Monday, November 30, 2009

They make me puke....

Here we are in the (should-be) middle of one of the greatest scandals ever uncovered: the hoax of Anthropogenic Global Warming ("AGW") and you can barely read anything on it outside of the 'net in the US of A. You can also see some stuff on Fox and the Wall Street Journal -- but the lefties don't read or listen anyway, and the bulk of the U.S. population barely reads and watch Oprah (who is in the tank for anything O-bot, anyway) to find out what is "important." So how is the truth going to get out there? The truth being that in the name of scientific nonesense (like canals on Mars), Obama and his global cohort of socialist engineers is going to radically change our society and bankrupt our children's future.

Carol Browner (one of the greatest Liberal crazies ever -- Google her to get a feeling of the depth of the psychosis) dismissed the revelation of hoax thusly: she totally ignored the smoking e-mails, [and] attributed the scandal to "a very small group of people who continue to say this isn't a real problem, that we don't need to do anything." She is Obama's climate adviser. CAN YOU SAY CRAZY?

"What am I going to do?" asked Browner. "Side with the couple of naysayers out there, or the 2,500 scientists?" -- who've drunk the Kool-Aid. "I'm sticking with the 2,500 scientists." Not only does she ignore the balance of more than 50/50 against AGW in Europe (many of which are scientists who have renounced their earlier political correctness given the weight and magnitude of evidence against them), and she ignores the learned and serious climatologists from the U.S.'s most prestigious universities, such as Caltech and MIT. Instead, she buys into people like Hansen (Gore's guru who has no formal climatology training AT ALL), and his type who are AGW cult-members, to further her and her Master's political beliefs.

And we pay her salary. And she is not accountable to the electorate, except by derivation, if Obama should not get re-elected. This is serious-ass crazy. Absolutely gaga ... speaking of whom, she'd be preferable.

I didn't even intend to write about these idiots. But one must wonder if there any lights on in the collective White House crania this year. What I meant to write about is this:

Vladimir Putin has pissed his pants once again. And not because he read Browner's drivel, hilairous (though scary) as it might be. Rather, it is because Admadinejad announced that


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Is there a pulse on Penn Ave.?

Our Idiot-in-Chief really needs to figure a few things out: (1) Climate change -- or at least the anthropogenic element -- may be, or most likely is, a hoax, so he should stop making pledges like a 17% cut in emissions by 2020; (2) Americans are dying in Afghanistan ... so he should make some decisions in that regard and implement them now -- no public address Tuesday while you have a nice Turkey Day at Camp Obama-davey, and a Hollywood shindig for all your admiring leftie-morons from Beverly Hills.

Seriously, Americans are dying and Barry-O dances the night away with as vapid a crowd as may have been conceived/directed by Fellini. The Brits, for goodness sake, are begging us for direction and criticizing Obama. The BRITS!!! A country that has become a watchword for ineffectual and self-absorbed lefty-drivel.

Our other "allies" in the 'Stan have been alienated, sidelined and allowed to die through our fiddling while Rome is burning: Obama as Nero. But worst of all, that sphincter in the Oval Office barely acknowledges the AMERICAN sacrifice being made. During one 90 period since McChrystal begged for more troops -- or any other sort of leadership -- he went 70 days without talking to his commander-in-theater. What the hell kind of Commander-in-Chief is that? During that time young Americans died.

Bush quit golf in 2004, saying that he could not in good conscience play golf while he should be working for our people and troops. Obama in 9 months has played more than any other President in that period of time -- and he can't break 100.

He also need to read the papers and find out about "Global Warming." Stop promising what we cannot deliver .. but of course, since absent some type of repeat mass psychosis he won't be President, when all these "chickens come home to roost" the Democrats will blame the Republicans for all the poop in the Nation's underwear, notwithstanding the distinctly Liberal reek that is already permeating the air.

Speak of reek in the air, what the hell are they breathing in the West Wing, nitrous oxide? Is that why their policy agenda is so laughable? Or Obama's international mega-snub? No good dictator worth his secret police will so much as give a second thought as to Obama's threats of "sanctions." Who is going to enforce them ... us? Or the U.N.? Or our good friends the Russians and Chinese? Ooops, Putin is laughing so hard that he shit his pants again. Wen Jiabao went back to his counting house to try and figure out if he owns California yet....

Meanwhile Barry-O is doing the peace-out with Spielberg, Couric (the poisonous dwarf syndrome) and Katzenberg (plus the serious Democrat Bundlers). Bet that food tastes a whole lot better than the C-rats somewhere in Helmand Province.

