Thursday, August 31, 2006


So, to vast gasps of shock and amazement, Iran tells the UN and Europe to stick their demands up their respective rectums. Oh, wow. I am truly astounded at this.

Right. And George Michael doesn't like dirty sex.

I just cannot fathom how this has been so messed up by the chickenshits in the driving seats of the (so called) E3. Britain, Germany and of course the surrender-monkeys, France, have not the faintest clue. France, in particular are so terrified of arousing the passions of its home-grown psycho-mob has bent over to receive the Santorum dished out by my favorite terrorist, Ahmadinejad, (see above). Would you believe ANYTHING this man said to you? Apparently European governments have fallen over themselves to do precisely that.

Now, the E3, with Condi in tow, have to try and convince the idiots in Moscow and Beijing that they really need to "deal" with this now. Fat chance. The most ironic thing is that the Russian domestic islamo-loonies WOULD use dirty bombs or (mostlikely) low yield nukes on political targets: Moscow and Leningrad. You think the Chechens wouldn't? If so, you haven't been doing your homework. Notwithstanding the miserable performance of the IDF in the latest "war", I am sure that their missiles do work and that the warheads are in fine order. So you tread a little more carefully. But when the dudes that blow up the tactical device in your hometown also share your passport, you are in a different position. Sure the Russians could deduce where the fissile material came from and flatten Tehran, but they are far less likely to do so than Israel given an attack by their respective enemies.

Net, "what the heck are the Ruskies thinking?" Now the Chinese probably just don't care enough, and see greater Islam as not much of a threat. More of a source of oil once the West no longer can count on receiving Middle East crude. Actually suits their strategic hand. And if one of their Islamic groups gets a nuke from Tehran ... their intelligence services are likely competent on their home turf and it will not pose as much of a threat. Plus, if they lose a city or two ... so what? At any rate the threat is diminished with respect to them, so they block meaningful UN action. Better to be a "friend" (read culturally non-imperialistic) to the sources of oil that they desperately need ... to develop to sell more shit to the US. And since they DO already have long term oil-supply contracts with Iran on the books, this should come as no shocker to those following this.

So the possibility of Security Council action is complete garbage. What is new? The only person "shocked" at Iran's petulance was probably Kofi Annan (and the official surrender monkeys at the Elysee Palace). French Foreign Minister Phillippe Douste-Blazy said, "I deplore Iran's unsatisfactory response to the ambitious negotiation proposals which the Six [the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council [EM] the U.S., United Kingdom, France, Russia and China [EM] plus Germany] made to her. I nonetheless remain convinced that priority must still be given to the path of dialogue." And I deplore your lack of testicles. As TIME says, "[s]o the diplomatic strategy calls for the West not to rise to the bait but instead to sound even more reasonable and cool-headed than the Iranians." But sound like that to who? And for what reason? Huh? I challenge you!!! By contrast Iran sound very level-headed: "[t]he Iranian nation will not accept for one moment any bullying, invasion and violation of its rights...," if one accepts that uranium enrichment is a fundamental sovereign right....

Now, US lunatic-lefties are, of course, looking to the US as the villain: says Leslie Gelb of the Council on Foreign relations, "[a]fter Lebanon and with the deteriorating situation in Iraq, the U.S. has almost no leverage over Iran." Ok, since when did the US have leverage on Iran in the first place? And why should Lebanon have had anything at all to do with Iran-US relations ... unless, of course, the left might be admitting that Hezboohaa is just an extension of Iranian foreign policy in the first place (since it is taken for granted that Israel is the 51st state according to the same people)?

And let's not look for other assistance from UN bodies: the IAEA did not find an Iranian enrichment program in the 18 years that it operated before being made public - we certainly cannot count on them to keep tabs on their "peaceful" plans in the future. Sort of like Hans Blix looking for WMDs. He couldn't find his ass with both hands in broad daylight. But it probably did give Shaddup incentive to learn how to hide and move his little stockpile ... of which Bashar Assad is the most likely custodian.

While "dissing" the French, anyone groove to the fact that Chirac had to back up and send some 1600 more troops to Lebanon? It must have just killed him, and I am sure there are US army types in Baghdad chortling into their beer ... and Condi and Dubyah are having a good giggle too.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hezbollah threatens Blair

Speaking in an interview at Hezbollah headquarters in the southern suburbs of Beirut, he (a senior member of Hezbollah’s politburo) said: “Blair is not welcome in Lebanon. I am not speaking on behalf of Hezbollah but all the Lebanese people. They do not want someone who cried crocodile tears to visit their country.

