of nipple rings inserted. I don't know the details (was it a bar, a true ring, capture bead, etc.) but apparently, after successfully passing through the walk-through gate, a Lubbock, Texas, security chimpanzee decided to wave the metal detection wand over her. And it went off over her breasts.

A female TSA agent was summoned, and the passenger explained that she had nipple rings. She offered to show them to the female agent. But after conferring with a male colleague, the passenger was told that she would have to go one step further ... she was required to remove them.

Now, I can't really see what the purpose of that might be ... death threats by pointed nipple-dusters? Was the hardwear part of a gun? Could they be assembled to form a deadly weapon of any sort? Did they emit radio waves that would disturb the plane's navigation system? They might certainly distract the male pilot who would then know that a female in his plane was proudly sporting a pair of lethal nipples. "Fly me to Havana, I've got a pair of nipple rings!"

Worse still, the passenger had apparently had them in a while ... she couldn't get them out. With some pain, she managed to remove one ... but the other was stuck. So the TSA-simians handed her ... pair of pliers. Household variety. You want to fly, get busy with these-here pliers. She flew. And she filed a law-suit.

Was it because it was Lubbock, Texas? There IS a country and western song entitled, "Happiness is Lubbock, Texas in the Rear View Mirror." Honestly. It seems as if someone might have had similar experiences there. Were the TSA-chimps sadists? Morons? Merely being funny on a slow day? Religious zealots disturbed by the flying harlot? It could have been worse, there are plenty more interesting and private places to insert jewelry for the subject's consideration, for those so motivated. Talk about "ouch."

I have seen a parade of pilots, aircrew and others flash badges as they sail through the TSA checkpoints at Logan Airport. Not even a cursory once-over. Are you going to tell me that each one of those people are completely sane and above any suspicion? No pilot or aircrew has ever harbored thoughts of "plinking" a passenger, or smuggling some weed? Pilots can carry guns, now -- we know of a least one pilot who doesn't know what a "safety" is, or better than to carry with a round up the spout: last week a gun went off, with the round penetrating two different planes. Proof positive of the dangers of morons with guns.

But still, we are subject to some bizarre standards and procedures. I cannot really tell whether they are the result of Uncle Sam's bureaucracy at its finest, or the general level of idiocy of the recruits for the jobs? World-wide. Is there some silent job spec that requires: "must be possessed of extraordinarily bad judgment." "Helps if you are idiot." "No intelligence required, but a strong sense of sadism a plus."

Moments like these make me wish I could get these Gomers on the stand under oath for a little cross-examination ... when it counts. Deadly nipples indeed.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Hil-liar is precisely that.... More proof

This time, I'll let someone else "speak."

Source: -- he'll sell his book to you online.

Watergate-Era Judiciary Chief of Staff, Jerry Zeifman:
Hillary Clinton Fired For Lies, Unethical Behavior

By Dan Calabrese

As Hillary Clinton came under increasing scrutiny for her story about facing
sniper fire in Bosnia, one question that arose was whether she has engaged
in a pattern of lying.

The now-retired general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary
Committee, who supervised Hillary when she worked on the Watergate
investigation, says Hillary’s history of lies and unethical behavior goes back
farther – and goes much deeper – than anyone realizes.

Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old
Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the
investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who
was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair.
When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee
staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three
people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.


“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was
an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the
rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of

How could a 27-year-old House staff member do all that? She couldn’t do it
by herself, but Zeifman said she was one of several individuals – including
Marshall, special counsel John Doar and senior associate special counsel
(and future Clinton White House Counsel) Bernard Nussbaum – who
engaged in a seemingly implausible scheme to deny Richard Nixon the right
to counsel during the investigation.

Why would they want to do that? Because, according to Zeifman, they feared
putting Watergate break-in mastermind E. Howard Hunt on the stand to be
cross-examined by counsel to the president. Hunt, Zeifman said, had the
goods on nefarious activities in the Kennedy Administration that would have
made Watergate look like a day at the beach – including Kennedy’s
purported complicity in the attempted assassination of Fidel Castro.

The actions of Hillary and her cohorts went directly against the judgment of
top Democrats, up to and including then-House Majority Leader Tip O’Neill,
that Nixon clearly had the right to counsel. Zeifman says that Hillary, along
with Marshall, Nussbaum and Doar, was determined to gain enough votes on
the Judiciary Committee to change House rules and deny counsel to Nixon.
And in order to pull this off, Zeifman says Hillary wrote a fraudulent legal
brief, and confiscated public documents to hide her deception.

The brief involved precedent for representation by counsel during an
impeachment proceeding. When Hillary endeavored to write a legal brief
arguing there is no right to representation by counsel during an
impeachment proceeding, Zeifman says, he told Hillary about the case of
Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, who faced an impeachment
attempt in 1970.

“As soon as the impeachment resolutions were introduced by (then-House
Minority Leader Gerald) Ford, and they were referred to the House Judiciary
Committee, the first thing Douglas did was hire himself a lawyer,” Zeifman

The Judiciary Committee allowed Douglas to keep counsel, thus
establishing the precedent. Zeifman says he told Hillary that all the
documents establishing this fact were in the Judiciary Committee’s public
files. So what did Hillary do?

