Reconquest ... my ass. Mexico Take Over. Mexica.
Look at this URL:
These people are serious. They plan to take over not only the American Southwest by demographics, but the whole of North America, which they consider to be native Mexican by right.
So 500,000 illegal immigrants protested in Los Angeles. California WAS Mexican, but lost through various nefarious means. They mean to take it back. Mexico looks at the US like we are a bunch of idiots -- and with respect to Mexico, we are. President Fox has this wonderful situation in hand: send the excess workers to the US where they are cared for, where they earn money to send back to Mexico without the hassle of administrative support and fewer people to feed domestically. Perfect. The US gets felons, tax evading workers, a huge burden on our health system (already mired in expenses), drugs smuggled across the border and of course, a massive expense to support some misplaced liberal idea (actually, smart because the legal ones vote liberal-biased) that we should support bi-lingualism in schools, government and in every other facet of our lives.
People, this is bullshit. Previous waves of immigrants became Americans through the simple expedient of learning English, through being forced to learn English if they wanted to get a job or succeed in this country. And, by and large, immigrants invested in America: they wanted the American dream. Waves of Italians, Germans, Swedish and Russians came to our shores and within a generation became English speaking Americans.
The massive Latino immigration wave, does none of these: they persist in speaking Spanish to the exclusion of English, they do not assimilate and they persist in their own set of morals and ethics. This is not expanding the "melting pot." This is foisting the cost and burden of having someone else's culture imposed upon us. The Latin goal is to make a bundle and return to your island, or country, rich and respected, NOT to climb the societal ladder within the U.S. No re-investment and no assimilation. We represent a huge piggy bank to break open and raid for needs elsewhere. Make no mitake about it. Liberals feel guilty at all we have in the U.S. -- ignoring the reality that we have all these riches by virtue of working for them and having created them. The English and French explorers that came to the U.S. intending to rape the country in the Spanish manner, to send the wealth and prosperity derived back to their home countries. We, the descendants of the deprived and poor of our own countries of origin kicked their sorry asses out. The Hispanic historical system was one of continued plunder and repatriation of wealth. And if you have any courage to think outside of the liberal box, you will see that this is historically true.
Oh, I hear you say, the Mexicans ony want the American dream. Bullshit. They want to take the money and go home. They don't want to pay the taxes, they don't want to fund the community organizations: "the Anglos should pay for that stuff. They owe it to us because we work for such low wages." As far as I am concerned if you don't like our system, stay home. Have fewer children. Elect officials in your own country that are honest.
Any person sympathizing with the Latinos need to ask themselves a question: do you want the U.S. to become a replica of ANY Latin American culture? Name one that has had ANY success in moving the civilization of mankind forwards, just name one!! Do you want the endemic corruption that is present in EVERY Latin American country to become the "norm" in the U.S.? I don't. And if you have not traveled in Latin America, you can have no idea of how messed up it can be. None. Books and reports cannot do the chaos justice. Nor the grinding poverty and ignorance. It is a reason so many try to come here -- but it is not our faults: we are not guilty. We should try to help as much as we can because we are rich ... but we need to make sure that we can do so in an orderly, controlled and efficient way.
Yet, those craven shits in Congress are going to give citizenship rights to those who have been here illegally for more than 5 years, and rights of re-entry to those that have been here illegally 2 years ... that is we are giving gifts of membership to those that have violated our laws to be here at all. And those from around the world that are begging and yearning to come the U.S. and have had to wait, sometimes as long as 10 years for that precious visa, that ticket to the assimilation and the American dream, what about them? Tough luck. Because the Latin Americans can violate our borders with impunity, they have a special ticket. Merde! Give me a shipload of Poles, Lithuanians, Indians, Nigerians (maybe not, talk about home country corruption), Vietnamese any day. They come not to plunder and go home: they come to become us, the country created with the goal of a fair shot for everyone that plays by the rules.
There are whole areas of the Southern U.S. where there are third (and more) generation Latinos who are incapable of expressing themselves in English. That is crazy: we should not try to stamp out their culture, we should force the assimilation of that culture into our own -- with the unifying agent of a common language. As every culture assimilates, the whole moves slightly towards that culture, but the new culture moves further towards the whole. The Latinos have no notion of integration; rather they feel we should all learn their morals and ethics (or is it that they are simply too lazy to try?). No thank you. I have seen enough with my own eyes in the courts of this country, in the prison systems, and in the barrios of my native Los Angeles. No freaking way. Human life has a greater value, and so do the women of the United States in particular. We should not have to live in fear of violence, extortion and corruption.
By all means, let immigrants from all countries come to the U.S., our unemployment rate is very low and we need the population to avoid the demographic trap that is headed Europe's way. BUT, learn our language and pay taxes. Become American, liberal, conservative, or Hollywood-weird. And enter our country in the legal way, take your turn, show your need or skills to offer the country. Do not take the places of other and do not violate our laws.
As to the pending legislation, how about we try this: if you have been here for 5 years (tax status ignored) and provided only that you have not been arrested for any crime apart from coming here in the first place, you only have to prove that you can speak English and presto, you have citizenship. If you have been here only 2 years, but paid taxes, wait three more years (you don't have to leave), and then prove you can speak, read and write English ... congrats! If you are here and have never paid taxes ... go home and try again. NO EXCEPTIONS. Say your child is American by virtue of the 14th Amendment; you take them home until they are 18 and of majority under American law, at which time they can come back, no questions asked. If you are cuaght violating this code from here on in: you go home and never come back.
If you are a migrant worker, only wishing to earn a living here, then get a working visa, pay our taxes and obey the laws. If you are caught as a felon, even while here legally, you go home forever. No dispute. You try to come back and we catch you, you do hard time for free in a labor camp. We do need to fix the infrastructure of the country and your contribution would be welcome.
President Fox: you mess with us in this regard, we will ruin your economy. Russia is clearly not above economic warfare, nor is any other major western power (apart from those pathetic assholes in the Labor party in Britain). Let's get with the plan to preserve the United States as a place of dynamic opportunity, not a piggy bank to the north.
Enforcement? The National Guard to the border and the creation of a one year service draft to protect the U.S. -- separate and apart from the U.S. military and not susceptible to foreign service ... purely homeland defense. Three-time losers trying to enter get a one way ticket to road gangs. You want to come that badly, you can, but not as you might like it -- but no long term penalty there: you are still free to apply for a working visa after time served: your only crime was one of economic necessity.
This is harsh, but necessary. Now.