“He is up to his ears in the blood of Lebanese women and children. He is not welcome here. He is a killer. He killed a whole nation, not just individuals,” he said. “What you see around you (the destruction of the southern suburbs) is the result of Blair’s policy. We do not want to see him.”

Hmmm. Sounds like to me that Mr. Hezbeeweenie is trying to impose Hezbooha politics on behalf of all Lebanese. I cannot believe that all Lebanese: (1) are so stupid as to attribute their ills to the UK; (2) believe those responsible for igniting this miserable conflict are anybody but the idiots that kidnapped the Israelis (hence Iran by extension); (3) that Blair's policies had ANYTHING to do with the destruction of the southern Beirut infrastucture; and (4) that the actions of the terrorists are be extension the liability of all Lebanese.

Instead, what we are seeing is a leader of a politically extremist, terrorist organization threatening a leader of a democratically elected western government.

The Lebanese are by and large a pragmatic lot: they want to live well, do a little business to support their lifestyle, trade a little here and there, drink coffee, swim at the seaside.... What they do NOT want to do, the REAL LEBANESE that is, is root around in bunkers shooting off missiles at the Israelis. To great of a risk in having all you have worked for getting blown up, you see. THAT is the way of life of the real Lebanese. What we have here is a bunch of mutants who are inspired to religious fervor and acts of terrorism -- they are most emphatically NOT "Lebanese" in the traditional sense.

This broaches the difficult subject of class warfare -- the Lebanese that I refer to that built the Monte Carlo of the Eastern Med are the educated residents of Beirut of old. They are Marronite Christian, Sunni and Druse. Some Sufis thrown in. The idiots now worshipping Hezboohaa are the Shia group -- largely those who did not have much say in local affairs, until people (shit-stirring agents of Syria and Iran) put weapons in their hands. Also the Palestinians in their camps in the South. The underclass, in short. This underclass is responsible for the civil war that tore Lebanon apart, and are now responsible for dragging the Lebanese people back to the brink of the stone age.

Do you seriously think that the people who struggled to re-create the new Lebanon, the oasis of civilization in that part of the Middle East wanted to bring down the wrath of Israel on themselves. I think not. What they really wanted was to bring Israeli, Arab and western tourists into Lebanon, sell them stuff, induce them to make deposits in Lebanese banks and generally live the good life. That "good life" is strikingly similar to what we of the west perceive as the good life. Not at all what the Shia clerics perceive as the good life ... motive: create a new civil war and rebuild Lebanon in the Islamic Republic mode. Iran wins either way.

Nasty stuff this.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Damned interesting

You need to check out URL:

Why? Because the speaker is as good as dead. For the very reasons that she so eloquently describes. A better condemnation of Islamic Fascism has never been given. Ouch. And I particularly LOVE the studio theologian shouting at her that she is a heretic -- and so she does not have to talk to her.

And you have to check out this URL:

Yessir -- just like the cover of the independent.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Whooo - weee

I dont even know where to start. Or even if to start. Some observations:

President Kennedy (the greatest left-icon of all) said, " Americans are steadfast, we will NEVER run away from freedom." Saw that on the History Channel last night and even though I regard the guy as a vote rigging cheat, adulterer and hypocrite, I imagine that he is positively turning in his grave in shame at what the American Democratic Party has become -- remember, it was the GOP who were the isolationists, the cowardly party without morals or spine, only concerned about fame and domestic power. How things change. What would FDR think, or Truman? They'd be ashamed and furious that a bunch of terrorist weenies could so humiliate the US and embarrassed that Americans would turn from the good fight, to assent to the rule of dictators and totalitarians.

Back to the observations ....

1. The people who voted for Ned Lamont in Connecticut are idiots. Useful idiots. Barely has Lieberman taken it on the chin, and we bring down an apocalyptic plot. Precisely the sort of thing that Lamont would minimize, refute, pooh-pooh as being a paranoid fantasy of Lieberman.

