Thursday, December 17, 2009

Copenhagen -- the hoax

I have already had a fight (at least one) about this with those near and dear. "Stop being so negative." Well, I can't, and for damn good reason.

The basics are this: (1) the conference is controlled (paid for) by social progressives -- socialists and wealth-distribution fetishists; (2) the idea is to get "rich countries" to pay "poor countries" for all the carbon they have been emitting forever; (3) they want to force EU and North America into a position where their energy habits are controlled by "world opinion" -- this really means giving away our sovereignty to a multi-national organization wherein each country, no matter how heinous and despotic, gets an equal vote to the United States or the EU (if that gets that far); (4) the energy producers are largely semi-democratic at best -- often blatant dictatorships -- and will buy the votes of the poorest countries, largely because such countries have corrupt leaders bent on wealth accumulation of the private type, so the votes will be controlled by ... Iran, Venezuela, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia ... Russia ....

The participants and speakers are either: (a) self-important grandstanders (Chavez, Ahmadinejad, Gore, Prince Charles); (b) blatant hypocrites (just about anyone who arrived by private jet, see point (a)); (c) capitalists who have figured out a scheme to make serious bucks (Gore, Soros, "alternative energy executives"); socialists who have figured out how to pick the U.S. pocket directly; and (d) idiot politicians, deluded by pseudo-science, guided by idealistic lunacy and completely out of touch with reality (Obama, Brown).

An yet, there are people who still sign onto the "Change we can believe in." And as much as I regret to say it, too many of my friends are still on that train.

Let's just look at the Chavez speech and response by attendees (from "The" Australian newspaper):

President Chavez brought the house down.

When he said the process in Copenhagen was “not democratic, it is not inclusive, but isn’t that the reality of our world, the world is really and imperial dictatorship…down with imperial dictatorships” he got a rousing round of applause.

When he said there was a “silent and terrible ghost in the room” and that ghost was called capitalism, the applause was deafening.

But then he wound up to his grand conclusion – 20 minutes after his 5 minute speaking time was supposed to have ended and after quoting everyone from Karl Marx to Jesus Christ - “our revolution seeks to help all people…socialism, the other ghost that is probably wandering around this room, that’s the way to save the planet, capitalism is the road to hell....let’s fight against capitalism and make it obey us.” He won a standing ovation.

I don’t think Obama is here yet. He got the Nobel Peace Prize almost the same day as he sent 30,000 soldiers to kill innocent people in Afghanistan.

From Mugabe's speech:

The anti-capitalist theme was picked up on by Mr Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s veteran President, who is the target of Western sanctions over alleged human rights abuses.

“When these capitalist gods of carbon burp and belch their dangerous emissions, it’s we, the lesser mortals of the developing sphere who gasp and sink and eventually die.”

From the lead delegate of Tuvalu (a corrupt Pacific nation with its hand out for quick cash):

The lead negotiator for the small island nation of Tuvalu, the bow-tie wearing Ian Fry, broke down as he begged delegates to take tough action.

“I woke up this morning crying,” and that’s not easy for a grown man to admit,” Mr Fry said on Saturday, as his eyes welled with tears.

The fate of my country rests in your hands,” he concluded, as the audience exploded with wild applause.

So moving. But let’s now learn more from Samantha Maiden about this former Greenpeace official from “Tuvalu”:

But the part-time PhD scholar at the Australian National University actually resides in Queanbeyan, NSW, where he’s not likely to be troubled by rising sea levels because the closest beach at Batemans Bay is a two-hour, 144km drive away. Asked whether he had ever lived in Tuvalu, his wife told The Australian last night she would “rather not comment”....

Still, it’s a long way from the endangered atolls of Tuvalu, with his neighbour Michelle Ormay confirming he’s lived in Queanbeyan for more than a decade, while he has worked his way up to being “very high up in climate change”.

Its like the frikkin polar bears, which are more numerous right now than any time in the last 1000 years, maybe ever.

Let's think about this: Mugabe should be locked up by any standard of humanity. Probably executed for crimes against humanity ... he is a mass murderer who has destroyed the richest agricultural country in Africa, a country that used to export its bounty all over the world, let alone Africa. Now people are starving there. Chavez is a revolutionary and a murderer. He is also a many-times attempted President-for-Life in the classic Latin mold: if you disagree with him or his policies, you "disappear." This wanker, Ian Fry, is a classic climate change stooge -- a lying toad who is "in" this for his own personal gain.