Seriously, Rome is friggin burning and Obama is playing rock star. This HAS to stop.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The conspiracy continues

It is abundantly clear to anyone paying attention that the Earth is, in fact, cooling at the moment. It has been cooling since about 1998-2000, as has been widely reported in circles frequented by climatologist who happen to be scientists and not social activists.

But, so we have been told by the liberal press, these scientists are wrong! The science is "Settled" (to quote our moronic President) -- this cooling period, if it exists, must be only temporary. If you had listened to Al Gore and James Hansen (who works for NASA and has no formal training as a climatologist), you would have expected to see the Netherlands underwater by now. All the glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere should have melted, and we should be experiencing massive hurricanes and terrible droughts. "Unfortunately", none of this has come to pass.

In fact, it is not clear whether carbon dioxide cools or warms the climate, if anything. It is even murkier as to whether mankind has influenced the climate in any fashion measurable to our science.

All of this has been made clear in the recent hacking of the computers of prominent "Global Warming" scaremongers. The evidence is there in "black and white" -- they have been caught red-handed in the lies that we have been fed over the past 15 years, all in the effort to effect SOCIAL ENGINEERING.

And do you think that the New York Times, self appointed journal of "all the news that is fit to print" covers this? It should be FRONT PAGE NEWS because if, as it is now apparent, the whole climate thing is a political effort to effect social change, we need to STOP IT NOW. NOT GLOBAL WARMING, but the scare that it exists at all. IT will cost us untold billions, if not trillions and indebt (along with the bastard/miscarriage that is ObamaCare) our children longer than their lives may last. It will ruin our country.

Perhaps that is the goal: ruin the country, give every illegal the right to vote -- to keep those who ruined it in power -- and create another failed socialist hell-hole. Because our leaders hate America and everything that is actually correct and good in it.

In Europe, where climate skeptics are far more prevalent -- notwithstanding their increased socialist bent -- this is front page news. It shows a MASSIVE conspiracy to defraud us, to lie to us and receive funding to continue their march to hippie/socialism. But people in the "Land of the Free" are terrified to voice their views, lest they be branded "doubters". Are we totally nuts?

We KNOW ObamaCare cannot work: the money is not there, and to fund the ongoing fiasco of fraud that is medicare and medicaid -- to increase the government circus by a factor of 10 is so crazy that is beyond comprehension. The Congressional Budget Office confirms this! And yet, next on the agenda is cap and trade -- carbon dealing, so Goldman Sachs can make a few more billion on my back -- and Goldman funds the Democrats, not the conservatives.

This suicidal (nation-cidal?) race can only be abetted by a complicit news media, and leaders who have planned this. Conspiracy? How about Goldman Sachs planned this whole shebang with the active participation of House Democrats since Bawny Fwank seized control of the financial reins of this country. Create a bubble, ruin the economy under a Republican, get swept into office, totally destroy the nation -- then set up a socialist paradise, just like their heros, Castro, Chavez, Lenin and Stalin. Finally everything will be "fair" for everyone ... except, of course, for those in the "Party."

Sound far fetched? Well, does it sound more far-fetched than a global warming conspiracy that has now been PROVEN to exist? Or the imposition of universal health care on a nation where 80% of the voters are happy with what we already have? The imposition of cap and trade that is absolutely guaranteed to cripple our global competitiveness?

Or for that matter the election of a President that had been a U.S. Senator for 143 days before running, who has perhaps the worst voting record in his State legislature, in which he did not serve out his term? A President who has never run anything requiring a balanced budget, a bottom line ... not even a lemonade stand? A President who has never released his academic transcripts, who has never released his birth certificate? Who may have applied to a U.S. university as a "foreign student" to get financial aid? A President who DID belong to a racist church -- preaching racial violence? 15 years ago, who would have believed you? Anyone?

Monday, November 09, 2009

Painful Irony ...

November 9, 2009 marks the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Remember? Reagan bade Gorbachev: tear down this wall. And tonight, Ossie (from the old East) Angela Merkel repeated to all of us the truth that Americans have know since 1776: "freedom is not free." "We have to fight to maintain it and never forget the past. " "Where there was once only a dark wall, a door suddenly opened and we all walked through it: onto the streets, into the churches, across the borders. Everyone was given the chance to build something new, to make a difference, to venture a new beginning."

More ominously, November 9, 1938 was also Kristalnacht. The final closing of the curtain of freedom in Germany, the night hundreds of synagogues were burnt to the ground. The night that was the start of a 51 year nightmare for East Germans.