AND (this is sooooo tasty) Hills The Great Unindicted has come out and stated that she will, "of course", being supporting the party's candidate in the Connecticut election -- or more precisely she said that she would before it became certain that Lamont would win, and then had to follow through. AND that means, ladies and gents, that this represents the Democratic party (and Hillary) embracing Lamont's views and politics: universal disengagement and "run home and stick our heads in the sand" and surrender-monkeyism. It means negotiate with the Hizboweenies and concede their right to conduct terrorist operations, the legitmacy of the Iran-shia inspired insurgency, and the wholesale murder of Israelis ... make no mistake about this, it means casting your lot with the true anti-semites!!!

So where does this leave the liberal Jewish voter in this country? A simple decision, really: vote Democrat to support the extinction of Eretz Israel or vote for a Republican. Vote Democract to make the greatest self-hating and nihilistic statement possible. Because that is what this has become.

2. The nay-sayers and civil libertarians (bleeding heart PC pinkos) have taken one to the kisser. Of course, they are going to blame the administration, blame the support for Israel (anti-semitic beliefs are, apparently, PC -- and make no mistake, Israel is a JEWISH state, so to accept its demise is inherently anti-semitic) -- blame everyone but their own wishy-washy response and refusal to acknowledge that there might be some people out there that they tacitly support who want to kill them. Who want to demolish their way of life, to deprive them of their very ability to voice PC insanities.

3. If not for the enhanced abilities of the UK anti-terrorist services to monitor, surveil, snoop and spy, we'd have 5 or more airliners in the drink with thousands of deaths. Or put another way, the US would most likely have bungled it: not because we are idiots, but because our hands are tied by the niceties of the Constitution and the restrictions placed on the Executive Branch by Congress and the Judicial Branch. Our greatest strength in terms of a democracy is also our greatest weakness is terms of defending our borders. And remember the brou-haha stirred up by the NY Times, Washington Post and Democrats concerning the NSA/US monitoring of domestic terror suspects? The Brits can do that without the usual red tape forced in the US -- red tape and leaks from various committees being all the better for blue state politicians to grandstand and scare people into what might happen if those dastardly Republicans get to watch over your shoulder. You see, while Republicans scare voters about terror -- at least according to the DNC party line -- the DNC and its minions scare voters about Big Brother and loss of civil liberties (after all we don't want the Feds to bust our little pot farm in the back shed, or search our houses for stolen goods do we?).

4. People are NOT going to get the message from this: it would have taken a few thousand more deaths for the great American population to really get it (in the words of the President today): we are at war with Islamic Fascists. Instead, they will minimize this, return to partisan politics, return to sniping at the current administration in any way possible, irrespective of how damaging some of those policies may be. Count on it. And the NY Times will find a way of criticizing the handling of this and why it was our fault in the first place.

5. This is fantastic news for those of us who are tired of butt-heads who insist in packing for a two week vacation in their carry-on luggage! And those people who place their carry-ons over your head in the front when they sit in the back. Those people who carry bricks in the satchels. From now on, we all have to wait at baggage claim, so stop pushing, stop whining and take your time ... you are going nowhere anyway.

Might this not also hasten the return of the ocean liner? And trains? Sure those are potential terrorist targets, but far harder to do serious damage to with just a wee bit of nitro. And wouldn't you rather take the train and relax than face airport screening to come?

6. Europe should be even more concerned than the US. We know that the Islamo-fascists want to kill us. But this is yet another example of home grown psychos on the loose. France and England ... be very afraid. And France, this is NOT a reason to suddenly side with Hizbollah or Iran or Hamas: they cannot be bought except with your demise. They do not want your friendship, they want you dead. Yes you, Frenchy, ... dead.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Honestly, no bias!!!

Hmmm ... the UN fiddles. You will note that it is Condi Rice that is depicted as "the UN". Since when has the US of A had any sway at the frikkin UN? That hotbed of anti-American thugs, dictators, wanna-be superpowers and moochers. Since when has the UN done anything worthy of note, at least in the positive sense. Of course, the UN sat by and watched genocide in Darfur, Rwanda, Serbia etc. They are good at that.