We could probably dissect practically the whole charade in Copenhagen like this, but that would be to miss the point: these people want to take control of our lives using the guise of "science." It is an event that Marx, Mao, Lenin and Trotsky would approve of -- mass hysteria, effective propaganda, a "conditioned" public and a massive grab of power by those who have sensibly been kept from it up until now. Goebbel's "big lie."

But the best is still to come: the President of the United States of America, that great experiment in democracy, decency and morals is about to prostrate that great nation before the feet of liars, thugs, cheats and con-men. In broad daylight the forces of socialism are about to "mug" us because our President has invited them to. I feel as dejected, smeared, soiled and degraded as I did during the Carter administration -- something I though could never happen again.

Do I feel that we need to clean up our environment and wean ourselves from Arab oil (or any other country's oil)? Yes. And tomorrow would not be too soon. So, let's use our coal as cleanly as possible until we can build fusion reactors, or develop enough electrical energy by other means to support ourselves. Sure, let's do all that is reasonable to cut any form of emissions that harm our environment. But only an asshole would hand money to [fill in the blank] for their potential harm (because nothing has been proven, and may not even be correct at all). Possibly worse, why on Earth would we write checks that are sure to bounce: WE ARE BROKE?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Corporate Suicide

The British Airways cabin staff ... or more correctly, their union bosses ... are a load of wankers. The union in question, "unite" (lower case, note ... they are modest) announced a ballot on November 4. They took the ballot over the weekend at a horse racing track -- where ostensibly 80% of the members voted to go out on strike. Now, you can bet that this was an open "show of hands": if you are seen to vote the wrong way, you can expect someone to defecate in your lunch bag, and key your car -- you scab!

However the vote was rigged, they voted to walk out during the period of December 22 to January 2, 2010. The Holiday travel period. That will teach those management Fat Cats! The trouble with class warfare is that it very often overlooks economic reality: BA loses about Stg. 1.6 million each day the sun rises. This strike will cost it an additional Stg. 500 million, on top of loses of about Stg. 400 million racked up this year to date. BA is already teetering on the edge of bankruptcy -- my guess is that the unions are betting that their Thief-in-Chief Gordon Brown will arrange a "bail-out" of BA, just like for the other corrupt and hopeless products of a Labour-led England.

However, this time the effects will be more far-reaching: rather than obediently book BA again for their next holidays, I would bet that people will finally say, "next time I am flying Virigin." Or American. Or Air France. Or Air India. Anything but BA. You see, BA has no more loyalty capital left. None. I, for one, won't fly it unless there is literally no option, and I have been in that camp for over a decade (since I was doing the London-Cairo route on a weekly basis: Air Egypt or BA ... not really much of a choice).

Len McClusky, unite's leader insists that the cabin crew are "not mindless militants but decent working people who don't want to bring the company down." Rubbish. One million people are going to get royally screwed by their actions in a direct way -- no holiday with loved ones, stock holders will see their investment plunge, pensioners dependent on BA's continued existence will get socked, and UK tax payers will have to foot the bill. A national airline is more closely akin to a postal service: it is not a game of corporate/class warfare, it is a vital service.

Of course, we can gloat a bit that this once-proud peacock of an airline will get hammered again, and the lying cheating system of landing rights at Heathrow might be broken as BA falls. But make no mistake, this is a move that is extremely ill-considered. Here's an idea to contemplate: you are a BA cabin crew member. You lose you job as people refuse to fly BA or it simply goes bankrupt. Do you honestly think that any other airline would hire you with BA on your resume ... knowing that in all likelihood that you are stupid enough to vote for this strike? Who would want that liability on their payrolls? "Oh wait, let me hire this budding corporate saboteur!!" Not likely.

The other airlines are, of course, acting like vultures and offering their spare seats at triple the going prices. But who can blame them? Yes, it is gouging, but when your own corporate existence is threatened, it is not a time to suddenly get that "giving feeling." Richard Branson must be dancing around like Fagin in Asprey's.