“Hillary then removed all the Douglas files to the offices where she was
located, which at that time was secured and inaccessible to the public,”
Zeifman said. Hillary then proceeded to write a legal brief arguing there was
no precedent for the right to representation by counsel during an
impeachment proceeding – as if the Douglas case had never occurred.

The brief was so fraudulent and ridiculous, Zeifman believes Hillary would
have been disbarred if she had submitted it to a judge.

Zeifman says that if Hillary, Marshall, Nussbaum and Doar had succeeded,
members of the House Judiciary Committee would have also been denied
the right to cross-examine witnesses, and denied the opportunity to even
participate in the drafting of articles of impeachment against Nixon.

Of course, Nixon’s resignation rendered the entire issue moot, ending
Hillary’s career on the Judiciary Committee staff in a most undistinguished
manner. Zeifman says he was urged by top committee members to keep a
diary of everything that was happening. He did so, and still has the diary if
anyone wants to check the veracity of his story. Certainly, he could not have
known in 1974 that diary entries about a young lawyer named Hillary
Rodman would be of interest to anyone 34 years later.

But they show that the pattern of lies, deceit, fabrications and unethical
behavior was established long ago – long before the Bosnia lie, and indeed,
even before cattle futures, Travelgate and Whitewater – for the woman who
is still asking us to make her president of the United States.

© 2008 North Star Writers Group. May not be republished without permission.


Book By Democratic Chief Counsel Exposes Why
Hillary Clinton Is "Ethically Unfit to Hold Public Office.”

Hillary's Pursuit of Power

Jerry Zeifman, a former counsel to the House Judiciary Committee for 17 years,
takes you to a behind the scenes account of Hillary Clinton, in a book based on
his personal experiences in dealing with her. In 1974, he had supervisory authority
of a staff that included Hillary Rodham – who was then engaged in a variety of self-
serving unethical practices in violation of House rules. In 1998, as consultant to a
member of the Judiciary Committee that impeached President Clinton, he gained
extensive personal insights into the unethical practices of Hillary Clinton in her White
House “West Wing” office.

A lifelong Democrat, Jerry Zeifman has concluded that Hillary Clinton is ethically
unfit to be either a Senator or President – and if she were to become President, the
last vestiges of the traditional moral authority of the party of Roosevelt, Truman and
Johnson will be destroyed.

And if you want to contact him:

Jerry Zeifman
32 Walnut Tree Hill Road
Sandy Hook, CT 06482
203 426 0044


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Time passes or is that Tibet?

To boycott Beijing or not? Because of China and its inscrutable support of vicious murders in Darfur, we should not go to Beijing to risk our athlete's lungs in the grime and filth of modern-day China. Uh huh. Or is it that we should not subject our prime sportmen and women to high levels of ozone because of China's imperialistic designs on the subjugation of Tibet?

Hang on, I am struggling with orthodoxy here.

The heck with it, let's talk about Hil-liar instead.

Hil-liar and her disbarred, racist husband refuse to bow out. They will drag our sorry behinds all the way to the Democratic convention where they hope to con/shame/buy the votes from the super delegates that they need to run for the White House in November. This is porn to Republicans. Dirty, raw, XXX-rated porn. Frankly, it does not get any better than this (not that I watch "classic" porn)!!! Break out the popcorn, let's see what doozies the Clinton campaign can dig up for the benefit of the McCain campaign in the coming months.

When did "Barry" Obama become "Barack" Obama? Just a random thought ... 'coz he was known as Barry for quite a while in his youth. I suppose that William Jefferson does not sound as good as "Bill," and for those who have lived in the UK, "Barry" does have a faintly Essex-sounding ring to it. Hmm.

The mass-media news cabals have finally caught onto the little twist that Hil-liar has been milking for the past 6 months: she has never liked being identified as a common "woman" -- indeed scorning the idea of the stay-at-home-mom as demeaning, while she was "out changing the world." But then playing to the same crowd as helping them get their turn -- electing a woman as payback for all those slights experienced by womankind everywhere, the lack of respect shown to stay-at-homes, the partial career/family woman, etc. Sort of reminds me of the way the Clintons totally "diss" the black voter, knowing that in the end they will vote Democratic, no matter what. Bill got caught out on that one too.

Nothing in her entire past has shown that Hil-liar has ever intended to represent old-line womanhood: her entire life has been a rejection of that, a classic '60's repudiation of gender lines and roles. Now she wants her gender to line up behind her. Increasingly, women across the country have said, "we feel it's time for a woman President ... just not her." Hopefully, women all over America will wake up in time to realize that she might just jeopardize the chances of meaningful representation in politics by women for a generation. And if the 40-70 age bracket women do desert her, coming to their senses by realizing that this election is about character (as it should be) and not race or gender, Hil-liar will be toast and vulnerable as a Senator in New York, too. Because New Yorkers hate losers.