But the message here is that it is all the Americans' fault. Then go on to read the Fisk story
about how Israel is driving US policy and how "[a] close analysis of the American-French draft - the fingerprints of John Bolton, the US ambassador to the UN, were almost smudging the paragraphs - showed just who is running Washington's Middle East policy: Israel. And one wondered how even Tony Blair would want to associate himself with this nonsense. It made no reference to the obscenely disproportionate violence employed by Israel...." Notice how it is the American-French draft ... since when did the term Franco-American fall into disuse? Anyway, it was the FRENCH who proposed this "solution", Fisk, don't try to insinuate that this was an American driven proposal! Seriously, this guy is an Asshole (caps intended).

Why get so excited about a bigoted, anti-semitic hack? It is because of what this reflects: a coordinated campaign of misinformation designed to make the US look like the global villains. And if people around the world only read this slanted garbage, who can blame them if they start to believe it? Propaganda IS effective. Too many times throughout history has this been proven to be true. Not once in this piece of biased crap did Fisk mention that his pet terrorists continue to rain death on Israel, that the Hizballoonies were the ones that started the mess by kidnapping two soldiers, and that blame for civilian casualties and destruction MUST be laid at Hizb's door for hiding amongst the very civilians they are complaining are being killed.

"There were more Israeli air attacks on Beirut's southern suburbs yesterday - though heaven knows what is left there to destroy - ensuring that even more Shia Muslim civilians will remain refugees. Fearful that the Israelis will bomb their trucks and claim they were carrying missiles, the garbage collectors of this city have abandoned their vehicles and the familiar 1982 stench of burning rubbish now drifts through the evening streets. Petrol is now so scarce that a tank-full yesterday cost £250." TOO DAMN BAD. Cough up your weapons and go home, and Israel will NOT bomb you anymore, won't invade, and will leave you to mind your own business: just don't meddle in Israel's.

Israel has a problem with the Palestinians -- not that anyone alive and sentient over the last, ooooh 50 years, could have missed that. Various times over that 50 years Arab nations have done their best to eliminate Israel. Since most Israelis don't want to die, they fought back. Israel exists and will do its best to continue to do so, no matter what the Fisks of this world would like to tell us. When third parties interfere for their Palestinian brothers -- for the benefit of Islam, the Middle East or your Momma, this is not really productive for anyone. Israel does not want to own Lebanon. At all. It just wants to be free from threat from psychos based there. It wants Gaza to go away -- it gave Gaza back, then in the shortest possible period of time the locals demolished it in local power squabbles. Then, out of the rubble, the locals re-commenced shooting ordnance into Israel, and kidnapped another soldier.

I am not going to say that all the imperialism/colonization etc., of the West Bank is OK. It is not. Where 10% of the population owns 90% of the water -- in a desert, you are going to have a problem. A humanist problem outside of mere politics. And without doubt Israel is chock full of loonies who are as rabidly anti-arab/Palestinian as are the Hizbies and Hamas anti-Israeli. The difference is that Israel, as a state, wants to figure out a way to have everyone have their own space and get on with life. Israel's opponents want only to kill every Israeli.

Say for the moment that it were possible to lift all the Israelis off to some nice piece of land in say ... oh ... Argentina (remember the Argies killed of all the locals right off of the bat when they came over). "New Israel" would, without any reasonable doubt, almost instantly flourish into a productive country. What would happen in the vacated Israel? If Gaza is anything to go by, it would instantly descend into a state of violent anarchy and destruction. Various sects and power groups would launch into full-scale civil war (which our press would tell us is the Jew's fault for not having left this sooner and failing to provide for the future inhabitants etc.) and we'd have Hamas fighting the Hizbies with Syria making a dash for the goodies in Tel Aviv. Egypt would probably scoop some nice Red Sea sea front hotels and take a short holiday.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Just a thought ....

Hold the phone a sec ... Israel shoots some laser targeted missiles at known sites of Hizboohoo "fighters" and because "innocents" die, Israel is satanic. BUT, hizboohoo shoots off hundreds of missiles WITHOUT ANY NOTION of striking a military target -- that is with the intent to kill civilians -- and that is OK by most of the media.

Hmmm. Israel's army is legitimate and represents the country for which it fights and in which it is based. And if they cause collateral damage in the pursuit of legitimate military targets, they are cold blooded killers. Hizbbrouhaha, does not represent the country in which it is based, is theoretically not a formal army organization (a grass roots militia for self protection) and TARGETS innocents (well at least non-combatants, because to be Israeli in Shia eyes is to be guilty) and they are "heros."

