So it turns out -- forensic polling -- that Hil-liar received 57% of the votes that women cast versus 43% to Obama. And why? This will absolutely make you poop your trousers ... it appears that the crying jag, that pathetic "glimpse" of her "humanity" and "frailty" was the deciding factor in an overwhelming number of "undecided" cases. And it persuaded prior Obama identified voters to switch to Hil-liar. In effect, the women's solidarity vote.
This "reason" is, in effect, a post-feminist chance to "get back" at men for all the times that a woman was demeaned and asked to make coffee, slighted, commented on about her big butt. "Hil-liar will take it to those good-for-nothing men." Ladies: I have news for you ... Hil-liar would ask you to make the coffee too, only couching it in feminist terms. But her disdain for you, particularly any of you that are homemakers, is total and complete. Don't fool yourself in this regard, her record is replete with instances and examples where she has done so, not the least of which is her atrocious behavior with regards to the actions her pustule of a husband. Want demeaning? Look at her "wounded Hil-liar" persona after the Monica affair became public. The only wound she sustained there was that they didn't control the damage and shut her up early enough. In the Clinton Whitehouse, Hil-liar had a team in place whose sole function was to ensure that Bill did not get up to his usual crap. But during the lock-out, when government employees couldn't come to work, unpaid interns were allowed complete access and to pick up the slack. In this case, more than "slack" was picked up.
Even during that moment of "humanity" she managed to slag off Obama and state that "I" have opportunities for America ... not that America has opportunities, but she Marie Antoinette Clinton has the keys to the future. Meaning? You are idiots -- I am not, so vote for me.
Most appalling? The gullibility of the American public and women in particular. It is no surprise that the overwhelming bulk of magazines are bought by women, and the overwhelming bulk of magazines are advertisements -- selling to those that can be emotionally swayed to accept that which reason dictates is hogwash. You want to stand up for women and equality? Judge candidates on a gender and racially neutral basis. Don't fall for the sympathy gig: our future is too important to sacrifice on a "Cosmo" moment. Remember there is absolutely NOTHING that the Clintons won't do to reoccupy 1700 Pennsylvania Ave. Nothing.
I am beside myself with fear and loathing. Consider the Witch trying that poop with foreign leaders -- actually, would Maggie Thatcher have done such a thing ... ever? Under any circumstances? I have heard of tears for the defeated, tears of remorse, tears of sorrow for others unfairly treated, injured ... but tears because you are getting beaten in the polls? Even Maureen Dowd -- Hil-liar kool-aide drinker extraordinaire has shown shock and disgust. One day after tears to the question of how she keep going, Hil-liar was gloating and exultant on the stage.
The "Comeback Kid." Indeed. Comeback from what? For the last two years she has been the "inevitable" victor, the President presumptive, the shoo-in for coronation. What this shows is that she is a terrible loser -- a bad quality in a President. Mean, spiteful and vindictive and anyone that has crossed her has found that out to their detriment, even journalists who tried to simply tell facts, unadorned with political spin. Donors to her campaign knew that a dollar to Obama meant a life sentence to Hil-liar. Tears? From her? Are you stupid?
Bill is far more likely, especially when he gets caught. Speaking of which, do you really want 4 or even 8 more years of the Bill circus at the Whitehouse? Many respondents in the polls admitted that they were really voting for "the package" believing that a vote for Hi-liar was a vote for Bill. It is not. Hil-liar will cage Bill, muzzle him and apply electrical leads to ... to control him. Count on it. If there will be a female within arm's reach of Bill, you can bet that they will adhere to "alternative lifestyles," thereby putting them and Bill out of harm's way. Hil-liar's staff during her 8 years of attempted meddling in the Whitehouse was heavily skewed in towards that orientation: Hil-liar trusts "them," which is fine except, as with all things, it is to the exclusion of other, more qualified candidates.