For non-Massholes, Deval Patrick is a gentleman running for governor of the Commonwealth of Taxachusetts. He is also a classic liberal in the great tradition of Harvard Arts and Sciences, Dukakis, Bloated Windbag (Teddy K), Kerry (you don't really need to come up with an insult for him -- surplusage), Mayor Mumbles, etc. Everywhere you drive in Boston, you see Deval Patrick "Together We Can" stickers and bill boards posted up on people's lawns. And nowhere more so that the People's Republic of Cambridge -- which should tell you exactly far out of the mainstream of American thought (red state or blue) he is.
Let me count the ways that I am starting to detest this man....
In 1972, the Commonwealth enacted the CORI legislation (criminal offender record information). The idea is to allow a potential employer to find out a bit more about a potential employee ... like if that person has a criminal record. Patrick doesn't like this idea, as it means that criminals re-entering society from incarceration may have a more difficult time in gaining new employment. Putzrik thinks that everyone deserves a second (or third or whatever) chance and should not be burdened by their criminal record. Nice idea at liberal dinner parties in Cambridge, but do we want these people working at nursing homes, senior citizen housing, banks, or in our schools? If not for CORI, the Lowell Schools Department might not have learned that the head of its Math Department had 36 arrests, for offenses including assault and battery, and stalking? Putzrick would like to water this down ... so that the listed can vote for him? And who exactly are the CORI participants? But CORI does need reform and in that Putzrick is correct: it needs to be clear of errors based on name-only listing and discrimination against opportunities. If you have a criminal record, you should be entitled to take out loans, etc. if you meet the same criteria as those for other people with relevant bad credit. Make no mistake, a criminal record for speeding or hate speech does not mean that they would be bad loan candidates. A criminal record for embezzlement, gambling, burglary or armed robbery shows an equal lack of financial prudence as multiple bankruptcies. And as to Putzrick's claims that CORI results in housing discrimination: so what? If relevant information shows that the offender has a history of sex crimes, stalking, violence, etc., who the hell wants that person anywhere near their house? You see, recidivism for sex crimes exceeds 60%. Second chance? Are you out of your minds?
The Boston Globe and Herald both set up the coming race against Healy as an historic race to install the first black governor in the state house. I don't care if Dooval is black, white, or shades of puce. And it should not be a reason to vote for someone. Affirmative action does not and should not extend to the elected office of governor. That office is for the most capable human being available for election: man or woman ... oh, Kerry Healy happens to be a white woman.
Speaking of that what does Doofus think about preference? Let's "go back to the video tape." Dooval was Clinton's Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. Clearly, a FOB and H, and what did he stand for? At a Congressional hearing in 1995 Dooval stated “[i]t is a myth that there are unqualified, undeserving women and minorities who are getting benefits that should go to qualified, deserving white men.” What about the gentlemen with the perfect civil-service test scores who successfully sued the Boston Fire Department for reverse Jim Crow racism? Oh, never heard of those.
More on Dooval’s career at the Justice Department: The Piscawatay, N.J., school deptarment hired two teachers on the same day - one white, one black. Nine years later, they needed to shed teachers during layoffs. Between teachers with equal seniority there was normally some game of chance to pick the loser. "This time, even though there were more than enough black teachers on the payroll, the board decided to “even the playing field” by firing the white teacher. She sued."
Dooval was presented with this case when he came into office with the Clinton administration. "But he pushed it so hard that Village Voice columnist Nat Hentoff, not exactly a conservative, said Dooval was conducting a “relentless crusade” to make sure the white woman would not get her job back." How hard does Doofus push to further his extreme political views? Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun, a black Democrat from Chicago (where Doofus in from) characterized his methods as 'Gestapo tactics' and running 'roughshod over citizens, over communities. (Carr.)
This 1994 description of Dooval in The New Republic:
“Deval Patrick has committed the Clinton administration to a vision of racial preference that fulfills the most extravagant fantasies of a conservative attack ad. Rather than honestly confronting the costs of affirmative action, Patrick has blithely endorsed the most extreme form of racialism.”