And if you don't understand what this means to America, you are not paying attention. Mr. Obama would no doubt see it unite's way. BTW, did you hear about the new rules on the conversion of political appointees to regular government staff? Under Obama, EVERY single one of these heretofore routine conversions will be looked at by his staff -- to check for their political trustworthiness. Bush (either) didn't. Clinton didn't. Reagan didn't. Can you imagine if Bush had done this? The NYT would have put this on the front page. But, being the O-bot propaganda sheet, they see nothing wrong with vetting someone's political orthodoxy: doesn't this sound Orwellian? Something from Pol-Pot's playbook? A Stalin-esque fantasy? OR ... even more aptly ... something one might have seen in Germany, circa 1936?

Monday, December 07, 2009

Pearl Harbor Day

Pearl Harbor Day. December 7, 2009.

Permit me some hyperbole:

Today "President" Obama dealt a staggering blow to the U.S. economy: his administration formally declared that the gases "endanger the public health and welfare of the America people" empowering its Environment Protection Agency to regulate them across the country under the country's Clean Air Act, without having to get a hotly-contested climate bill through the US Congress. (Daily Telegraph).

What does this mean? It means an end run against Congress -- neither the House nor Senate have had any say about this. This is a naked power grab ... a 17% announced reduction on 2005 levels by the United States without any corresponding cut by any of our trading partners. Let's parse that: we will have to spend trillions of dollars to meet this goals which will be enforced by our very own climate Gestapo -- trillions that will be passed on the consumers in increased costs of American goods and services. The result MUST be that we increasingly buy goods and services from countries that do not have this burden. Nor, even if the AGW freaks are right (they are not), will this stop the Maldives from sinking beneath the waves as India and China already take over the mantel of the world's largest emitters of CO2 and other "greenhouse gases."

This represents financial and economic Armageddon for the United States. The medium term prognosis is now very poor for our country. Sell the dollar. Sell American assets. Until we can take control of the Congress and pass new laws to PREVENT economic suicide, we -- the United States -- are a "short."

December 7. A date that will live in infamy. Brought to you by the Democratic Party and bad science. Thanks!

End hyperbole. It remains to be seen how the EPA chose to screw this up: it could be spectacular or merely a whimper. But given Carol Browning's announced ambitions, we could see a whole new raft of regulations as early as next year. This is going to be expensive.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

The "FREE" cheeseburger

A dear friend just wrote me that he has a sliver of hope. I cannot share that bright and optimistic view because ... it is hard to get excited about anything because of the threat posed by that Leninist in the White House.

I never though I would say this about a sitting U.S. President (although Liberals said this sort of thing about Bush constantly), but I almost wish that some jihadist takes him out. But it has to be a jihadist, not some wild eyed white supremacist, or Mark Hinckley, Sqeaky Frohm - type because of the inevitable deification that would result. That and the fact I don't want anyone to be able to knock of the Head of State, no matter how repugnant to me. But the attempt (as it unfolds in my almost-wish) has to be by someone Obama stupidly tried to make friends with -- like keeping a pet cobra with a bad attitude. Pelosi in a coup attempt, maybe.

I digress .... In his speech he talked about reforming our bonds with the Arab world .... What? Those guys actually hate him more than Bush because: (1) he is perceived to be a traitor; (2) he is considered to be Muslim but denies it; (3) it is just about the worst thing in Arab culture to speak ill of one's family -- as President, speaking ill of America is the same thing. It is NEVER done, even when your sister is Lizzie Borden. Bush they hated and feared, Obama they despise and that only comes when you have no respect, only contempt.

I am just at a loss to understand how the American people can continue to support this piece of narcissistic dog crap in the White House: except for the fact that apart from Fox and the WSJ, there is almost no chance that anyone is educating the masses. If the ghetto dwellers (of all races and backgrounds) understood that far from being their saviour, he is going to ensure health, education and financial rationing, they'd revolt. Sure there will be more entitlement programs ... and mom-of-five-on-welfare will be on a program ... but also in line with millions of others waiting for a handout from a system that historically can't find its own a@@hole in broad daylight with both hands, with illegal Hondurans and Guatemalans and THEIR whole families in front of them. Instead of going to the emergency room for LaKeisha's (or Billi-jo-Bob's) fever, she is going to have to go to some O-CareClinic and wait for ever for ... aspirin, 'cause due to rationing, that's all they're going to be handing out.

