Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What if?

What if the government knows that this flu is in fact a hell of a lot more dangerous than they are making it out to be? Why would they not take immediate action?

The answer is relatively simple: politics. If we, the United States, were to take the actions that would seems prudent in a potentially highly contagious and deadly flu, it would include shutting borders, enforcing quarantines, shutting schools, etc. All actions which would serve to poke the economy in the eye -- squash any chance at a politically necessary recovery. If the recovery does not happen this year, Obama and the Democratic Party is dead in 2010.

So rather than taking the prudent steps to reign in any pandemic, Napolitano (she will be the designated "fall guy" -- the Obama administration is VERY good at insulating Barry from any blame), the Government decides to "let it ride" and hope that this does not turn out to be the repeat of 1918. Better to risk a few civilian deaths than the political future of the Party -- a very Liberal view and one that would find favor with V.I. Lenin. Make no mistake, it is the Party that they wish to protect and they could not give a rat's ass about the economy or your savings. It is about power, pure and simple. Isn't it far easier to just claim that its too late or difficult to contain?

Obama may get away with this -- the virulence seems to be less in the United States than Mexico -- but the rest of the world is taking this far more seriously than we are. So there are two options: either we are right and the rest of the world is wrong, or we are hiding something. Further to that idea: the CDC has simulated every possible breakout, pandemic and viral/bateriological assault on the United States. They have to know with some certainty what the odds are. The CDC is controlled by Barry Obama's government. Why hasn't he told us what the CDC knows? Rather than mumbling through Napolitano's crap at news conferences, why not let us know what they know? If the news is good, then that is a great re-assurance. If it is bad, they why the hell are you not taking precautions (maybe release of 25% of our Tamiflu stockpile is that) -- unless you are "protecting" the economy and your political ass?

Would Obama risk lives to save his own political heine? If you even question this, you have not been paying attention.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Taxes and torture

Not really much of a link, except that to pay taxes is another form of torture.

So Congress was having hearings on the "cap and trade" proposals spewing forth from the Obama White House, and who do you suppose should be paraded front and center? Gore. Mr. Inconvenient -- the body of whose work has been systematically demolished by scientists and even the IPCC (which is known to embrace every crackpot theory of global warming -- though it is now called climate change).

Mr. Gore is positions (in the financial sense of the word) for cap and trade and alternative energy mandates, running at least two hedge funds dedicated to the same, as well as loads of private equity money. Al, you should recuse yourself in favor of scientists without economic portfolio. As in Lord Monckton.

Lord Monckton:

According to Monckton, Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), Ranking Member on the Energy & Commerce Committee, had invited him to go head to head with Gore and testify at the hearing on Capitol Hill Friday. But Monckton now says that when his airplane from London landed in the U.S. on Thursday, he was informed that the former Vice-President had “chickened out” and there would be no joint appearance. Gore is scheduled to testify on Friday to the Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment's fourth day of hearings on the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009. The hearing will be held in 2123 Rayburn House Office Building.

Why? As James Hansen (in the tank with Gore and someone who has created a lucrative career in hyping global warming -- even though he has no training in the subject of climatology at all) said: "Skepticism can confuse the public." Confuse? The public is ostensibly smart enough to understand your pseudo-science as to warming, but insufficiently smart to process a repudiation of the pseudo-science? It sounds more like Hansen, Gore, et al. are afraid of the public learning how they have been manipulated to further political goals for the sake of social engineering: the Left's goal of universal socialism.

Monckton terrifies the climate cabal -- who are largely social engineers, not climate experts: Monckton has challenged Gore and any other global warming-type to debate in an open forum. Any time any place. It is not as if Monckton is some looney trying to gain some fame. Monckton was Thatcher's science advisor and has been at the forefront of attempts of serious scientists to bring the hoax to the attention of the public. For a good synopsis of Gore's lies, by Monckton.

And on to "Cap and Trade": Rep John Dingell (D) has gone on to say, cap and trade is a tax ... and a big one at Gore's hearing on Thursday. Gore agreed, but pointed out that a direct energy tax and cap and trade when used to together have been most efficient when used together, as in two other industrialized states that have done it without harm to their economy (paraphrased). Trouble is, Uncle Al does tell us which countries these success stories are. Nor can he because it has not been a success in any country that is comparable to the United States. Sorry, Al. Another inconvenient truth. When you cannot get Dingell on board, you stand assured that all the other rust-belt Dems will be leaving you at this station too.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What is it about the left?