So when Dooval talks about evening the playing field in Massachusetts (vile carpetbagger just like his hero Hillary), you can only imagine what he really means. From the Boston Globe (which adores him) "[a]s a lawyer with the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Patrick had helped craft an appeal of the death sentence of Warren McCleskey, a black man on death row convicted of killing a white Atlanta policeman in 1978. The unsuccessful appeal to the US Supreme Court was based not on the case, but on statistics showing that Georgia executed murderers of whites at a far higher rate than murderers of blacks." And we are meant to approve of this case approach? Either the guy did it or not, he should not skate because Georgia juries vote for the death penalty more in one instance that the other. That is an issue for the electorate of Georgia and Atlanta (Atlanta is predominantly black).
Driver's licenses: Healy says none for illegals. Dooval says hand 'em out. The law in the Commonwealth does not required citizenship to get a license, only residency. So, says Putzrick, they should get them, irrespective that they may be then used to gain access airports and other sensitive security areas, apply for loans, almost eveything in the US where ID is required -- in short, domestically, the drivers license is the certificate of authenticity. If the Commonwealth required proof of ID to vote (unbelievable that is doesn't), it would be the key to that too. So Dooval gets to insert and normalize the vast hoards of illegals. That is important issue here -- ILLEGALS. They should not be here in the first place. They should not be entitled to the benefits of citizenship without the downside too: taxes and obedience to the law.
Companies that hire illegals should be made to pay too -- to medicare and to the local education boards, reflecting the burden of the illegals on our society. Since they don't pay taxes, to balance for that we need to fund the support system accordingly. It is not right that companies should gain from the employment of illegals without paying for that privilege -- and not hiring tax-paying Americans at a much higher salary. It is also a form of slave labor or indentured servitude being inflicted on the illegals.
In-state tuition. Putzrick wants to give the benefit of in-state tuition to illegals. So the illegals get the benefit for which tax payers get socked in this State. They are illegal -- to support this system is to support illegal activity.
Putzrick worked as General Counsel for Coke. How exactly did a NAACP lawyer, civil rights wonk and public defender-type get to be the GC for a multinational? In which way was he qualified? Anyone connected with corporate law would stiffle a snort to consider someone with those qualifications as a suitable GC. So why? Perhaps the aura from the Clinton Whitehouse? FOB? When Putz resigned (with much fanfare) from his position because of the conditions and evil doings in Coke bottling plants in Colombia, he expected some tidal wave of action. Instead it was ignored by everyone, including the workers in the plant. So Putz went back to work for Coke as a consultant -- but doing what exactly? Well, it turns out that Putz was being paid to defend Coke from allegations that it paid paramilitaries to kidnap union leaders in Columbia and torture them. His return to work as a consultant was accompanied by a paycheck of some $2.1 million. We could also examine Putz's defense actions in the Board rooms of Ameriquest and Texaco -- not exactly shining lights of corporate responsibility (Ameriquest sued in 49 states for predatory lending practices -- that is, screwing the poor).
Let's get this straight: Putz is a crusader for human rights, for "leveling the playing field" and the Bay State voters believe this. But he takes money from Coke to defend them from allegation that they hire paramilitaries to extinguish unionism at their foreign plants. Lots of money. He is, therefore, not only a hypocrite, but shows elements of the "oldest profession" in that he will turn a blind eye for the green. Sounds like a Democrat's resume? Putz IS a mover and shaker in the corporate world because he is willing to defend the uglier aspects of American corporate practices -- for a price. But meanwhile, he wants the Massachusetts taxpayer to pay for his sideline of defending the people. Sounds to me like he is feeding at both sides of the trough.
He is very similar in appeal to his arch-heros the Clintons. He has studied Bill's appeal and clearly taken Hillary's cleverness on board. HE IS VERY, VERY DANGEROUS and apparently completely without real morals or scruples. Just like Hillary and Bill. Unless he can be stamped out in the gubernatorial elections this fall, he will rise to uncomfortable prominence in the nation.
Hey Bloatbag and Kerry: how about a windfarm in Nantucket Sound? (Just a random bitch-slap).