I have got to believe that if people knew that they are not going to get that job because the employer simply cannot afford to hire anyone because of the costs involved, they'd say that they would rather just have the job without the benefits (for those that would rather work). But this will be denied to them because a multi-millionairess called Nancy Pelosi thinks that all employers should be forced to run their private businesses the way she thinks they should be run (and ruined). And if the model doesn't work, then it is the fault of the entrepreneur, the guy who is trying to make something happen in his life -- he or she must be some form of economic hoarder, an oppressor of the masses.

And that is only how it is going to affect the 30% of our population on the lowest economic level -- Obama's constituency. For the rest of us life will be made considerably more difficult, with paperwork, tighter budgets due to higher taxes and payments made under the table to get things done --- just as it is in Canada and Europe. You want a painter? "It is a 6 month wait if you are paying with a check. We can be there next Tuesday if you pay in cash." And having lived in Europe for at least 1/3 of my life, I can tell you that that is the way things are done. The underground economy may equal or exceed the legal economy in many places. That's how Europeans manage to make ends meet given their confiscatory system... THEY CHEAT. Even large corporations run funny books -- doing M&A work in France I discovered semi-state owned companies doing it -- the government stealing from itself! Honestly.

The great irony is that the inevitable cheating will only increase the taxation shortfall caused by rampant spending -- as it has in every socialist state, ever. To cover ... we ARE going to see a government VAT, just like in Europe of between 10% and 15% -- and this will affect everyone, particularly the poor. VAT is regressive by its very nature. Isn't there anyone on Capitol Hill who can read a basic primer on economics and socialism? Is that the result Obama and Co. are shooting for? A gradual slide in corruption and graft as a way of life? Isn't the relative absence of this sort of thing the genesis of American greatness? I don't want to live in Italy without the food: this sounds more like a plan to recreate the Nigerian success model.

The whole schtick of Obam-enomics is sort of similar to the situation where walking down the street you are offered "free" burgers ... want cheese with that? ... and find that in the fine print ("sign this, its only a formality, sir") you agreed to take out a car loan at 18%, and the government gets to pick which car you are going to buy. And don't even think about prepayment of principal, that'd cost you a penalty. Think that this far fetched? If you do, then you have not been watching close enough.


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Weasel in Chief

You know, it makes me sick to watch this staged charade. A dead American soldier is shipped home through Dover AFB and Barry is there to salute his casket. The hypocrisy is breathtaking. This stukach who all through his primary and election race dissed and demeaned the military as war-mongers, imperialists, racists, etc. is now trying to make good by paying homage to someone who died for American ideals. And yet, he is all for prosecuting the SEALs that captured one on the al Qaeda biggies because they roughed the bastard up a little. This disgusting klingon of a President has the balls to salute the dead and prosecute those who keep us safe because of a bloody lip? I'd give the guys a frikking medal, but Obama wants their careers in tatters, their reputations destroyed their units discredited because the enemy might have suffered more than mere capture. I hereby volunteer to take Black and Decker to that Al Qaeda cretin's knees to find out what he knows, let alone smack him around the chops a bit. Salute? Respect?

And Obama made his "surge" speech at West Point. His media-goon / flunky Chris Matthews at MSNBC called it make a speech at the "enemy camp." WHAT THE F**K IS HAPPENING? Since when should anyone aligned with our President identify our Army Military Academy as the "enemy camp?" AND WHY DID THE WHITE HOUSE AND PRESIDENT NOT SHIT DOWN HIS NECK FOR SAYING SO? Hello? Anyone awake out there?

Obama did not mention: (1) victory; (2) win; (3) triumph or any other word of conquest or success in his speech. He is sending 30,000 brave Americans to a miserable poophole to do what? Provide a fig-leaf for his failed policies? He is going to try to blame this on Bush, but he also guaranteed his own failure by telling the f22king ragheads when we plan to leave. So all they have to do is wait: tell the villagers "the President said he is leaving by 2012. We know where you live and will be back the day the Americans leave to kill you if you cooperate." Obama is stupider than I thought. NOBODY, NOWHERE ever succeeded in warfare by telling the enemy when you plan to split.

NEWSFLASH: the Kremlin orders a container full of Depends for the entire staff. There are rivers of urine washing the corridors of the Kremlin as Putin and his cabinet pee themselves, once again.