What the hell is it about the Left that feels the need to prosecute, to take revenge? There is something so mean spirited about them: they shout down anyone with different views, they arrest journalists, they fire university presidents who are insufficiently Liberal (or dare to question politically correct orthodoxy), they seek to prosecute those tasked with protecting our country -- those who sacrifice has permitted the Left to be small-minded. And yet conservatives are the ones painted with that brush ... by the Liberal media. Ironic.

But in going after the Dept. of Justice lawyers who strangulated our Constitution in seeking a legalistic justification for "torture," they may be stepping too far. It may set a precedent that the Left may live to regret. So far, the Right has not sought to pick scabs and pull apart the misdeeds of the left ... left the entire Clinton morass alone, ignored the excesses of LBJ, the negligence of the Carter years. So far the Right has left the massively corrupt Democratic party machine alone (think of Chicago, my friends, or Boston, Providence, Philadelphia, Detroit, New York, Seattle, Sacramento) ... but you start shooting for staff of the previous administration, then you have picked a fight you cannot win. For in two years, after the inevitable mid-term sweep for the other party comes into effect, you could find yourself with a raft of investigations and prosecutions that will make your head spin. Just think of how many Obama nominees have been forced to withdraw or have been forgiven their little "errors." How about the fact that in many cases the statutes of limitations have not run on these peccadillos? And Obama cannot pardon them in advance of indictment.

You want to pick a fight? Maybe Americans have had enough of the sleaze. And that is the gravitational black hole that Barry's men have opened up. You don't want to do this Barry. Really.

Napolitano -- Cosa Nada

How on Earth did this moron ascend the rungs of the ladder of power? Surely she is too stupid to know how? Is there some sort of vast left-wing joke being foisted upon the unsuspecting ... some sort of plot to ridicule our great nation in front of the world?

Remember Enid Blighton's character, Noddy? The moronic boy-man with a bell on the end of his hat? Noddy would be better qualified to run Homeland than Janet Napo. The Napster was being interviewed on CBC ... the Canadian state-run propaganda network ... then she asserted that the 9/11 hijackers came into the U.S. through Canada. The idea being to support her call for strengthening our Northern borderot emulate the barricade to the South. Apart from the fact that we know that the 9/11 terrorist basically flew in directly from Saudi Arabia, when informed of that, Napster responded that she "I can't talk to that, I can talk to the future. And that future is that we have borders." Really.

Hey Noddy, a few weeks ago in another interview you stated that the risks to the North were just as great as the risks to the South and should therefore get the same build-out. Hello? Earth to Noddy ... come in ... are you aware of near civil war in Canada to control the vast Canadian drug smuggling problem, with Canadians shooting each other by the thousands and kidnapping each other hourly? And those Canadians are obviously a threat to our unemployment lines in the U.S. with those nasty Canadians willing to work for pennies, lined up at Taco Bell waiting for day jobs.... Sending that money back home, avoiding paying Canadian or U.S. taxes.... AND holy crap, they may import that nasty hockey game that is polluting the minds of innocent American children, or worse, some Quebecers may try and teach us French!!!

Noddy, you are an idiot. And it scares me to death that someone as ignorant as you controls the vital security of our country. Cheney, hell. I'd rather see that lunatic watching our shores than you.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Chinese ... more like Trojans (not that kind!).

To anyone out there that is not:(a) Chinese; or (b) an idiot-reflexive anti-American, it is clear that the Chinese have engaged in industrial-strength military espionage. Of the "cyber-variety". To hear the Chinese deny that agents under their control have targeted the United States is insulting. To think that there are those out there that believe the Chinese is even more than insulting ... it makes my head shake in wonderment at their sub-human stupidity.

Of course the Chinese are trying to steal everything they can that Americans are stupid enough to leave accessible to the internet. Duh. My beef is with this Administration (and the last one and the one before that) in that they are negligent enough to permit this to continue. To permit sensitive data of ANY form to exist with internet access. It is like putting an ATM in a maximum security prison: these folk are dedicated to the voodoo, that they do ... so well. Frikking idiots! Dolts! So we, the taxpayers, spend billions upon billions to advance our technology ahead of the Chinese, Russians, French (and every other species of techno-thief), only to provide them with annotated manuals once we do all the work? It is like manufacturing anything in China: within months Chinese competitors will have mushroomed into existence building your product to your specs ... and 1/2 of the cost, subsidized by Beijing ... to put you out of business.

