Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Press Continues to Cover for Barry-O

Can you imagine if some Principal in some rural Texas school had organized a sing-along so that she could showcase songs of praise for Dubbya Bush? Imagine the outrage? The cries of brainwashing? It would be first page news for weeks. Yet, little more than a few days past the actual outrage of our little ones singing songs of praise for Obama ... not a peep. The major news outlets simply ignored it.

Stop and think about this a moment: this is the creation of a cult of personality. Just like Chavez (who admires this sort of thing). Like Kim Jong-il. Like Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, Castro (another O-bot lover) and our media, the guardians of free speech (ostensible) say nothing.

Barney Frikkin Frank asks for an investigation of the ACORN whistleblowers, and a determination as to whether defunding is a bill of attainder (it is not). Any news play? Nope.

How about caskets for the homefront? When Bush was President, ever single casket that rolled down a C-141 was filmed along with the grieving families. Now, only AP shows and sells whatever to anyone that wants it. Nobody does. YET, yet ... this year is the single bloodiest of the Afghan conflict, and more bloody than 2001-2004 combined. Any news play. Anyone interested?

I think that the American public is interested or would be if anyone had an honest bone in their ostensible "journalist" asses/brains and did their duty and disclosed what is really going on.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Welcome to the People's Republic of Obama, uh, I mean the United Socialist States.

Banana Republic by-the-Charles: a how-to.

Just about the worst example of blatant political hacking has just been perpetrated on the Commonwealth of Massachusetts -- or would be if the people thereof were not so craven and dishonest as to actually agree with the scam. Usually Democrats are merely intellectually (and perhaps personally) dishonest: yes, you can tax, but just so long as I keep my piece. Think: congressional exemption to the Obama-care "options" about to be foisted on the rest of the nation. Think: various Kennedy foundations and trusts -- more on this later. But this ... this is just too much.

In 2004, the Democrat-led (actually more like a one-party system) House on Beacon Hill passed legislation removing the right of the (Republican) Governor to appoint an interim Senator. This was done in anticipation of Kerry's successful presidential campaign. And the time it was argued that in the interests of democracy, it was critical that an election and not an appointment should take place to fill the seat in order to adequately represent the will of the people of the Commonwealth. And to prevent the probable Republican appointee from voting conservative in any votes that might come before the U.S. Senate. Never mind that there is/was no frikkin chance that come the election a Republican would remain in the seat, it simply could not stand ... it was vital. There was also always the risk that the people of the Commonwealth might come to like the appointee, after all, they elected a Republican as Governor?

Now Ted Blowbag is dead (I cannot dredge up anything good to say about his deceased carcass), the Dems on Beacon Hill see it as vital that the Governor should be able to appoint an interim hack to the position -- to represent the will of the people of the Commonwealth. You see, the prospect of an empty seat until a special "election" can seat another Democrat is unacceptable in 2009, whereas in 2004 it was vital. In 5 years the Hill has done a 180 as to what is in the urgent interests of the people.

Why? Because Barry O'Lying down in D.C. needs the vote that Dead Ted's seat represents. He needs that stinkin' vote to jam O-care down our throats and move the Socialist-Liberal agenda along. Who gives a rat's ass what the people actually want? Certainly nobody on Beacon Hill or Washington does. Instead our "President" is willing to meddle in a purely internal affair of a State of the United States in violation of the Constitution which he has sworn to uphold (probably in violation of the 10th and 11th Amendments). Though, this should come as no surprise given his previous actions which functionally treat that document as Charmin to wipe his royal with.

The Dems have trotted out a series of rationales for this fiasco, but what they seem to have settled on as the best is: 'cause Dead Ted wanted it. Uh ... in case anyone has missed this, I have a newsflash: Ted is dead and apart from his last testament and will, what he may have believed or had to say is now completely irrelevant. The Commonwealth is not a monarchy, even though many Kennedys may have thought/think so, and accordingly Dead Ted cannot anoint a successor. But people seem to have avoided or misunderstood this: even Barry O'Liar tried to invoke the "because Dead Ted wanted it this way" during his address to the joint session of Congress. Ted ... is ... dead. He is not the Gipper. The world has changed in that regard, so let the system of democracy take its time in coming up with the appropriate response and let's not screw with it.