I am embarrassed to be an American. Thanks Barry.

Tiger, tiger, burning bright in the forest of the night

Or something like that.

So he DID play away games. His apology is pathetic ... but probably heart-felt. Utlimately, it is none of our business: I am sure that Elin is mortified (and could be charged with felony assault), and Tiger looks like an a@@hole. He would certainly not be the first athlete to wander, just the richest.

Apart from the whole moral issue, the question must be posed: why? If even semi-morons playing baseball can keep bag-men and homies between them and the chicks, what is a "bright" dude Tiger doing get caught with a cocktail waitress? I mean, a Stanford man is meant to be smart and that brand of skank is not exactly notorious for their discretion. And IMG should be firing a few minders right about now: their revenues will drop significantly as a result of their stupidity in even letting this happen.

Elin ... how crazy? Crazy and heart broken that her man cheated? Crazy to let the whole world know? Crazy to be in line for $300 million settlement in the prenup? Or a loving woman cheated on by a narcissist man/boy? Hard to say.

Tiger ... not even the smarts to find a professional who knows to keep her mouth shut. Idiot -- unless he WANTED to get caught. One thing I learn doing divorces is that nothing is too crazy or out of the ordinary to be ... uncommon. Jeez -- calling someone as indiscreet as the bimbo Grubbs in Las Vegas. And, if she is to be believed, 20 liasons -- sex romps -- with her. If anything should affect brand Tiger, Inc., it is the base crassness of it all. A pro to find a little love, because your wife is frigid or doesn't understand you is one thing: business. A floozie destined to hurt your wife whom you still love and your kids ... unforgivable.

Back to Climategate: Boxers wants the hackers who exposed the hoax prosecuted ... yeah, she'll follow the science all right, she is NOT in the bag of the liberal loony left. Nope. We have morons living on the San Andreas fault to thank for her presence in Washington.

OK, Tiger Woods....

Women are coming out of the "woodwork" to claim affairs with Tiger. The TMZ targeted Rachel Uchitel (who probably has the most to gain given her profession of hostess and fixer to celebs), flatly denies it. The rest ... is Tiger some master-Lothario? Don't you think that he would have been busted LONG before this, the world's most famous and richest athlete? I do. But that would not stop a jealous and suspicious wife from assuming the worst, even a wife far "hotter" than the putative mistresses. But then again ... that voicemail sure sounds like him!

So what happened? If Tiger is playing the field ... it could be for a variety of reasons: (1) he is physically "abandoned" at home; (2) he can't keep his pecker in his pants and has done this all along -- he's an @@@hole; (3) acute 7 year-itch; (4) Elin is highly unpleasant to live with; (5) a pecker has no conscience -- it was just convenient friction to him (see points 2 and 3); he was actually lonely while on the road. If there is no love and affection at home -- for whatever the reason, people will stray. And of course there are narcissists who just do as they please anyway -- and the more famous the person, the likelier we are to see this happen.

What happened that night? Let's say Elin reads this sh*t in the Supermarket (if she shops herself -- which is highly dubious) or on some trash entertainment TV show (likely). Maybe she even finds data on his phone (pretty stupid to leave a trial unless you WANT to get caught). She festers about this ... confronts Tiger who laughs at her. THAT, my friends, can send almost any woman berserk -- even when that is the most natural response from guy to guy when confronted with complete bullsh*t -- or when trying to hide something -- or when you are past caring. So we have a classic male/female confrontation brewing.

Why at 2 am? Because that is when the female dam(n) bursts. They can't sleep anymore because of worry and stress caused by the spectre of unfaithfulness, this "cheating." So, it's "wake up, you cheating a@@hole and speak to me." More disrespectful words follow from Tiger -- likely typical male responses to being woken up to defend himself from utter crap (or even true crap, but not the time or place) and a hot-tempered wife freaks. An attack ensues ... women go for the face (what's up with that; they have particular phrases for that in the ghetto -- even Tiger is alleged to have said "she went ghetto on me"; I prosecuted a case where two teen girls in Brooklyn went after each other's faces with razors and box cutters on a subway platform) -- anyway Elin goes for the face, but Tiger fends her off. Tiger thinks ... "get the hell out of Dodge."