Torture. Is evil. And so are the Al Qaeda cretins on which we have practiced it. I hope I never know anything so important to someone that they would be willing to torture me for it -- but in the case of Sheik Mohammed, anyone that puts his human rights ahead of the need to empty his mind of any and all data, just does not remember 9/11. Or the chaos of genocidal Iraq. He was not "in it" for understanding. He was "in it" to kill Americans. Given that simple truth, I could care less what happens to him. Sorry.

Obama went to the "Company" to re-assure them that he values what our intelligence community does for our country. And there are also people who will try to convince you that a sigmoidoscope won't hurt. The reason Bush had to resort to torture of any Arab-type he could put his hands on was that on 9/12 we -- Americans -- had no intelligence network to speak of after 8 years of Clinton. Clinton was a man who believed that we could solve all of the world's problems by negotiating with them, showing them what nice and decent people we are. In this regard, Clinton was an idiot.

When people swear oaths to their Gods that they will not stop until the enemy is dead ... the enemy had better take this seriously. There is no substitute for humint (human, on the ground, paid-for, spies). Always was. Always will be. And Clinton/Obama didn't and don't understand this. Bush didn't, but tried very hard to catch up.

The intelligence community knows that Obama is a Clintonian idiot. And they fear for America and American lives. So do I.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Katie Couric -- media hack

Yesterday Ms. Couric received an award, the prestigious Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Television Journalism at USC.

But let's be clear, she received this award for a piece of advocacy, not journalism. This award came to her for the "mugging" of Sarah Palin during her infamous interview with Couric. That by itself would have Cronkite turning in his grave, but note that it was not so much the interview that gave her the award, because it was not journalism at all, but the result. She shot down the Republican candidate for Vice President.

At the time, it was clear that Couric's "gotcha" question was subject to more than possible answer, and that prior to the interview being scripted, Couric herself would not have known the answer: even David Gergen was unsure. There has never been a "Bush Doctrine" as something delineated and expounded by the Bush White House. It has been determined to be the policy of pre-emption (military or otherwise) to preserve national interests and security -- but by academics and those seeking to hang a label on White House policy. Certainly, nothing the Bush White House did could clarify that label ... nothing that this writer has seen in the myriad of insane responses to global events could be construed as following any coherent policy. So Couric's question, designed to sound knowledgeable, is/was a ploy to discredit and humiliate Palin.

Let's also be clear on this: McCain needed his head tested in selecting Palin. Get elected first, then get her in some position where she could gain some international and federal experience. Then, perhaps, she might be ready for the Big Stage.

PERHAPS MORE IMPORTANTLY, John Ziegler -- a notorious right winger who seeks to expose media bias, was arrested yesterday trying to attend this awards ceremony. Why? The event was not sold out -- so there was plenty of space in the auditorium -- he was not trying to force his way in. He was standing outside trying to interview people in attendance.

He came to attend a ceremony that is handing out an award in journalism ... as a journalist ... and he is arrested by Kampus Kops who told him he couldn't do that. They would not say why, but they felt that Ziegler needed to be handcuffed. Where are Ziegler's First Amendment rights? What would the result have been had the award been given to Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore was arrested? Would we not have seen universal and loud anguish, nationally? But if you do not listen to Fox, you won't hear or learn of this.

The Left were awarding a soldier in the great cause of Liberal conquest. A conservative journalist was trying to show left-wing media bias for what it is ... and got arrested, his Constitutional rights violated for his pains. The Left do not mind when Constitutional rights are violated, just so long as it is conservatives (small "c" or big "C") who are being targeted.

Starting to smell like 1936 to me.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Baggers

This is a derisive term normally used to describe someone "without a clue" or someone of terminal dweebish tendencies. It has also suddenly become a term to denigrate people who attend "Tea Parties." "Tea" as is Taxed Enough Already. Those Tea fans are both Democrats and Republicans, as well as a broad spectrum of independent and people who are sick of government by the elite.

Keith Olberman and Anderson Cooper think it is funny to describe protesters -- Americans of all stripes and political persuasions as Teabaggers. "It is hard to talk when you are teabagging", that on national television. He meant the "other" meaning: that of dipping one's scrotum in someone else's mouth. MSNBC / CNBC / CNN are the terrain of these characters. All committed to leftist ideology -- all propagandists for the current adminstration: certainly NOT journalists, by any stretch of the meaning of that word.