So in the end ... the Dead Ted Brigade, the hacks on Beacon and Devoid [of all sense] Patrick acceded to Barry O'Liar's and Dead Ted's wishes and appointed ... oh it makes me puke ... Paul Kirk.

Who is Paul Kirk? A Kennedy family retainer. A flunky wearing the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Hyannis and the Commonwealth. Kirk was Chairman of the DNC from 1985-1989 (strike one). Kirk is Chairman of the Kennedy Library (strike two), and Chairman of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the U.S. Senate (he goes down swinging). He is, in effect, Dead Ted's hand-picked man. And Gov. Patrick is a big enough toady to DNC interests (and to his buddy Barry) to ignore these obvious anti-democratic antecedents and attach an emergency rider to the Bill changing the law in the Commonwealth to allow him to appoint Kirk. No 90 day waiting period for Kirk and Patrick!! Gotta fill that seat (and give Barry-O that vote) NOW!!!

Yes, folks, you read that correctly: Patrick attached an "emergency rider" to the Bill changing the laws of appointment/election to allow the new law to take effect immediately. Which means that within the space of two breaths, he changed the law and foisted a flack on us effective ... as of yesterday. Kirk will be sworn in today at 3:30 on the floor of the U.S. Senate. The House (MA, not D.C.) Republicans have filed to have the SJC review this overstepping of law by Patrick. But seriously ... what is the chance of that? The SJC is more in the Liberal bag than Patrick, and THAT is saying something. So this is "done" deal.

Just a few thoughts in passing: (1) does the 130 days until the next special election for the seat mean that as a U.S. Senator Kirk will get a full pension and health care for the rest of his life; (2) did anyone notice the $20 million earmark in a defense spending bill placed by Kerry for ... the E.M. Kennedy Institute (is that a parting gift for Kirk?); like the irony of pork for Kennedy being attached to a defense bill -- Dead Ted being the soldier's worst enemy; (4) the Globe only mentions this hideous scam in passing ("GOP seeks to block" .. as if that was the news); (5) the Kennedy Institute is really the equivalent of Dead Ted's presidential library which he never earned as president (it is intended to hold Dead Ted's senate memoirs and papers); and (6) Ex-Gov. Mike Dukakis was probably waiting for that phone call that never came (in a very small and cheap way that makes me giggle).

Wait 'till I blog on the brainwashing of primary school children....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Putin Peed in his Pants

At least I think he did. After he could catch his breath from laughing so hard.

Let me give you a bit of rocket/missile science. In order, the best time to stop a neighbor's missile from messing up your back yard is:

1. When the missile is still in the backyard of the neighbor who intends to mess yours up;

2. When the missile is on the launch pad;

3. When the missile is in the boost phase, already having been launched;

4. When the missile is post-boost, but pre-entry, still under guidance systems; and lastly,

5. When the warhead is headed to your backyard at hypersonic speeds, possibly post-guidance.

The last, #5 option, is really very poor indeed: the likelihood of conducting a successful intercept, is very small and even then you will spread whatever the intended warhead was to deliver over a large area ... your backyard.

The best option is blowing the bastard up before he shoots ... but then they can always claim that you "started it," assuming that hostilities had not commenced. So the next best option is to shoot it down in early boost: the gunk falls across your enemy's turf. It is also vastly easier to hit something before it gets to space and goes hypersonic.

So here's Barry-O telling us today that we are going to be safer by using seaborne anti-missile systems and theater defense systems. By definition, these try to shoot terminal phase warheads ... "incoming." Remember the Patriot missiles in the Gulf War? When they did manage to hit the incoming SCUD, the debris still rained down all over our troops / parts of Israel. Had those warheads contained bio-warfare gunk, we'd have been screwed. Yet, Barry-O insists that this will make it safer.

Barry-O is lying to us. That is not politics, that is science.