What Merkel was remarking on, the freedom of choice granted to Europe by Americans, the freedom of choice granted by Americans to the world, is too precious to lose. And that, my friends is EXACTLY what is happening right now in America. Through the aegis of the Democratic party and our "President" Obama, we are in the process of flushing that precious freedom -- choice -- down the sewer of failed thought, Socialism.

How terribly, terribly ironic that the beacon of freedom which once shone so brightly, America, is now dimmed and tarnished. All the while haters of freedom, of choice, work diligently from within to extinguish that light that is the birthright of every American: seeking to still freedom of thought, ability to practice one's religion without governmental interference, the right to work and prosper without the arbitrary confiscation of the fruits of one's labors. Worse still, our "President" and his wife are primary among those working so hard to instill that hatred and encourage the rejection of principles, ethics and morals that made this America, the land of opportunity and light.

As the curtains closed in 1938, curtains just as grim, just as dark and just as threatening are making the final glimmerings of our great society vanish into the gloom. I am speaking of the Obamacare bills. It is the manifestation of Obama's agenda to bend Americans to the yoke of impersonal government, to crush individuality and competition, to establish a welfare state.

Make no mistake, the passage in the House of a bill that would damage our society irreparably is a crisis of the first order. Pelosi's bill will do that and more. Seniors are going to be extraordinarily ill-served, young people burdened by unbearable loads and hard working Americans stripped of a reason to persevere in the American dream.

The claim is that 36 million Americans will have health care that they otherwise would not have enjoyed .... Of those, young single Americans will be forced to spend between 17-20% of their gross income on health care plans they do not want or largely need. In return, tens of millions of illegal aliens will receive health care they did not pay for, and which will burden our children for their whole lives to come, all because these criminals managed to violate the laws of our country and enter surreptitiously in the dark of the night. Obama will "save" people who do not have health care because they choose not to work will benefit and honest hardworking Americans will be forced to have "approved plans" or face increased taxation, fines and, incredibly, incarceration -- from which the illegal aliens are exempt....

"Approved plans?" It is anyones's guess what these might look like as we will not know until 18 months after the passage of the bill when the Secretary of Health will tell us what those are: the direct analogy is being forced to take a mortgage on the house and then 18 months later being told what the rate and points will be. Blue Cross? Their plans will have to be approved, too. And if Obama's socialist goons determine that your plan is too generous (that is, making the government's option look too parsimonious), then these "Cadillac" plans will be surtaxed. In effect, while you can go private ... you will have to accept a plan that looks like the public version.

This is the complete takeover of health care, coupled with added twists guaranteed to shape what our society will look like, where people will work and for how much. Company plans will have to conform to regulation or companies will be fined and taxed in punishment. Accordingly, it will be simpler to funnel employees into the government plan and pay the extortion to support it. More than $500,000 in payroll ... then it applies to your company. Don't forget to include yourself in that payroll ... so how small is the company that can escape the net?

Dishonest? Obviously. But so are the deals Obama cut with AARP and AMA to get their support: the AARP is the largest supplier of Medigap insurance, the hole between where Medicare stops and the bill comes in. The AARP makes lots of money already on this ... and when you take $400 billion-odd out of Medicare, that market just got a lot bigger.

The AMA ... under the current law, physicians face a 21% accumulated cut in reimbursements for treating Medicare patients. So Obama just promised not to lower the boom: voila, instant support. You see, the law reads that there must be an annual cut of 5-6% in Medicare reimbursements, but Congress just rolled over the cuts, leaving reimbursements at the current level ... and a 21% overhang outstanding. Obama said, "do it, or else."

Hardly ringing support. Does this sound like the Gotterdamerung? Maybe not in the abstract, but the Obama/Pelosi agenda is to to bankrupt us, socialize us and reshape our society into a failed and discredited model that nobody wants. $1 trillion over 10 years? A closer estimate may be as much as 10 times that. And that means a dollar worth nothing, no jobs (unemployment continues to rise), no investment, no future. Thanks, Barry O. Thanks, Democrats, you would have found kindred spirits in the 1930's.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Pelosi ... gag, heave....

Pelosi and henchmen have succeeded in getting their bill to the floor of the House of Representatives. Included in this obese bastard are some very interesting features, only one of which am I going to rag on about in this post -- for a more detailed synopsis of the horrors to come, see the WSJ's op-ed last week: the single worst piece of legislation since the Smoot Hawley Tarrif Act.

But I digress ... the piece that really torques me today is the little kicker that plays like this:
If you cannot or do not buy the $15,000 health care plan determined by Pelosi to be the minimum required , you can be subject to civil and criminal penalties of up to a $250,000 fine and up to 5 years incarceration. Where does the $15,000 come from? From the Congressional Budget Office's estimate of the minimum 2016 cost under the House plan.