It is the elite liberal media writ large: immune to statements that, had they been uttered by a conservative or Republican, would have resulted in the immediate termination of that individual. But it OK to insult and denigrate conservatives. It is yet another example of how the liberal elite are even greater hypocrites than ANY conservatives before them. It is also simply disgusting.

These men should be terminated by their employers. But that is unlikely: leftists can say anything in the cause of the "good fight." All other need not apply. Reminds me of 1936, again.

Barry's BS

Per Robert Gibbs -- Barry's Press Secretary:

"If anybody involved looks at the facts, they'll find out that this president promised and this president delivered on putting more money back into the pockets of hardworking Americans, cut their taxes, made it more affordable to buy a home, made it more affordable to send their kids to go to college, provided tax incentives for businesses to create jobs through things like clean energy," Gibbs told reporters during an afternoon press conference.

Uh huh. This year it will amount to $14 per month for the "average" American worker -- but note that only 50% of the working population pay (or will pay) ANY federal taxes -- and the $14 will fall to between $8 and $11 next year.

Folks, Barry's spending and spending plans for his administration amount to more than ALL THE SPENDING BY ALL PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS, including George W. Bush. That is, more than the total collective spending that has gone before.

Tax incentives for business? Like higher health costs? Like more restrictive legislation enforcing affirmative action and preferences? Higher taxes for small businesses earning over $250,000? Like punitive taxes for executive pay?

More affordable college? Since preferences and affirmative action are now in place, administrated by the White House, there are fewer places available for your kids in the first place if you happen to be "white." AND, the White House is now going to be the instrument which doles out student loans through Sallie Mae.... And you can bet that with the White House in charge, you won't be getting any loans through Sallie if you are not a part of a preference group. So how is this more affordable? At which level?

Clean energy is not and cannot promote jobs or economic health for the country. It costs too much. Pure and simple. It may be laudable, it may be desirable for the environment, but in no way can "clean energy" do anything but hurt the economic recovery ... and hence, us.

The Tea Party phenomenon is about regular folks starting to rebel. The complete failure of the media to report accurately or honestly about the Tea Parties held throughout our country yesterday is proof positive of the conspiracy run by the Left (including our government) to present only their view of reality to the public: this method has been tried by Nazi Germany and by the ex-Soviet bloc. If you don't know better, you won't complain. Goebbel's Big Lie works -- and the Left and their media goons are treading the same path.

George Orwell would clap his hands in glee.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Starting to smell like 1936 ....

Janet Napolitano (hereinafter "Napster" or "Idiot"), feels that it is wise to leak to the press the security assessment that returning veterans pose a risk to the country as "right wing extremists" or "terrorists." This is right after the Obama adminstration outlaws the official use of the word terrorism to describe the 9/11 bombings and similar endeavors ... calling them "man-made disasters" (or some similar crap) instead.

So Mulsim Terrorists do no warrant being called terrorists and their deeds are man-made disasters, but returning veterans ... American citizens having fought for the United States CAN be called terrorists. Or prone to terrorism ... following such right wing extremist philosophies as being anti-tax, anti-immigration and anti-abortion.

"Let me be very clear: We monitor the risks of violent extremism taking root here in the United States. We don't have the luxury of focusing our efforts on one group; we must protect the country from terrorism whether foreign or homegrown, and regardless of the ideology that motivates its violence," Ms. Napolitano said.

Ms. Idiot is a direct pick of Barry O'Tool -- and the Arizona governor who mandated that her state troopers and other law enforcement in Arizona stop enforcing illegal immigration laws. Result? Phoenix, Arizona is the kidnapping capital OF THE WORLD. That's right folks. More of that happening in Pheonix than anywhere else on the planet. Largely, Mexican on Mexican, but you can be sure that the sun rises and Somali pirates see shipping as easy pickings, kidnapping in Phoenix will spread.

And this MORON, this putrid excrescence of a woman has the gall to cite our returning veterans as a risk? If they are a risk, it is only because they could be so nauseated by what the Obama administration (her included) are doing to our country that they might feel the need to defend the Constitution of the United States. Something that clearly is being violated in letter and spirit by one sworn to defend it. The Ultimate Manchurian Candidate.