You can't have it both ways: if Hizbahola is a legitimate defense organization, then they MUST be held to the same standards in the press as the Israelis. If they were held to those standards, then they would be labeled "murderers." If they are not legitimate in the sense of projecting the valid goals of a sovereign state, or even culture ... then they are terrorists. And murderers almost by definition.

So there you have it folks, murderers. And our press is too dishonest to acknowledge it. The New York Times gives the terrorists a free ride and the very professional Israelis are child killers. Wait a sec, didn't the Viet Cong get a free ride, too?

Speaking of murder, did you see Tiger's treatment of the field at the Buick? He shot 66-66-66-66. No random Katyusha shots into Haifa there, boy-o. More like 3rd generation laser guided munitions. I sent my father an email before the (British) Open. The gist was ... watch out, for the express is coming through. Let's see what Medinah brings .... Medinah, BTW is arabic for "city."

Thursday, August 03, 2006

War ... and Mel Gibson

In my last blog I wrote something like "war is not wrong." I have already had a little buzz in my ear. Look, it should be avoided at all costs and no sane person wants it ... but sometimes there is no other way. Remember that from Muslim eyes, there might be no other way. If you take the premise that Western ways and culture is irreparably damaging their traditions, their way of life, their culture ... their fundamental beliefs, then you just might come to the conclusion that in their eyes they must attack and stamp out Israel, the West and all infidels.

Of course, that has been the case since the Bedouin tribes with the fervour of Allah in their veins came storming out of the desert in the great conquest of Islam: to Poitiers, to Vienna. They were really good at it. And were the repositories of culture and science (particularly medicine at the time in which our ancestors were taking two baths per lifetime). Somehow, they lost track. Got overextended ... and somehow lost to the infidels.

I was in Cordoba this Spring and went to visit the Grand Mosque of the Mesquita built in next to no time (of course by slave labor) at a time when we Westerners were barely able to start our cathedrals, many of which simply fell into themselves before we got it right. This place is huge -- awesome. So incredible that a Spanish king built a cathedral right in the middle of it and ... it is more than faintly ridiculous, the cathedral, that is. The mosque is simply incredible, beautiful and impressive. The place has more than 5 football fields under a single roof. The mosaics are stunning, the best of the Golden Age of Islam.

So notwithstanding Islam's former glory which has never quite been recaptured, the culture is rich and old ... and under threat from McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, California Pizza Kitchen (all of which do crazy money in the Gulf), etc. And mall culture thrives, to the detriment of Islam. So the theologians are angry -- furious in fact and want Jihad to bring back the old days. But the Genie (djin) cannot be put back in the bottle -- and that is what Islam fails to perceive. Islam must adapt, as Christianity has, as Judaism has. For example, women should have rights (it was the Ottoman Turks who really did away with those, FAR after the Prophet). But ignorance and the desire to maintain real power -- over men's souls -- will create the life or death struggle which will fuel the Fourth World War. I'll bet there are plenty of guys in the Vatican who wish they could revert to the time when they held sway over all Europe through the threat of excommunication. But with Christianity, a few things got in the way: Martin Luther and, just maybe, Henry VIII, geographic realities such as the (re)discovery of the New World (in which Islam did not participate) all worked to break down the strangle hold of unthinking belief. But let's not just point at Islam as a bunch of unthinking savages: until the Christian breakdown, we Westerners pretty much took the prize of unthinking savages who may have made the Mullahs and Ayatollahs look like paragons of mercy and reason. Think, for example, "Inquisition," or "Spanish Conquest," or "80 years war," or "Indian Wars," or "Crusades,"... the list is truly endless, stretching from the dark ages pretty much up to the last few years, the dawn of the information age.

So here we find ourselves incredulous that Islam might feel that it wants to protect itself. However it is quite reasonble, really. But, sorry Charlie, that boat has already sailed: we are in the 21st Century. Information cannot be supressed anymore. Belief is fine -- if you practise it at home.


Jordan's King Abdullah just came out and proclaimed support for the Hezbies:"The Arab people see Hezbollah as a hero because it's fighting Israel's aggression," he said. "This is a fact that the U.S. and Israel must realize: As long as there is aggression, there's resistance and there's popular support for this resistance."

As far as they are concerned Israel's failure to hand back all lands to the Palestinians is an aggression. And in Iran's view, all of Israel. And for that matter the very lives of the Jews. Sort of aggression by merely being.