So he grabs keys having barely had time to don shirt and pants and runs for the door. Elin, meanwhile, is so frikkin angry that she starts looking for a weapon, anything, to hurt him -- Tiger is seriously large and strong -- and finds ... a golf club. Who would have thunk that? A golf club in Tiger's house? Tiger, making a bee-line for his chariot, now has to fend off golf club strikes -- that is serious business -- because Elin has in effect gone temporarily insane.

Tiger, have woken to an attack, still dazed and without shoes gets into his Caddy SUV. He may have been hit multiple times by Elin and her golf club by this point. He starts backing out of the driveway, but Elin blocks it holding that f-ing club, so Tiger swerves on the way back and hits the fire hydrant. Elin gets in a good one to the right side of the Caddy. Can't go back any further, so he tries going forward, but Elin is again blocking, so Tiger guns it to swerve around her and gain access to the street, but as she moves and he attempts to avoid her, he whacks the tree and also his head, etc. inside the SUV (because he is surely not buckled in, when the car hits the immovable object, that which is not fixed inside continues forwards -- into the dash. And that would be Tiger. Elin, in the meanwhile took another swipe at the SUV with the club as it went past her -- getting window #2. Now completely dazed, Tiger either: (a) sits there as Elin gains entry to the car and drags him out ... to (do what?); or (b) escapes the car - to fall in front of it as he tries to escape further attack, or is attacked again. I like permutation (b) ... it fits the evidence a lot better.

Elin at some point falls back to Earth from orbit, seeing what has happened is now is an unusual situation. She has demonstrably attacked Tiger and his car (you do not knock out the rear windows to gain access to someone in the front seat), Tiger's face is a mess such as could not happen in a relatively minor car bender. Tiger is the most private person in sports, nothing can explain this and he had not even been drinking. Maybe prescription meds, but that makes Tiger's attack even more unlikely. Maybe Elin was hammered on booze? Tiger goes to hospital. And they are not talking -- so far -- although the State Police made motions to get a subpoena for the medical records. She may even feel justified ... but the correct response if you can't live with that person anymore is divorce, not attempted homicide.

How do we know this fact pattern to be more probable than not? Because Tiger will not show his face or body or even meet the police. You see, in some states, Florida for example, the police will pursue domestic violence cases even where the complaining witness won't: there is always the fear of intimidation on the part of the abused. Tiger, abused? From what we know of his upbringing and his parents, it is highly unlikely that Tiger would strike back. If he did, Elin would either be dead or a mess, one blow.

So Tiger is in the position of not wanting to "shop" his wife, probably in fear of further attacks (I will make sure it never happens again), anxious to protect his children both now and from future rumour, and cannot even attend his own tournament this weekend -- those facial bruises and cuts will show. Maybe golf-club damage to the body prevents his swing ... failure to be able to swing a club in public would confirm bodily attack. It sure would not help the commercial value of "Tiger, Inc."

A mess, then. But how can he be charged with reckless driving by the Police (the only charge they have been able to throw at his) ...he never made it to the public roads? Of course, it depends on the statutes in FL, how they are phrased, but surely you have the right to hit stuff with your car on your property -- maybe he owes the muni for the hydrant? But they know Tiger will not defend against the charge ... he might have to answer questions and more publicity is not what he needs now. So they get a grape leaf to hide their frustration.

Elin ... will be very lucky to escape prosecution at the hands of the law. If it turns out Tiger was out there playing "away games", many women will shake their hands in understanding, but also with unease at getting so unhinged. If Tiger was faithful, start looking for bunnies in the pot and unpleasant things in the bathtub. Either way, Elin looks fragile, to say the least.

It also shows that no matter how much money you have, you can have problems too: if you accept that everyone's horizon has a certain need to recognize trouble ... what might be completely, insanely minor for you or I takes on (even rationally) a huge significance to someone else. If all you have to do in life is read "Us" magazine, then fact that your spouse leaves socks on the floor is a massive insult, a body blow to you everytime he/she does it. If you are secluded (The Woods family is intensely private), your whole perspective of reality changes. Elin might well come to believe the press -- in the absence of reality. Think about it, what if we believed every time that Us, People, Enquirer reported Brad Pitt cheated on Angelina Jolie? Or she may have decided the cheating bastard needed a little something to "wake up."