So how does this smell like 1936? Well, if you disagreed with the government, you became a suspect of treason and subversion -- here in 2009, to disagree with taxation without representation, to disagree with placing our nation is irretrievable debt is racist and worthy of having Homeland Security taking an interest in you. Remember how our nation got started? Something about a Tea Party.

Acorn, Barry's equivalent of the Sturmabteilung of 1936 have sworn to disrupt and infiltrate Tea Parties that are springing up around the nation. The media, too, are doing their part to supress the real and righteous anger of the people -- nothing but "right wing whack jobs."

As this blog surmised months ago, the real risk here is that certain states that don't want to lead life as the Eastern Liberal Elites would have them do so ... just pick up their marbles and tell Barry to shove it up his socialist ass. Which National Guard unit will fight Texas? Which Army unit will you find to do Obama's bidding ... or Janet Napster's? If I were them, I'd be far more worried about having too many of those units stationed too close to Washington....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Obama's triumph .. or is it?

Barry just scored one for the Gipper. If you believe the press, that is.

Supposedly, Barry gave the order to take the pirates out if there was cause to believe that the captain of the Maersk Alabama was in immediate danger. That is the story and the administration is sticking with that. But it has so many holes in it with regards to leadership that it makes me nauseous to see all the lefties jumping around beating their chest that "their man" had stood up to the pirates. But when was this "order" (if it was) given?

Let's be clear about this: had the Administration (that is, Obama and his handlers) made that determination from the start, the captain would not have spent 5 days in captivity at gun point. Just how "immediate" does immediate have to be? Isn't being at gunpoint held by teenage pirates pretty damn serious and immediately dangerous to start with. Just how much more dangerous does it have to get? Or, how can it get more dangerous?

So, it is clear that the first time the captain jumped into the water -- to get separation from the pirates to permit the destroyer Bainbridge to blow it out of the water -- there was either: (a) an official policy of do nothing and watch (a favorite of Obama's that the Left continually applauds him for); (b) no policy at all, even though aware of the crisis -- a complete failure of leadership; or (c) Obama thought it beneath his consideration in the first place, preferring to let things take their course, maybe try some negotiation to look like a measured and careful statesman. To be sure, these options are pretty similar, but also sufficiently different to give pause to ask, "what the hell was going on here?" A fair thing to ask of the man with his finger on the button.

One hint as to the questions/options listed above is provided by Obama himself during a news conference (about another subject) on Thursday last: when asked about the hijacking crisis, he got "testy" with the press and chided in an angry tone, "[h]ey guys, we are talking about housing here!" No, President Obama, the NATION was talking about the hijacking of a U.S. flagged vessel by Third World pirates, Islamic pirates, something that had not happened since Thomas Jefferson was forced to send U.S. warships to the Med. to kick the ass of some other pirates -- who happened to be Muslim as well. The Bey of Algiers was known to have sanctioned attacks and piracy on the infidels -- who were beneath contempt as unbelievers. Not that I believe that this was the case here: the Somalis are operating under the "Golden Rule." Simply.

It seems that Obama was out of touch, just not too bothered by this historic event. A minor thing in the big scheme of global politics, unimportant compared to domestic housing issues. There was a time where a Roman citizen anywhere in the world was able to proceed about his business pretty much with impunity: if the locals decided to mug, kill or steal from him, the wrath of Rome would be visited on upon their miserable asses. It worked pretty well, and kept crime away from the citizens of that Empire.

Now while I am hardly an imperialist, I DO LIKE the notion that people should not feel free to mug me abroad as a defenseless foreigner. One of the benefits of being an American -- who is taxed on his world-wide income for the privilege of being one and enjoying those "benefits" -- is that your country will stand behind you, protect you and further your enjoyment of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And if you are rational (hence probably not Liberal), you probably share these thoughts.

I don't really care if, as the loonies on the left claim, the Europeans and Asians have fished the waters off of Somalia clean. Not my issue. I don't really care if their government is too corrupt to provide a stable environment for their welfare: if I did, then I would be interefering in their local affairs -- always condemned by the Left and characterized as imperialist. So I am content to let their tribal pettiness and brutality continue amongst themselves, so long as it does not touch or affect Americans. I draw the line there. And if American allies want to sign on to this mutual protection pact, all the better. The Left (including Obama) can't have it both ways: we can't be delicate hands-off diplomats and also ensure that things don't get out of hand locally -- the two goals are mutually exclusive. Anyone who thinks that the UN or international censure works has not being paying attention to history, either recent or at any time in the past.