That's right folks! Evil Nancy will toss you in the slammer for failure to buy HER little budgetary present.

Now, most of us will buy insurance anyway, and some competition allowing us to buy across state lines might be nice, but Pelosi does not see that as necessary. You see, there are always those who don't buy because they don't see the need to. And therein lies Pelosi's little treat for younger people who stupidly voted for these imbeciles: she needs those who don't use the system because they are young and healthy to fund it for those who are obese, disease-ridden and old. Ahhh, there, I've said it. But wait, yet another little prize for those morons: the income levels requiring different levels of participation are not inflation indexed. So as inflation creeps up, more and more people are hit for effective income-based taxation, a re-visit to Carter years, brought to you by liberals in Congress.

And all you old folks who thought Brother Obama was going to treat you right? You've got another thing coming too. You see, hundreds of billions ARE going to come from Medicare and you oldsters are going to get less, pay more and get triaged out of the system: you will be deemed to old to waste valuable resources such as knee replacements on.

The Vile Toad of the Week Award goes to the new Congressman from NY23 -- you know, Pelosi's win. You see, this cretin broke 4 major campaign promises in the first day of work. Let's list them so you can see Democrats in fine form: (1) Owens (that's this weasel's name), claimed that he did not support the "public option -- then two days before the election, he stated that it should not be a litmus test, and now he indicates that he is fine with it; (2) he was strongly against cuts in Medicare, but now will vote for the cuts in the House reform bill ... HR 3962 contains potentially hundreds of billions of dollars in planned cuts to Medicare: (3) Owens was against taxes on existing health care benefits and increased taxes on the middle class ... HR 3962 contains a smorgasbord of taxes on the middle class plus repeals of taxes already in place and Owens suddenly in on board with those; and (4) Owens was against health care coverage for illegal immigrants -- but HR 3962 contains language allowing for coverage.

Do you remember when Rep. Joe Wilson called Obama a liar when Obama stated that the bill would not contain support for illegal immigrants? WHO IS THE LIAR NOW? Oh ... it is still the President. How predictable.

lAccording to the Congressional Budget Office the lowest cost family non-group plan under the Speaker’s bill would cost $15,000 in 2016.


Some things need to be said....

Our Commander-in-Chief has shown that he is a little less than the political savant that the Left make him out to be.

During the rampage at Fort Hood, Obama was giving a speech at the opening of the Tribal Nations Conference. And, rather than starting his remarks by directly addressing the tragedy then underway -- and not yet "finished" -- he gave a shout-out to a Medal of Honor winner in the audience, making various and sundry banal remarks. Then, about two minutes into his speech, Obama turned to the matter of Fort Hood. Even during that speech -- Google it, if you want, he/it makes me gag -- he somehow managed to come off slightly less than concerned. It is as if the people involved are less valuable, less worthy of his attention and care than others. Obama was "shocked and outraged" by the murder of Dr. George Tiller, an abortionist (I am pro choice, so don't read my own views into this) and therefore a friend of the Left, but distinctly tepid at the mass murder of U.S. soldiers by one of their own.

Let's not avoid the topic: Obama is no friend of the military and this was made clear once again. And more importantly, Obama made no mention of the fact that the shooter was yelling "Allah hu Akbar" as he engaged in his murder spree. Obama once again fell over backwards to avoid addressing the fundamental truth -- not all Muslims are terrorists, but recently all the terrorists have been Muslim.

But was he a terrorist? Major Nidal Malik Hasan is American. He also wore an jalabiya during his off hours in Texas, had an "Allah is Love" bumper sticker on his car, and had engaged a military lawyer in an effort to avoid his coming posting to the Middle East. He is known to have been highly critical of our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan: according to friends and family he dreaded having to go. Hasan also prayed at the same mosque and at the same time as three of the 9/11 conspirators: listening to the Imam Al Awlaki. "Hasan's eyes lit up at the mention of Al Awlaki," according to another Muslim officer at Fort Hood. At Fort Hood he told a colleague, Col. Terry Lee, that he believed that Muslims should rise up against American "aggressors." Al Awlaki now lives in Yemen, a stronghold of Al Qaeda.

More? Yes, there is. The founder of the Islamic Community of Greater Killeen though that Hasan seemed nearly incoherent during a meeting with him. He told Hasan "there is something wrong with you." So bothered was this leader that he recommended that the Islamic center reject Hasan's request to become a lay Muslim leader at Fort Hood.