All of which places Israel in the position of "no other way."

Now to Mel:-

If he was not a "star" and an anti-semite, would things have been handled differently? Uh ... what I mean is ... uh, (how to put this?), IT TOOK THEM A FRIKKIN WEEK TO CHARGE HIM WITH DRUNK DRIVING? He is a CRIMINAL. Not because he chose to (or tried to) exercise his Frist Amendment rights to hate Jews, but because he was charging around town drunk off of his ass with an open bottle of tequila in his car at speed WAY above the limit.

Look, we have totally lost sight of the ball in this country: you should be able to hate who you want and tell everyone that you hate them. THAT is freedom. And the hated should in turn be free not to buy things from you, not attend your movies, say hateful things about you in return - whatever. So long as you do not use your hatred for inciting violence or inciting treason. I think the whole notion of hate speech is bullshit. I hate those who hate hate speech. You see, I actually believe in freedom of speech as the framers (and the Bill of Rights) thought of it. You always have slander and libel to consider when telling everyone who you hate. You can't legislate who to like and who to hate (it is OK to hate people who hate ... at least in the PC world, but doesn't that make you a person who hates, ab initio?).

Net of this is that any thinking person, any person who is unbiased, not a bigot and civilized will henceforth do everything they can to avoid enriching Mel Gibson in any way, all because he is an anti-semitic prick (by the way I don't hate him, but kiss off my Lethal Weapon movies). Burn his DVDs and VHS tapes. Boycott anything he stands for. But do not charge him with hate crimes. He is ignorant and asinine in that regard and to be pitied, but he is not a criminal ... at least for that. BUT HE IS A CRIMINAL DRUNK DRIVER and he should have been charged that night, spent the night in the tanks with the other criminals and have be arraigned the following morning.

But it begs the question (ooooh, here it comes): would he have been thusly protected or subject to public pillory if he had instead insulted Blacks, Irish, Frenchies (may they all choke on their escargots while flying Airbus products), Muslims (now that is an interesting one ... would the press have infarcted about a tirade against Hezbollah?) ... you get my point. Or is because to insult Jews in any way is to tred on truly taboo and forbidden ground - at least in this country? In France, nobody would have cared too much, and regretably maybe many would have even agreed with him (wasn't it Mme Chirac who voiced the EXACT same opinions?). The dude has long been suspected of being a rabid anti-semitic (remember the Christ movie?) loonie and we are shocked when in a drunken rage he proves it?

But the principle is there and if faced with a drunked Mel Gibson, hopefully, my Jewish friends and I would shake our heads sadly at the uncouth ignorance. But touch my Jewish friends or me, Mel, and I reserve the right to break your anti-semitic face. Similarly, the Arab nations and Iran can say what they like towards Israel. Fine. But if you launch missiles at them, you must expect the right hook and they have EVERY right to throw it.

Hmmm ... tied up the Hebaloonies and Mel into one blog with the First Amendment thrown in!!!

Chickenshits ... but effective

Hoozboolah, that gang of terrorist antagonists is really clever is exploiting the fundamental weakness of Western society: people who give a damn about others. If you find nothing wrong about hiding among civilians while conducting war, you clearly don't give a shit.

And that reflects back to the greater wars being conducted against Islamic countries: within the powers that currently control Islamic society there is simply no regard for the individual. It may be that in the context of the greater struggle for the ascendancy of Islam over the secular West there is no room or place for caring about the individual. Certainly the predominantly Sunni insurgency in Iraq could care less who gets hurt, as even the most biased observer would have to admit. The insurgents routinely blow up large numbers of civilians in a effort to destablize democracy and incite civil war? Why? Just to kick the infidel out? No, that is not all by any margin. It is about power and rule of their brand of Islam -- and yes it is Islam, because it is all encompassing within the daily life of observant Mulsims. You cannot separate secular daily life and economic progress from Islam ... because observance of the tenets of Islamic faith prevent that secular approach: you can't be a good Muslim and ignore infidels in your homeland, and members of different sects are just about as much infidels as us satanic Westerners.