Truth is this: force works. The playground bully stops his actions when his teeth are knocked down his throat ... when it becomes too expensive to the bully in real terms to continue. It has always been this way, and will continue to be this way no matter how much our touchy-feeley friends on the Left think otherwise. You can't merely legislate good behavior without the threat in the background to enforce it.

Back to Barry and the Pirates. Since there was immediate danger from the start, the obvious conclusion is that under the rules of engagement then outstanding, there was nothing for the Captain of the Bainbridge to do except shadow some pirates and hope something would happen. Subsequently, the opportunity arose to take out the pirates and someone in the military -- who are used to making decisions, no matter how much the Left would seek to knock this unpleasant trait out of them -- made the call to kill the pirates. Immediate danger my ass -- some determined to stop this nonsense before the pirates could do something stupid or get the captain ashore. You can be SURE that the shooting was not the result desired by the Administration, but seeing that the population approved, they'll take the credit, notwithstanding the fact that our SEALS killed three desperate teenagers (which would have been the call had a Republican president made it).

Obama deserves no credit here. None.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Foreign Blunders

Mr. Obama came back from the G-20 having achieved nothing. Absolutely nothing. He tried to get commitments from our "allies" to support the Afghanistan effort. Nothing there either. So, in effect out President was shown the door by everyone, except Turkey. Turkey was only too pleased to have Obama come and kiss their Turkish, claiming that there is no war on Islam, than the "War on Terror" doesn't exist -- or won't be called that anymore.

Obama, then, proved to be the doormat that everyone had hoped -- in stark contrast to Boosh, whom everyone called an idiot. Much better for business to have a weak President in the White House.

Weak? Yes. North Korea thumbed their noses at us. The Pakistanis thumbed their noses at us and ... Somali pirates seized or attempted to seize a U.S. flagged vessel on the high seas. Sure, you may say, lots of countries have had vessels seized ... but that is a reflection of the fact that most of those countries are surrender monkeys or didn't have the means with which to fight back. Even the Russians paid the ransom for their tanks and stuff (how embarrassing to get caught shipping weapons to people that clearly don't need or should have those things).

The last time U.S. ships were seized by pirates, the U.S. Navy was created. And the U.S. Navy proceeded to kick ass ever since. U.S. able bodied seamen fought off the pirates on the Maersk Alabama, resulting in only their Captain hostage to pirates. That by itself is unique. But the affront shows that raggies in speedboats no longer have respect for the U.S. flag hanging from the stern of a ship. That is, they know that the U.S.. President is a surrender monkey. Could be French, for all I know.

There is only one possible acceptable result to this attempted hijacking: Somalis swinging from the yardarm of a U.S. naval vessel. Or at least its equivalent. But knowing Obama, he'd probably send the pirates to Kenya (as others have done -- and it is his "hometown" anyway or Chicago, depending on whom you listen to Alan Keyes, anyone?), and in Kenya, the "poor pirates, driven by greedy factory ships from their fishing grounds" will be set free.

They are pirates not because their fish are gone (if indeed that is so), it is because, cowardly Western nations pay them millions of dollars in ransom on a regular basis. THAT is a powerful incentive. Liberals are always looking for the excuse for the poor and the violence they are surrounded by: look, when is the last time you saw poor Budhist pirates? Or Budhist gang-bangers on the streets of L.A.? It is not poverty that is the genesis of violence, it is the culture. The two most pirate-prone societies on Earth (at least currently) are the peoples of East Africa and Indonesia. They are also overwhelmingly Muslim. Are all the Muslims pirates? Of course not. Are all the pirates Muslim?

And to that end, we seem to be as revoltingly weak as the Europeans that paid tribute to the Algerian Corsairs 200 years ago. It was the fledgling democracy of the United States that stopped it. Maybe the demise of democracy in the United States is consistent with the demise of moral fortitude and why Obama could even get elected. Did you know his next piece of socialism is the blanket grant of amnesty to illegals ... so that they can vote? Do you not imagine that 11 million illegals would, if they could, vote for Obama and his socialist policies, thereby perpetuating this disaster?