And what may make the whole world a lot less safe is that he has just rolled over to the Russians. This craven surrender must have made Putin choke on his morning coffee: Obama is stupider, more naive than they had hoped. This is letting them off the hook without costing a lousy rouble! This greenhorn thinks that by being nice the Russians will suddenly play nice too: perhaps get tough with Ahmadinejad -- as opposed to U.N. sanctions and similar navel-contemplation. "Dmitry! I think that Western Europe needs to pay a little more for heating gas this Winter, don't you? And the frikkin Ukraine can freeze."

In fact, I have it on good authority that when Putin finished peeing and laughing, he did call in Medvedev and told him what Barry-O brought them for Christmas. Dmitry coughed his coffee through his nose too, causing Putin to pee his pants again.

And our allies in Eastern Europe -- who have shown real friendship sending troops to Iraq and Afghanistan where Sarko-slime was disdainful -- are left holding an empty bag which was meant to provide security and cover against a hungry imperialist Bear. The Czechs and Poles must be loving us just now, as should every German with a smattering of physics and some knowledge of history. Because we have just stabbed them all in the back. Thanks, Barry. Should we expect another apology-tour, for the latest failing?

But how does that affect us, over here in Pelosi-land? If you can't see it, you do not deserve to vote, but if you voted for Barry-O, you probably should be disqualified anyway. Every shit-heel, tin pot dictator now knows that without question Obama really is a wimp. All you have to do is stare him down and he will blink.

In October 1962 someone blinked. That person was Russian (Soviet variety). In September 2009, another socialist blinked. That person was Barrack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America. I forecast that Barry will "get something in his eye" and start blinking a lot in the next year or two. Manchurian, indeed.

I hope I am around to see the dawn of a new age.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ACORN -- the tip of the iceberg.

PLEASE -- at least read the information contained at the link at the bottom of this blog!!!
The media refuse to acknowledge that ACORN might just be a vast criminal organization -- think something like RICO. CBS / NBC / ABC won't even dignify the fact that three urban ACORN offices have been caught on tape helping out a pimp and a ho to set up a nice local business -- tax free and with government-guaranteed bank loans (performance art).

On many levels this disturbs me.

1. ACORN is apparently organized to provide information to encourage its constituency to evade taxes. As in "felony tax evasion." The clear implication is that non-ACORN folks are the ones who need / should pay taxes to provide government services to the country as a whole. But if you are with "us," then not.

2. ACORN clearly advocates violation of local laws (prostitution within the States outside of Federal territory is not a Federal offense -- at least not that I know of) -- contributing to the sense of lawlessness in the communities that ACORN serves. How can a society clean up its act when its leaders allow women to sell themselves within the heart of the community?

3. ACORN has consistency through its offices: voter registration fraud by ACORN has been heavily documented throughout the United States, and now pimp/ho tax evasion and fraud -- don't forget they were trying to secure government sponsored loans (to import underage girls from abroad) by misrepresentation and outright lies.

4. While prostitution perhaps should be regulated for health reasons -- though by no means could ACORN be viewed as assisting in this -- the importation of underage girls from abroad -- teen or younger sex slaves -- is so beyond the pale that it is hard to conceive that this is not a national scandal. And yet ACORN employees did not blink at the concept. And not just in one office, either.

5. ACORN is set to receive billions of dollars -- our tax dollars -- from Obama / Pelosi / Reid. If Obama can step into the conflict between a Cambridge police officer and a Harvard blow-bag, perhaps he could ensure that voter fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy to defraud the government doesn't occur in the organization his administration supports. In organizations where he claims his political roots. Can you imagine if this were some Republican-leaning religious group? Would ABC/NBC/CBS be all over this? Would it not be front page news in the New York Times?

6. Obama calls Kanye West a "jackass" because he crashed some stupid award ceremony ... but he is silent about this? Sure mass media is in the Obama-bag ... they are looking to the White House for guidance as to what propaganda to broadcast. So why don't we hear anything?

7. The Census Bureau just cut its ties with ACORN. Today. What in hell was a government agency doing with them in the first place given their documented fraudulent conduct in voter registration?