So where does this leave us? A whole population in the South of Lebanon who readily absorb death and destruction and which readily hides and protects terrorists. Note that I am NOT making the statement that to be Muslim is to be a terrorist, even if you are living in Hoozboolah territory -- you are a terrorist if you fight for an organization which has no legitimacy as a national army, does not reflect the will of the majority of people of the country in which you operate and inflict death on innocent people for political gains. Now, of course, from the Islamic point of view, the notion of a country that does not follow the will of Allah (as devined by some Ayatollah or Mullah somewhere) is specious: since Islam is all important, it matters very little where fighters for Islam are based or what their territorial affiliations are. Borders and political distinction are purely secondary -- that is what we just don't "get" in the West. Instead, what matters most is that they fight for a common theology -- and the goals of that persuasion. And here it is the eradication of Israel. Any collateral damage produced is MAYBE regretable (for it may also be the will of Allah) so ultimately, who cares? Here we flip the coin again ... we do. Or at least our socialist and politically correct news corps does. So they parade a litany of photos showing death and destruction in South Lebanon inciting us to pressure the Israelis to stop their retaliation "because war is wrong."

War is not wrong. War may the only thing between you and your family being put to the sword or herded into death camps. War is disgusting, harsh and uncivilized -- but that is the view of this writer, a Westerner. But it is not wrong. Israel and numerous other countries have managed to produce verifiable footage of rocket launchers in hotel car parks. Fighters dressed in civilian clothes, the better to disappear into the civilian crowd after an assault. Schools and hospitals used as barracks for Hooz-a-majigger fighters, in short all that has been alleged by Israel since day one. That is, PROOF that Hezbollah IS using civilians as shields. And in so doing, manipulating the useful idiots in the liberal progressive West.

So if Hezbollah does not care, why should we? Because we are right and they are wrong? That is precisely the argument that causes Muslim blood to boil: the arrogance that the Western way of thought and life is the only correct way and that the presumption that they are ignorant violent children who can be taught a different way. THEY DON'T WANT TO BE TAUGHT A DIFFERENT WAY. THAT WOULD BE TO REFUTE ISLAM. Hence take these negotiations and shove them up your ass, unless of course, that they would be a tactical advantage in the war which cannot end until Israel is gone.

Now the Israelis understand this very well. In fact, there are lots of religious loonies in Israel who are not far off of being on the exact other side of the Hoozbooloonie side of the coin. The Islamic power brokers (Syria, Iran) know this too and are very adept at playing them off against their troops (Hamas, Hoozamazzoolah) and so in this Summer of strife, they can sit comfortably in their palaces, drink tea (make a quick trip to Bahrain for some Johnny Walker Black with some nice Russian hookers), and watch the fun unfold.

Dangerous game, this.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Let's be clear about this ...

You are going to have to ignore the crap contained in and spewed out through the vast majority of US newspress and on the TV. This war is another of those really simple matters: Israel is defending itself because it has to.

Look, Hezbollah (hizb-Allah or whatever)is the aggressor. In 2000 Israel decided that it had to pull out of Southern Lebanon because of a variety of factors, but mostly beause of public and international opinion. Since that moment, the scumbags from Hezbollah have worked ceaselessly to entrench themselves by digging bunkers, stockpiling arms and ammunition and establishing MILITARY outposts among the civilian population of Lebanon.

Hezbollah is an independent army ostensibly reporting to Nesrallah, but more accurately doing the bidding of its masters and financiers in Iran. But Hezbollah has nothing really to do with the army of the republic of Lebanon. Nothing at all.

It is as if the people of the state of Maine decided that they needed an independent army, separate from the rest of the United States due to the fact their religion was "Down East." The Mainers then attack Canada, sending missile after missile raining into downtown Quebec because Maine has determined that ALL Quebecers need to die. In fact as the primary goal of the Down East Republic of Maine they have adopted the creed of the Ottowans: "kill Frenchy." Now all America really wants is to get on with life and selling stuff to the Quebecers, although they don't particularly like them, their semi-autonomous state, Maine, with its own army has declared war on Quebec. Hmmm. What to do. As the USof A is culturally Down East (similar to the Saudis, Gulfies and Shiites everywhere) they'd like nothing more than to see the demise of those dirty Frenchies. But... Then the world came to find out that the Mainers are in fact being funded by Ottowans. In fact the Grand Poobah of the Down East lodge is nothing more than an Ottowan stooge. So the Frenchies decide to invade Maine to steal some excellent Maple Syrup and most of all stop those Maniacs from shooting those damn missiles.