Maybe Elin is dumb as a rock and crazy to go with it? Maybe not. We know there is nothing dumb or crazy about Tiger, although I am inclined to believe that he would not get caught in something so tawdry as an affair with a waitress, leaving her voicemails, etc. Tiger has "people" who can handle all that sort of stuff -- his IMG handlers would surely have taken care of this?

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The cleaners are here...

And about to whitewash the "inconvenient truths" about the AGW hoax. Sen Inhofe (R-Ok) has asked Sen Barbara Boxer -- Obot extraordinaire to investigate possible scientific "conspiracy" in Climategate. The only conspiracy is the determination with which the Obama administration and Democrats ignore the fact that the Earth is not warming, and that people have been caught red-handed marking the deck. And those are the people the IPCC relied on for their data and conclusions. Bogus, anyone?

Boxer, in turn, says that the Senate will "follow the science" in crafting their global warming legislation. The question, then is the following: which science are they using, the good science or the science adulterated to achieve a socio-political goal? Clearly, the later since it will take a considerable amount of time to recreate the data flushed down the toilet by the AGW-conspirators, and they are drafting this bill right now. “Don’t allow talk of an economic recession to stop our work,” Boxer said. “The surest way to create good jobs in this country is to mobilize for clean energy.” Yeah ... mobilize. Do Democrats have any frikkin idea of how to pay for this social engineering?

As an aside, do you know what the Obama proposal in cutting carbon emission means for the average American 5 years down the road --- 2015? It means cutting emissions back to the per capita rate in 1910. And a short while after that to 1875. America had basically no significant industry (compared to Europe) at that point and was an agrarian nation. Fundamentally, this is impossible ... and we will spend trillions to discover that. Trillions that people who actually do work will have to pay for. Just thought you ought to know this. Obama is shooting for 87% reduction by 2050. We better start learning how to build mud huts. No dogs either, 'cause your family dog has the carbon footprint of your favorite SUV (calculated by some scientists in New Zealand).

Back to Boxer and Obama: “We’re working, let’s be clear, on cap-and-trade programs,” Boxer said. “The whole world is doing cap-and-trade, so we need to be consistent.” The whole world ... I guess Boxer has as little idea of what the world is doing as her master Darth Barack. China and India have flat out rejected the notion of carbon limitation and AGW. Britain is about to fall off of the rails too. Australia's government is about to collapse as 5 cabinet members resigned in protest at the cap and trade farce. The EU always talks about this stuff -- convincingly, like free trade -- and then does nothing about it. The only schmucks out there who would be so stupid as to cut off their own economic feet to try it is a Democrat/Liberal led US of A. And maybe some place like Burkina Faso ... not to hard to get back to 1875 in Ouagadougou, sell a few taxis to the chums in Mali down the road and presto! But their vote counts for "one" just as ours does. Just as Barry would have it.

Referring to the climate bill, “I know there will be [bipartisan support] because we had it last year,” Boxer added, though she would not specify which Republicans supported previous legislation. Which? Name me one Republican (apart from RINO Snowe of Maine) who supports this legislation. Or has. Ever. They are smoking drugs in D.C. and not just in the ghettos ... try the Hill.


Obama just made a brilliant, emotional speech in announcing his surge in the 'Stan. Asking us all to be united again as we were right after 9/11. To have bi-partisan unity. Nice stuff Barry. The only trouble is, given the past 11 months, you want us to accept YOUR plans and positions. You want bipartisan unity by a massive shift to the left, towards income redistribution, tax-spending orgies and open borders. Obama, you are a lying, sneaky, thieving manipulator on a par with Madoff. I hope we can all see through this - he owns this war and wants to take credit or shift blame, however it turns out. He tells us that he wants us to stand fast against Al Qaeda, not only with arms, but with "other means too." Like what? Loose joints and bong hits for us all? Cause, Putin might have to make another change of clothes if you are implying that the "international community" will stand up for what is right. "Right makes might" you said. Literally. And the scary part is that you just "might" believe that.

Any word on Iran's planned 500,000 increase in centrifuges? No? It felt like he wrapped the American flag around himself ... and I, for one, found that both insulting to the flag, and disgusting on a personal level given his hypocrisy towards the military and our Country.

I am dejected.