Copenhagen -- the hoax
The basics are this: (1) the conference is controlled (paid for) by social progressives -- socialists and wealth-distribution fetishists; (2) the idea is to get "rich countries" to pay "poor countries" for all the carbon they have been emitting forever; (3) they want to force EU and North America into a position where their energy habits are controlled by "world opinion" -- this really means giving away our sovereignty to a multi-national organization wherein each country, no matter how heinous and despotic, gets an equal vote to the United States or the EU (if that gets that far); (4) the energy producers are largely semi-democratic at best -- often blatant dictatorships -- and will buy the votes of the poorest countries, largely because such countries have corrupt leaders bent on wealth accumulation of the private type, so the votes will be controlled by ... Iran, Venezuela, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia ... Russia ....
The participants and speakers are either: (a) self-important grandstanders (Chavez, Ahmadinejad, Gore, Prince Charles); (b) blatant hypocrites (just about anyone who arrived by private jet, see point (a)); (c) capitalists who have figured out a scheme to make serious bucks (Gore, Soros, "alternative energy executives"); socialists who have figured out how to pick the U.S. pocket directly; and (d) idiot politicians, deluded by pseudo-science, guided by idealistic lunacy and completely out of touch with reality (Obama, Brown).
An yet, there are people who still sign onto the "Change we can believe in." And as much as I regret to say it, too many of my friends are still on that train.
Let's just look at the Chavez speech and response by attendees (from "The" Australian newspaper):
President Chavez brought the house down.
From Mugabe's speech:When he said the process in Copenhagen was “not democratic, it is not inclusive, but isn’t that the reality of our world, the world is really and imperial dictatorship…down with imperial dictatorships” he got a rousing round of applause.
But then he wound up to his grand conclusion – 20 minutes after his 5 minute speaking time was supposed to have ended and after quoting everyone from Karl Marx to Jesus Christ - “our revolution seeks to help all people…socialism, the other ghost that is probably wandering around this room, that’s the way to save the planet, capitalism is the road to hell....let’s fight against capitalism and make it obey us.” He won a standing ovation.
I don’t think Obama is here yet. He got the Nobel Peace Prize almost the same day as he sent 30,000 soldiers to kill innocent people in Afghanistan.
The anti-capitalist theme was picked up on by Mr Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s veteran President, who is the target of Western sanctions over alleged human rights abuses.
“When these capitalist gods of carbon burp and belch their dangerous emissions, it’s we, the lesser mortals of the developing sphere who gasp and sink and eventually die.”
From the lead delegate of Tuvalu (a corrupt Pacific nation with its hand out for quick cash):The lead negotiator for the small island nation of Tuvalu, the bow-tie wearing Ian Fry, broke down as he begged delegates to take tough action.
“I woke up this morning crying,” and that’s not easy for a grown man to admit,” Mr Fry said on Saturday, as his eyes welled with tears.
”The fate of my country rests in your hands,” he concluded, as the audience exploded with wild applause.
So moving. But let’s now learn more from Samantha Maiden about this former Greenpeace official from “Tuvalu”:
Its like the frikkin polar bears, which are more numerous right now than any time in the last 1000 years, maybe ever.
But the part-time PhD scholar at the Australian National University actually resides in Queanbeyan, NSW, where he’s not likely to be troubled by rising sea levels because the closest beach at Batemans Bay is a two-hour, 144km drive away. Asked whether he had ever lived in Tuvalu, his wife told The Australian last night she would “rather not comment”....Still, it’s a long way from the endangered atolls of Tuvalu, with his neighbour Michelle Ormay confirming he’s lived in Queanbeyan for more than a decade, while he has worked his way up to being “very high up in climate change”.
Let's think about this: Mugabe should be locked up by any standard of humanity. Probably executed for crimes against humanity ... he is a mass murderer who has destroyed the richest agricultural country in Africa, a country that used to export its bounty all over the world, let alone Africa. Now people are starving there. Chavez is a revolutionary and a murderer. He is also a many-times attempted President-for-Life in the classic Latin mold: if you disagree with him or his policies, you "disappear." This wanker, Ian Fry, is a classic climate change stooge -- a lying toad who is "in" this for his own personal gain.
We could probably dissect practically the whole charade in Copenhagen like this, but that would be to miss the point: these people want to take control of our lives using the guise of "science." It is an event that Marx, Mao, Lenin and Trotsky would approve of -- mass hysteria, effective propaganda, a "conditioned" public and a massive grab of power by those who have sensibly been kept from it up until now. Goebbel's "big lie."
But the best is still to come: the President of the United States of America, that great experiment in democracy, decency and morals is about to prostrate that great nation before the feet of liars, thugs, cheats and con-men. In broad daylight the forces of socialism are about to "mug" us because our President has invited them to. I feel as dejected, smeared, soiled and degraded as I did during the Carter administration -- something I though could never happen again.
Do I feel that we need to clean up our environment and wean ourselves from Arab oil (or any other country's oil)? Yes. And tomorrow would not be too soon. So, let's use our coal as cleanly as possible until we can build fusion reactors, or develop enough electrical energy by other means to support ourselves. Sure, let's do all that is reasonable to cut any form of emissions that harm our environment. But only an asshole would hand money to [fill in the blank] for their potential harm (because nothing has been proven, and may not even be correct at all). Possibly worse, why on Earth would we write checks that are sure to bounce: WE ARE BROKE?