Is short, it is as predicted in this blog, an Iranian assault on Israel. Just using some proxies. The civilian deaths caused by this are not even worth thinking about in the schemes of Iran and Syria. Rather they are a propaganda BONUS. They get to show you pictures of "innocent" women and children being slaughtered by the evil Jews. Well, but for the fact that Iran/Hezbollah decided to hide among the civilian population just to provide protection and the inevitable propaganda that innocent deaths create, we'd be looking at a simple armed aggression and retaliation. Israel HAS got to complete on this. This is different than the Hamas/Gaza/West Bank deal. This is the direct unprovoked assault on its civilians by the stooges of a hostile culture/country which has stated publicly that Israel must cease to exist and all Jews die. And, by the way, the Holocaust was a lie. Oh sure, Hamas exists to kill all Jews too, but they are a joke and couldn't do much more than blow themselves up and fight amongst the other Palestinian factions. Hizbollah is quite different, it is a foreign trained, funded and highly efficient army. Dedicated too and responsive to the diktats of the Ayatollahs ... centralized command.

And yet, the left wing pundits in this country continue to cry out fo negotiations: WISE UP!!! There is no negotiation possible: the one side doesn't want territory, money or other goods and services. They want the other side to die. That does not leave a lot of room, or anywhere meaningful to start. Holding negotiations also presumes rational parties: Israel vacated Lebanon 6 years ago and all Hezbollah did was to arm against the next assault. Not exactly actions dedicated to peace. Nasrallah was proclaimed a "hero" for kicking out Israel. A hero in the Syrian controlled press. Shit, Goering was a hero too, in the Nazi press. This also poses one of those mysteries to me: why do Jewish people in the United States support causes that undermine the very existence of Israel (that would include the Democratic Party and the NY Times -- which in its frenzy to discredit Boosh and the US administration, conveniently ignore that they are in effect supporting a bunch of murdering zealots financed by Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollahs -- all for domestic partisan gain). By means of balancing out things, you can't just give cash to the JDL or some such and call it "quits" or "even". Howard Dean is not far removed from handing over the keys to Tel Aviv. That is, this IS an all or nothing gig and you have to look beyond your hatred of Boosh.

Friends, this is one of the opening salvos of the Fourth World War (the Third was the Cold War and we more or less won that one). For Iran this is a cheap way of causing the trouble they have been dying to make for years and they have calculated that they cannot lose, no matter what happens. Unless Israel succeeds in capturing some Iranians on Lebanese soil (and they will be better protected and further away from any risk than Nesrallah), this will be a conveniently ignored reality. Kofi Annan is a frikkin idiot - 'nuff said.

Israel will launch a full scale invasion as soon as enough reserves are called up. Then, if Iran or Syria is silly enough to escalate the conflict to preserve the lives of their heavily armed stooges, we will see real fireworks: Israel is betting that this exact scenario will come to pass and the general population is more or less on board with this as they realize that this IS an all or nothing gig.

Boosh and Blair get nothing but stick for refusing to call for a ceasefire. What, call a ceasefire so that the scuzzbags can rearm and regroup, only to more effectively provide resistance to Israel? And in Israeli eyes, they HAVE to stomp Hezbollah thoroughly this time. Boosh and Blair DO understand the dynamics here and probably regret the civilian casualties. But the fault here is that of those who would place command bunkers in residential neighborhoods -- not as a result of Hezbollah being a grass-roots civic organization, but a terrorist group who gives not a shit about the deaths of women and children, theirs or Israeli.

Yes it pitiful to see Lebanon bombed back into the stoneages -- again -- but if the Lebanese had had the spine to resist, or the Syrians hadn't militarily controlled Lebanon or supported Hezboolah (better spelling? or how about Hoozboolah?) for so long there would have no need for all this. If anything, Israeli tolerance for their murderous neighbors is also a contributory factor to the whole mess. In no way could the possession AND USE of Katyusha rockets against Israel be said to have served to protect Lebanon, the ostensible function of Hoozboolah. And accordingly Israel should have stomped them sooner.

My real worry comes when they start lobbing the long range missiles into Tel Aviv and Haifa ... and unless I am much mistaken, it is there we will see first use of chemical and biological weapons (probably Saddam's, lest we trace the real perps in Tehran). Then all bets are truly "off."