And we would all be complete idiots if we did not recognize that ACORN is probably just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these "grass roots" organizations. Obama wants us all to give to community service -- our time and money. Obama wants to set up a civil army (oxymoron?) where all youth are passed through these community service set-ups ... why? I don't buy the argument "for the national good," since there is no evidence that anything from Obama is for the national good. Rather everything seems to be for the good of the Democrat electorate, for those who receive taxes and do not pay them. To indoctrinate and brainwash an admittedly ignorant American youth.

What follows is critical:

Do yourself a favor. Google "Saul Alinsky." Read the usual leftist-edited Wiki on him. Read between the lines. Then read some other stuff, particularly the Tom Hayden article at

Don't stop there if you doubt who Alinsky was and what he represented -- there's lots to read.

Then understand that Obama is an acolyte of Alinksy. The Washington Post and Newsweek have both documented this: Obama learned and taught the Alinsky method of community organizing in Chicago. Alinksy. NPR has tape on it ... they are proud of their President's radical / Marxist roots. If you learn about Alinksy, understand that Obama is a disciple ... and the rest of the mess we are in as a country will suddenly make sense.

Oh shit.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Obama claims that we are going to save the world through a new form of Medicare.


In case it has escaped you, Medicare is a signal failure as an organization: it will go bankrupt as early as 2017 (estimated by Medicare's own Trustees). Yet, we are going to find ways to cut the waste to help fund universal health care ... 'cause that is what is being proposed under the guise of "available" and "affordable" health plans. In the U.K., they just tax you for it in advance, so the average Brit thinks "its free." Right. But this is nearly the same sort of Ponzi being run by Barry O. I wish I could sell them some waterfront Nevada real estate.

The situation IS grave, Obama is correct about this: the gap between revenues and expenses in Medicare is estimated as ... it makes me sick ... $37 TRILLION over the next 75 years. And again, that is the best estimate from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. But yet, Obama thinks it wise to set up another one of these sink-holes. That is, he is going to save us by compounding the error by a factor of 10?

So where is Barry gonna get the loot? His savings will have to come (at least partly) at the expense of seniors already enrolled in Medicare programs run by private companies ... that is to the tune of $177 billion. That means 24% of seniors are going to have to figure something else out. Perhaps the "Public Option." You see, Obama thinks that this money is going to "pad the the profits" of the insurance companies and that it does not improve he quality of care for the seniors. One wonders if Obama has ever had to call a government agency for something so minor as a passport, as opposed to something so vital as medications. Think about it: getting a government flunky on the line has ever gotten anyone anywhere -- it must be far better to risk the labyrinth of the insurance company than the surety of the government stonewall.

Actually Barry is dead wrong about the quality of care -- again -- because the program we are talking about "Medicare Advantage" DOES improve the health care of the seniors : enrollment has doubled since 2003. So the logical thing to do for the true socialist is to eliminate the sole private -- and efficient -- part of the Medicare system.

In his speech, Barry absolutely denied "Death Panels." Yeah, so would I, if I were in his boots. But what I would not do is to in the same speech talk about an "independent commission of doctors and medical experts charged with identifying waste...." Heck, that is the Death Panel!!! You see, what is waste to one person, is vital life-sustaining medication to another. And when a government-appointed and run Commission sets about making the determination of what constitutes waste, you can bet that it will be their view of waste that will trump yours. "Independent?" Don't insult me, Mr. Obama. Nothing about you or your administration is "independent" or bi/non-partisan. Nothing. So does this rise to the status of "Lie," similar to coverage for illegals? IT IS WORSE. It is pre-planned systematic life-triage, and I, for one, cannot brook that in these United States.

Mr. Barry O also wants us to believe that his new program can be run efficiently: fraud is currently running between 3% and 10% of all healthcare expenses. Wanna guess where the bulk of this occurs? Private insurance companies are dragons when it comes to getting them to pay for honest medicine ... think that Medicare is as good? Hardly a day goes by without some massive fraud being exposed in Medicare.

Think that Medicare provides good service? Well, don't get sick: too many days in hospital, and all of a sudden, you are footing the uninsured bill. And the vast bulk of medical expenses typically occur in the last 18 months of life. Who gets screwed? Seniors.