Military intelligence (oxymoron?) already suspected Hasan as the author of internet postings that compared suicide bombers with soldiers who throw themselves on grenades to save others ... and he had been repeatedly warned about proselytising to patients. At the Muslim Community Center in Silver Spring (a D.C. suburb) he signed up to a Mulsim matchmaking service requesting a bride who wore the hijab and prayed 5 times a day in accordance with the Pillars.

It is known that he was taunted about his beliefs in Fort Hood ... not really excusable, but cause for mass murder? Or was it an excuse for terrorism? Is he a terrorist because as a psycho he happened to be Muslim? Is that what it takes? How about some guidance, Mr. President? Huh? How about telling us that Islam is not a threat to each and every one of us?

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Sounds familiar?

Click on the cartoon to read the details, particularly the stuff in the lower left.

From 1934. Sounds pretty familiar, doesn't it? Don't let them do this to us. Stand and fight: become a tea-bagger (who cares what Olberman thinks about the phrase?), stand up to Liberals, write your Congressman threatening to fund ANY person running against them if they let Obama-Pelosi get away with this.

After the "Columbia - Harvard Pinkies" got finished with the destruction of the economy last time, it required a World War and the deaths of millions to start a world recovery.

The fact of the matter is that we have started passing bad checks ... and the solution, according to Obama, is to pass more of them. Devalue the dollar and then pay back our debtors with Zimbabwe-esque funny money.

I, for one, do not wish to be part of this global confidence game. It seems destined to beggar the United States -- and this is now starting to look like a carefully conceived plan: because nobody can be so stupid as to do the damage that the Democrats are proposing ... unless they mean to.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Not watching returns....

Last night the Dems were told by the electorate that they do not approve of the direction that "hope and change" is going. Not at all. The sole house seat that was up for grabs went to a Dem, but only because the GOP rep in question pulled out less than 5 days before the election and declared for the Dem: she was being soundly beaten by an independent conservative and in spite cast her lot with the Dems. Because she was still on the ballot, she received 5% of the vote plus enough confusion to elect the Democrat. Otherwise -- had there been a GOP primary -- the small "c" conservative Republican would have won.

And the two Democratic governors that Obama stumped for ... lost. The Obama magic was not in evidence last night. The coat-tails were actually cling-ons.

You see, as the polls became clear last week that both Greig Deeds and Jon Corzine were going to lose, the White House started saying that this vote was not important and that this was not an early referendum on the Obama plan. Gibbs the press secretary stated last night that Obama wasn't even watching the returns.

How stupid can you be?

If true, there are two ways of looking at it: (1) Obama wasn't watching because he already knew that he was toast; and (b) he is so removed from reality that he deemed this irrelevant. Since we can be sure that he WAS in fact monitoring the results if not actually glued to the TV, and that Gibbs is lying out of his pie-hole, this statement is simply insulting. Only a bona-fide Kool-Aid drinking O-bot could accept this spin.

Corzine -- the ex-Goldman Sachs (funny how that name comes up again) chairman -- is a billionaire. Or so close as makes no difference. Yet despite a profoundly "blue state", and many, many millions spent and the Obama fairy dust sprinkled liberally, he got soundly pounded. At least 6 points ... about as bad as Bush's beating by Obama. You can't say this was close, but Obama has a mandate ... you can't have it both ways. If anything Corzine's defeat in the heavy union state is far more telling. They were unable to buy the votes. His nemesis, Chris Christie, bu contrast is self-made. Public schools and Seaton Hall law school are hardly the stuff of king makers. As U.S. Attorney for New Jersey, Christie has all sorts of bad smelling skeletons in his closet: most are investigations and indictments of Democrat politicians in New Jersey (the actual number also feature a balance of Republicans, but the press prefers to talk about vendettas against left-wingers). Corzine tried to paint Christie with the Bush paint brush -- Christie was a major supporter and fund raiser for Dubbya -- but even that wouldn't stick.

O-bot Gibbs will try and tell you that this election was unimportant ... but why was the Messiah stumping around New Jersey on the Sunday before the election for an unimportant event?

And the beating in Virginia -- a swing state that was supposed to have permanently gone to the Blue crowd -- was even more sincere. Deeds was obliterated at the polls. And this electorate went for Obama in 2008. So something has changed. Remember Obama promised change? Only the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia, many of them Federal Employees, don't like what they see.

And what they see is Pelosi, Reid and Obama about to bankrupt the country with health care that will only result in disaster. For Pelosi's part, she is desperate to get this passed: before politicians can go home to their voters over Christmas -- where they will learn that to vote for this POS is to guarantee that they will be looking for a job after their next election.

The Wall Street Journal went so far as to describe this bill as the worst piece of proposed legislation since the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of the 1930's. And just as certain to tank America.