Before a reader wets his or her pants wondering how we could stop this piracy anyway, and its not our fault ... know this: the U.S. Navy can track a school of shrimp in the ocean at a remove of many miles. Our subs can sit 100 yards from the stern of Russian "boomers" for weeks without being detected. We can track every pirate mother ship leaving the coast of East Africa, and when proven hostile, we can blow them out of the water. If we made an example or two, I'd imagine they'd go back to fishing, suddenly having found hidden resources.

Saturday, April 04, 2009


Obama stated to Europeans that his biggest job was to convince "them" (meaning Americans) that their best interests was the same at that for the Europeans. I beg to differ ... not that this will be a tough job, but that Europe's interests are aligned with ours.

You see, the Germans, for one, are hoping that they will not have to lash out all sorts of cash to stimulate their economy and those further East. It is cheaper that way: "let the Americans spend all the cash to restart their economy and when they do, we can sell them all sorts of German products, thereby jump-starting the German economy!" That way, we are not in debt, and the Americans are totally dependent on everyone else! Great!

And the French are kid of hoping the same too. Their best interests lie in getting Americans to place themselves into debt forever. Manifestly, our best interests as Americans is to spend as little as possible to get Americans working and spending again ... but to buy American-made goods and services. Yes, we may need to buy raw materials overseas, but as to finished products, we need to the the "value added" at home.

That Obama would commit goodness knows how many billions of dollars to developing countries to help them out (note that this to help them develop, not recover) is simply NOT in America's best interests. I, for one, do not want my children to owe anyone a dime for their/my government's decision to pump money down the toilet of the developing world. For I have little to no doubt that every single dime will be wasted, as most of the stimulus and TARP money has been.

I have no intention whatsoever to help Europe out of their economic bind, or any other country with which we have a balance of payments deficit. Screw them.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Kim dum-sum Il.

North Korea is getting ready to launch a Taepodong 2 missile -- I don't really care if I have spelled this correctly.

It is a "communications" satellite ... you know, it really might have some sort of Sputnik device strapped to the nose. It is not, however, a peaceful and well-intentioned device. If you can launch a satellite into orbit, you can drop a nuke on Washington D.C. There are plenty of companies that will launch a satellite for you at a fraction of the cost of trying to do it yourself: there is no reason for North Korea to do so. They are not and never will be the lowest cost producer of communications satellites.

So the intent is to test a long-range missile with destructive intentions. It will be fired over Japan, which understandably feels less than comfortable about the matter, and probably pointed towards Hawaii or some other area controlled by the United States. And herein lies the point: this is another transparent attempt by North Korea to extract more concessions from the United States. Before some idiot starts pointing the finger at Bush for his appeasement having failed, the real villain here is none other than Bill Clinton, under whose regime NK was allowed to refine fissionable material and develop missile technology. Bill thought they could be trusted, interestingly, because they have never (as in not once) lived up to the terms of any agreement made with the non-communist (of origin) bloc. Never.

With Borat Obama in office, Kim dum-sum Il has decided it is a great time to show off his new toys. By-the-by, how the hell did he recover from whatever happened to him last year? Couldn't someone have shown the bottle to "off" him while recovering? Kim, ever the opportunist, looks to have timed this display with the G-20 meetings and Borat's absence from the United States. Already Borat's men have decided to avoid a confrontation in shooting Kim's toy from space: in so doing, they have confirm the worst we may have suspect about the courage of the O-bots in facing foreign aggression.

And also, in so doing, the Japanese have received marching orders: time to develop our own missile defense strategy and our own -- probably highly efficient -- nuclear deterent. They have to because there is no way that Borat Obama will come to their defense. They are on notice.

The Japanese have Aegis-class missile boats in the Sea of Japan, just in case Kim's Dong 2 goes off course and heads for, say, Tokyo. But this is still relatively unproved technology and will Kim just off of the coast, they will need to improve their defenses. More importantly, Kim's shorter ranged "Dongs" may now be equipped with nukes. And they are accurate and relilable. The Dong 2 launch is all about intimidating the U.S., Japan has been at risk from the Scud-derived missiles for quite a while. What hs changed is that the White House now has a "kumbahyah" weenie in the Oval Office (if not there, at least filling his staff positions). Hell, I'd rather see Hillary or Michelle making the war decisions.

So watch this page: I promise to update again more frequently.

Also: what the hell are we doing giving the Queen an iPod? Filled with Obama's speeches, no less.