Doctors? My father is/was a doctor ... and he will tell you that Medicare provides almost laughable payments, coupled with a burden or paperwork that induces most private physicians to refuse Medicare patients: "the practice is full." Why? Well, it is Washington again, providing attention to insane levels of detail (someone has to justify their job, too), and making a conscious decision to force the physician/hospital to subsidize their costs: i.e., overcharge the others to make ends meet. So Medicare gets by with lower costs. This is an indirect taxation of the hard-working in America. Wanna guess how much this subsidy amounts to? The average PPO covered family pays an extra $1788 a year to bail out Medicare and Medicaid, that's $89 Billion each year in total. You want choice? Well you are going to have to pay for it.

Not that Medicare costs are low: when the total/real cost is tallied, that is, including the army of collection agents, accountants, inspectors, human resources and policy personnel are included, the putative administrative costs are doubled. Do you think that the Public Option will be any different?



It just gets better and better

Just read something about Bush's Faith-Based Initiative ... which was totally destroyed by the Liberal media for stepping on the boundaries of church and state, etc.... And now Obama moves forward with it and it is EXACTLY like Bush's. Except the churches receiving funding are of HIS choosing. That is, Obama gets to siphon off money to quasi-political religious fronts to further his agenda.

Forgotten what this was about? Bush got smeared all over the front pages of every mass media news outlet for funding social initiatives through churches and other religious organizations. The Liberals went crazy: this is setting up a religious-political party, a violation of Constitutional separation of state and religion, a naked grab for votes for Christian-based candidates ... it went on and on. Front page news, Sunday talk shows ... and yet now Obama gets to drive the bus, it is just peachy. And news? Try looking for it. If you find it all at, it will be buried in the third page of the "National" section.

Why does this bother me? Because you need to look at the organizations Obama has been associated with -- remember Rev. J. Wright? Or for that matter, look at Van Jones? Obama is a black nationalist, an adherent of Black Liberation Theology. Obama is the face of Acorn and its style of community activism, which has just been re-exposed in the media (albeit Fox and Glenn Beck) as promoting tax evasion and prostitution. Really!

All of which leads to the question: "exactly what sort of "social services" are we talking about?" What is the Obama administration going to fund and why aren't true constitutionalists freaking out about this?

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Obama spoke last night. A speech full of hope and aspirations, and very light on actual ideas.

Obama did not really explain how this was to be paid for ... mere claims that "we will make savings" not only sounds hollow, but out-of-touch. Yes, the Public Option would take your money to provide you insurance and that would ostensibly pay for "95%" of the costs ... but the rest from "savings?" Has Mr. Obama any examples of where government intervention actually produces "savings?"

If the Postal Service was efficient enough to generate savings, would UPS and Fedex exist? If the military was efficient, would $30 hammers exist, or $150 toilet seats?" Or $100 million plus fighter aircraft (per piece)? I am sorry, but is there one government service or bureaucracy that is efficient at all? Even if we blame "pork" ... won't there be pork in the Health Service?

Clearly, the notion of "savings" is laughable. There won't be, instead the taxpayer will subsidize it and we all KNOW it. Even Liberals if they had a grain of honesty anywhere in their craniums. Obama's claim that small businesses won't be hurt is also complete crap: they will be forced to provide what they cannot afford, forcing them out of business.

The "illegal question" is ... as one Congressman put it, a lie. It is like Bill Clinton saying that a blowjob is not sex. While it may be true that coverage is not directed towards illegals and they might not be able to buy it from the Government, they will certainly be covered by the taxpayer every time that they go to the emergency room to have their sniffles looked at. And that is indirect coverage. Assuming that in the effort to produce "savings" the Government establishes Uncle Sam Hospitals ... do you think that these taxpayer funded institutions will turn away those without coverage?

Obama irritates me further when he ties the welfare of our economy to health care reform. Without it, he says, our economy is doomed to tank. No, Mr. Obama, with it in place as you foresee it, our economy will drown in deficits. It is already choking the life out of states that have already enacted healthcare legislation substantially similar to what you are proposing.

And as to tort reform -- elimination of the fear of frivolous lawsuits and ludicrous awards -- Obama promised to look into what has been done in some states to address it. But that is a FAR cry of determining to effect it. It is so weak, in fact, as to be meaningless. A sop.

But so is Obama.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Who are they kidding?

Ted Kennedy was an asshole. Not the great all-serving, kind, thoughtful man his is portrayed to be by the media. But a certifiable sphincter.

How he got away with murder is still not clear, but the same media that trips over themselves to support Obama's ill-considered support for Eric Holder conducting a CIA witch-hunt, manages to gloss over a crass, needless murder.

Did you know that there is forensic evidence that Mary Jo lived at least a couple of hours before suffocating? Did you know that the bridge he drive off of was not on the way to the Edgartown Ferry (he was driving her there to catch the last ferry so she could get to her hotel) -- not even remotely close? Ted, a Hyannis - MV regular since birth knew that. There is no mystery here: even the inquest Judge said that at a minimum it was manslaughter. But the Commonwealth chose not to file. Why? And by the way, Ted's wife Joan was pregnant at the time that Ted was driving a pretty young campaign worker ... not back to her hotel. Joan subsequently suffered a miscarriage.

Ted was not prosecuted because he was a Kennedy. Simple. You or I would have had to face the music, and given the inexcusable delay in reporting, the sheer nonsense about getting lost, the recklessness of driving at speed (he was seen by an off-duty sheriff), our trial would be ugly.

Ted was also expelled from Harvard. Ted, you see, was a jock ... a football player ... and when his athletic eligibility was threatened, he got a friend to take his Spanish test for him. Spanish. They were caught and expelled. Three years later he was re-admitted to Harvard and played football through senior year. In the interim between being expelled and re-admitted, he had enlisted in the Army.

In the Army, Ted was posted to SHAEF in Paris, as part of the honor guard.... His maternal grandfather (Honey-Fitz) and his father's political connections ensured that he would not have to go to Korea to fight in the war raging there at the time. Along the way, Ted briefly was considered for duty with military intelligence ... but was found lacking in some way and dropped. The military refuses to divulge why ... and like won't ever do so.

Consider: would you or I ever have been readmitted to Harvard? Would we have gone to Korea? Yet Ted, man of the people, appears to have skated through murder, cheating and patronage without the merest whiff of foul-smelling media-taint. "Lion of Liberalism." Does that mean King? Is Liberalism the monarchy of corruption and hypocrites?

The Lion also created one of the most partisan and disgusting episodes in Senate history: the systematic slandering of Judge Robert Bork. To "Bork" someone is now part of our lexicon ... thanks to Ted Kennedy. The left saw no problem in destroying a man's reputation, career and personal life -- on fabrications because the man was ideologically different. Yet, Pelosi today states, "we won, we get to pick." Somehow that's OK to the left. When Clarence Thomas can to bat, Ted was silent ... and arguably if you had to pick jurists, Thomas can't hold a candle to Bork. But Thomas' problem was one of sexual harassment, and even Ted could not afford to cast those stones: he was front and center at the time with the William Kennedy Smith murder. And also being photographed all over Europe fornicating and boozing with much younger blonde women.

Ted never saw pork he didn't like: although he voted against almost every weapons system for the military that came before the Senate, he did vote for the F-18 variant that the Navy did not want ... the engines were built in Massachusetts.

Kennedy was very vocal supporter of health care reform (read "free" health care for all), immigration reform (read "come one, come all -- you're all welcome) and gay and lesbian rights (OK, why not?). He was also a strong supporter for freedom for abortion ... a difficult position for a reputed devout Catholic. Ted always made a big show of his "faith." How he reconciled that "faith" with his political stances, his actions with women and progressivism, I can't figure out. Yet he received his first communion from Pope Pius XII, and had a Cardinal do his funeral. For that matter, how does the Catholic Church reconcile its positions?

Ted did not lead a life we can relate to. He espoused populist politics and lived the life of the elitist scion that he was. A complete and total hypocrite. A common thread in Liberal politics. Maybe he was the King after all....